Major contributions of paper:
- This paper gives a good introduction of the different messaging systems available in the Distributed systems. It mainly focuses on object oriented middleware products such as COM+ Event System, CORBA Event Service, CORBA notification Systems and JAVA Messaging Systems, giving a good comparative study of their architectures and functionalities.
- Markus has given a very good overview of the present architectures. This paper contributes to the events and messaging system. It also provides us with a lot of information on the in depth features of the distributed computing.
- comparison of different features. This paper compares different message/event systems, analyzing their abilities and restrictions and combining all information in the tables. It allows to go through tables and decide which system is the best to use for any specific application.
- The article does a very good comparison between COM+ Event System, Corba event service, Java Messaging Service, and Corba notification service. It also does a good job discussing the importance and benefit that distributed message/event systems available today provide. Such as features like asynchronous communication and notification of multiple clients are discussed as an improvement to Remote Procedure Calls. It also discusses the added benefit of improved the performance of distributed systems by allowing for asynchronous processing. It discusses how distributed message system technology evolved from message-oriented-middleware to message systems tailored for specific middleware. By comparing current technologies, discussing the benefits and features of each, explaining the architecture of each technology and giving an overview of events and messages and design patterns the author provides a very good basic foundation for understanding distributed message Systems.
- The paper on “ distributed Messaging systems “ outlines the various distributed messaging queue architectures available in different distributed systems like COM, CORBA and JAVA. It also outlines the various QOS features supported in these architectures.
- The paper gives a clear definition and understanding of the various messaging systems. The various technologies are clearly explained and to further add to the quality comparisons are made based on the most important features. Although they don’t show aspects about distribution, they are useful within the local application and give a good introduction to events. Messaging integrated middleware is a very powerful and easy to approach. This paper shows that it can improve the performance in the distributed system by allowing the asynchronous processing.
- This paper focuses on the popular Distributed Messaging Systems used by the Middleware Technologies. The technologies discussed are COM+ Event System, CORBA Event Service, CORBA Notification Service and the Java Messaging System.
- It describes the different popular distributed messaging/event systems highlighting the important features the system can or cannot provide. The paper presents very well the comparison of the different distributed systems in the form of the feature matrix. The language used to explain the different systems in the paper is very simple thereby making it very easy for anyone who reads it to understand the concept of the paper.
- comparison of architecture and functionality of various object-oriented middleware products which provide asynchronous communication and additional features like notification of multiple clients. these were discussed starting with related design patterns and summarized in the end by feature matrix. The event and messaging systems share the basic idea of publishers, topics and subscribers, although they may use other terms. However, their architecture and the offered features vary greatly.
- It compares the 4 most popular messaging service technologies with each other. This is a major contribution as each technology has various distinguishing characteristics and there has not been much work on comparing them based on the same criteria.
- Discussion of messaging services in four major methods, COM+ event system, CORBA event service, CORBA notification service and JMS, and the comparison among them. The basic concept of messaging model and discussion of each system are also provided.
- It tries to explain the process involved in making the system distributed in the 3 technologies used. Runs an overview of the events & messaging systems. Explains the differences between the Event & Messaging systems.
- The usage of Design pattern (Observer pattern and Event Notifier ) to discuss the different approaches of Messaging Systems and the feature matrixes covering the Communication features and the terms and concepts of the three most important systems are the major contributions.
- The author has focused his research in a comparative study of messaging services used within three middleware technologies - COM+, CORBA, JMS. It works more as an informative source of comparison for making a right choice of middleware for developing a system which uses it. The work can be classified as an analysis work rather than a research paper, since it is best suited for an organization which is in the middle of decision making about the technologies it wants to use for its system. Depending upon the system application requirements this document can prove very useful to compare the features of different middleware technologies and accordingly make the most appropriate choice.
- The major contribution of this paper is to compare the major distributed messaging system using COM+ event service, CORBA event service, CORBA Notification service and Java Messaging Service. Compare their general features, quality of service parameters, communication features and terms and concepts.
