Task 07
- Create a new folder for execution of the task 07 and copy to the folder all files from the task 05 except of the AV project.
- Add to the new folder the generic projectsym_b57_vis1_prg_cr.aprfrom the homepage. Open project and add to the project all resources as in the task T05.
- Create simulation table nnniii_U1_sim.dbfand generation nodesnnniii_U1_potbased on the nodes theme of your transportation network.
- In the columnOrig_0of thennniii_U1_sim.dbftable, enter population of each selected locality.
Attention !!!!
- Sequence of records in the nnniii_U1_sim.dbftable correspondstothe sequence of the generation nodes in the nnniii_nodattribute table.
- Codes of the records in theID field in the nnniii_U1_sim.dbftable and IDin the nnniii_U1_pot.shpare consistent with theID code in thennniii_nodandare not consistent to the sequence of records in thennniii_msc.dbftable.
- It is recommended to create in the attribute table of nnniii_U1_pot.shpandnnniii_msc.shpa new field of the same type as the fieldKod_08 of Gminy shape file.Then using spatial join and field calculatorcopy values from theKod_08 field of Gminyto the newly created fields in the attribute tables ofnnniii_msc.shp andnnniii_V1_pot.shp. In the last step it is recommended to transfer codes of gminy to the attribute table nnniii_U1_sim.dbf (by joiningnnniii_U1_pot.shpto tablennniii_U1_sim.dbf using IDfields of both tables and coping the code to the appropriate new field.
- It is a good practice to create and use in next tasks – a new attribute table (often named table of correspondence) that consists of two fields:ID(with values corresponding to theIDof generation nodes) andKod_08(with values corresponding to the codes of communitiesin the attribute table of gminyshapefile.
- Next points describe further steps of urban model completion and simulation spatial allocation of three levels of services centres.The size of the services centres will be expressed in the “ability to servicecustomers” (the same type of the unit as in case of analysed linear city)wheretotal ability to servicecustomers (in all three levels) is equal to the total number of the population. In the attribute table nnniii_U1_sim.dbf in the columnDest_0enter values representingability to service customersin each locality, distributing total ability of service on each level of services (equalto 1/3 of population of20 localities) equaly to each locality.
- Set up attributesDst_minandDst_max. Enter values that will not restrict allocation of activities in each locality.
- Create two copies of nnniii_U1_sim.dbf table,named: nnniii_U2_sim.dbf i nnniii_U3_sim.dbf.
- Create two copies of nnniii_U1_potshapefile named: nnniii_U2_pot i nnniii_U3_pot.
- Enter values of trips selectivity 0.005000, 0.000250 i 0.000010respectively to the tables of scenarioU1, U2 iU3.
- Innnniii_U1_kon.dbf table fill up all fields required to run simulation with the attribute table nnniii_U1_sim.dbf.
- Create two new records in the nnniii_U1_kon.dbf table and fill up every field required for simulation with the use of tablesnnniii _U2_sim.dbf i nnniii_U3_sim.dbfrespectively.
- Enter simulation parameters into appropriate fields of the table nnniii_U1_kon.dbf:
- Number of iterations: 200
- Trip intensity coefficient (Nas) equal 1.
- Critical distance (KZK)= maximum time distance between generation nodes of your project area.
- Create the chart for the theme nnniii_msc.shpthat presentspopulation(legend typeChart –PieorBar) in each locality, and labels of locality names. (save the chart in raster file injpgformat named nnniii_Pop.jpg.
- Execute simulation of three scenarios:U1, U2 i U3.
- In order to run simulation defined in one of three records of the table nnniii_U1_kon.dbf, select the record prepared for selected scenario and then run simulation pressing the buttonD.
- Create four charts of type graduated symbol, one for the field (Orig_0) and three for the final allocations of destinationsDest_200one for each scenario U1, U2 i U3);Define 10 classes, select and adjust ranges of the classes; selecttype, colourandsize of symbols; apply uniform legend for all three charts of the final distributions of activities. Analyse the final distribution of destinations (services) in each scenario and observe the differences between scenarios.Export each defined chart to raster file injpg format named:
- To create a chart first performtablejoinof each attribute table nnniii_Ui_sim.dbfto attribute tables of themes nnniii_Ui_pot (i= 1,2,3), then run Legend Editor to create the chart.
- Create three chart(one for each simulation)in the form of bars (legend type: Chart – Bar) that present distribution of the trip destinations (services) in 11 selected iterations::
- scenarioU1(values of first 10 iterationsfromDest_0up to Dest_9and final distribution - Dest_200),
- scenarioU2(distribution of the first 5 iterations fromDest_0up to Dest_4then distribution of each third iteration (5 fields) and final distribution - Dest_200)
- scenarioU3(distributions of the first three iterationsDest_0to Dest_2then iterations6, 10, 15, 22,30, 40 70 (in total 10iterations)and final distribution - Dest_200
- in case of legend type Chart –Bar first select the list of the fields, then press the icon of bar chart ; in the dialog boxPropertiesset up range of bar size and width.
- Create raster files in jpgformat with charts from point 16. (nnniii_U1_Sym.jpg, nnniii_U2_Sym.jpg, nnniii_U3_Sym.jpg)
- Analyse the process of allocation in each simulation.
Outcome of the task to deliver:
raster files:
The list of resources for the task:
- Task description:MSM_2S_2017_Z06_Descr.doc
- AV project: sym_b57_vis1_prg_cr.apr
Dr Jerzy Sławski