Sound Crew


To play the sound cues during the running of the production as designated by the Sound Designer who will train you in advance.


Being "tech savvy" is a bonus, however the desire to be involved, the willingness to learn, and the commitment just to BE THERE are the most valuable qualities required!


• Arrive one hour before show time. Report to Stage Manager. Open tech booth. Start-up sound system (using check list), run pre-show music and announcements.

• At 8 p.m. the Stage Manager will call up to start the show. At this point the Stage Manager will call all the cues and you just press the right buttons! When the show is over the stage manager will thank you and give you the go-ahead to shut down the system (using the check list). Then you turn off the lights, close up the tech booth and go party!


Be available to the Sound Designer at least two weeks before the show opens to learn the show, become familiar with the sound board and all sound cues for that show.


Be prepared to do at least two shifts a week during the standard three-week run. You must arrive one hour in advance, and plays are normally 2 to 2.5 hours plus closing down the booth.


Commitment is what we're looking for from new volunteers. If you commit to running sound for a performance, you must absolutely show up on time and stay for the duration.


After training and orientation with the Sound Designer, you will shadow an experienced operator for one or two shows before you go on your own however, there will always be someone close at hand to answer any questions that you might have.


Coffee, tea, cookies every night, parties on Fridays and Saturdays, friendships etc. throughout… But, most important! As Sound Operator you are part of the show which cannot go on without you. And after all.....The play is the thing!