- The major contribution is the comparison of several event/messaging systems, which are associated with object-oriented techniques. The comparison concentrates on architectural and functional issues. The compared Systems are COM+’s Event System, CORBA’s Event Service, CORBA’s Notification Service and Java Message Service.
- the paper gives a review on the basic architecture and the functionality of the popular object-oriented distributed message/event systems including COM+ Event System, CORBA Event Service, CORBA Notification Service and Java Messaging Service. It focuses on the comparing their architecture and functionality to each other based on publisher/subscriber and push model.
- Comparison of various Messaging/Event systems which are popular in the industry. Explaining that events and messages are not much different it depends on the system you are using or the way you interpret it.
- I think the major contribution is that the paper made a good comparison among the four distributed messaging systems, which are COM+ Event system, the CORBA event system, CORBA notification service and Java message service. For each system. the paper gave overview, architecture and finally gave the discussion. For us newcomers it's very informative. The 4 tables labeled by the author are very concise for us to learn the difference and similarity among the 4 systems.
- This paper provides excellent overview of the available messaging and event systems. It focuses on pros and corns of every messaging/event system. This paper may not be as much as effective as it presently, if it had provided simple description of available systems, but the detailed architecture that can be understood by anyone with some technical background can be consider as major goal. Before reading this paper I had no clear idea about difference between event system and messaging system, but by the end of reading this paper I got considerable understanding. I think this a unique paper in itself in this area. Most attractive area (section) in this paper is comparison of different technologies with tables (general features, QoS parameters, Communication features, terms and Concepts), which covered almost all features that are available in present messaging systems. This paper can be much helpful for a messaging system designers, by a look at the information in this paper he will be able choose right technology for his project.
- This paper analysis and compares some popular messaging/event systems, including COM+ Event System, CORBA Event Service, CORBA Notification Service and Java Messaging Service. This paper introduces what is the Messaging System and concentrates on comparing their architecture and functionality to each other. At the same time, it gives us concepts about “Message” and “Event” and slight difference between them. According to some points of this paper, Messaging System developer can choose more powerful and more flexible system to satisfy different requirement. As a beginner, I leaned much knowledge about Messaging/Event system from this paper.
- The paper titled "Distributed Messaging Systems", discussed the current major messaging systems in the distributed arena. The author gave a very good introduction to the messaging systems via publisher/subscriber concept, which I think provides the reader with good starting point. The Event Notifier concept, which is the basis for all messaging systems, was explained clearly. The internal operations of COM+ event system and points out that the location transperancy was not available in COM+. The paper covers both the event model and the notification service provided by CORBA. Corba's notification service is very complex and Qos features available in CORBA were discussed. Finally, the java messaging service was explained using the JMS publisher/subscriber architecture. As mentioned, the JMS is not very complex compared to other messaging systems, but provides the necessary features that are typically needed in java based application.
- The paper concentrates on introducing and comparing the most popular object-oriented middleware. It provides basic knowledge of each OO message system and it can help program developers choose the most suitable one corresponding to the environment by providing the comparison. This paper did a good job on the comparison of the different distributed message systems. This paper gives us a good picture of the current message systems. And the discussion is good.
- This paper concentrates on comparing Messaging architecture and functionality of Object Oriented Middleware to each other. It discussed the different approaches and summarized in the end by a feature-matrix. The event and messaging systems share the basic idea of publishers, topics and subscribers. Their architecture and the offered features vary greatly. The author reached the conclusion that, from a functional point of view, CORBA’s Notification Service is the most powerful tool.
Good Features:
- The concept of Messaging and Events was clearly explained, not many papers have focused on this part of a distributed system. It gave a good insight to the various developments in the Distributed Systems messaging Technology. Comparing 3 different messaging systems having different platforms gives a clear picture of the significance of the Messaging systems in a Distributed Environment running on any platform.
- He has explained all the architectures in three different parts namely the overview, discussion and the architecture. This is a good feature of this paper. The very best part feature of this feature is the QOS of the different technologies. He has brought in a good piece of work in this regard. The JMS concept has been brought up in a very good sense. From this paper it will be easy get to know about the present technologies and it will be easy for some developer to choose from the existing technologies, the one needed and that suits there system development.
- Gives review of every message/event system available, such as COM+ Event System, CORBA Event Service and Notification Service, Java Messaging Service. Describes Design Patterns.
- The explanation of each of the messaging systems, the features of each, the benefits of each, and why one might use one messaging system over another. The article also explains what an Event is and what a message is and how they differ. This is very helpful. The explanation of each of the design patters and the different functionality they provide is also very good. This is a building point for discussing the distributed messaging systems since basic principles of messaging systems can be found in some design patterns. Providing the reader with an architecture section is also very informative and helpful. The diagrams used to show the design patterns and architecture features are very clear and easy to follow.
- The good thing about the paper is, it’s well organized and clearly outlines every Model in to three paragraphs like overview, architecture and discussion. It provides a clear introduction about the Events and Messages and Messaging systems. It also provides clear insight to different approaches adopted by messaging systems like Observer pattern and Event notifier patterns. The tabular columns provided at the end for outlining different features provided by different models was good and it provides a quick insight of each distributed model.
- The best part of the paper is the clear language and in depth insight that it provides about the various popular technologies and the comparisons made that reach to the roots of the concepts and provide valuable knowledge. The technologies are clearly explained in a very formal format and then the comparisons are made. This shows the clarity of understanding of the author and the presentation skills which are applaud able.
- This paper focuses on the architecture and functionality underlying each of the middleware technologies, which facilitates comparison on the same basis. It also lays emphasis on the Publisher/Subscriber and the PUSH model starting with the related design patterns and ending with a summary of the feature matrices, which compare the technologies with respect to the General, parameters, Quality of Service, Communication Features, and Terms and Concepts. This paper also draws a clear distinguishing line between events and messages and what exactly constitutes a messaging system.
- The paper clearly distinguishes even small differences in terms used commonly such as events and messages. The paper explains the main concepts initially before going into details so that the reader understands the contents of the papers well such as the explanation of the event descriptor or the messaging system in the beginning. The architecture of the different systems is explained very well. The paper gives a brief overview and a good discussion on the main points for each messaging system thereby highlighting most of the features that are provided or not provided by the systems. Each topic highlights the main qualities of the system so the reader knows all the qualities or features a particular system can provide.
- the paper was divided into sections in which the distributed systems will be discussed. overview, architecture, discussion. It was well organized. To know the details without reading the entire stuff feature-matrix is a good idea.
- The good features of this paper are:
- It differentiates between events and messages.
- It gives a clear definition of what constitutes a messaging system.
- It explains the fundamental design patterns of a messaging system.
- It explains the 4 most popular technologies.
- It gives a clear understanding of the working and technological architecture & design of each of the 4 systems.
- The comparison matrix at the end of the paper is a very handy tool to quickly judge each system.
- The basic introduction of the event/messaging system and design patterns. The afford to compare these systems in table which he calls a feature-matrix.
- Explains the architecture & the working of the distributed system with respect to the invocation of the request to the server & what functions are performed. Explains the notification service mechanism of the CORBA, COM & the messaging service of the JAVA Methods. Compares the basic features of the 3 technologies in terms of push, pull, filters. Differentiates on the Quality of Service parameters
- The good features are the introduction of design patterns. I think that Pattern are getting more and more important to design good distributed systems and we should talk more about this in the class. Every system is shown with all the negative and positive impacts of the architecture which is chosen. The Class diagrams are a good idea to show how the components work together and make it easier to follow the text.
- The document gives a concise and very clear understanding for messaging systems to begin with. Author has made a point to explain the what is messaging services so that readers with primary knowledge of middleware can make sense out of what he/she reads in the later part of the paper. The organization is good, describes all the discussed middlewares in different perspectives, like how it works, vendors, advantages, drawbacks, and solutions for shortcomings if available. To sum it up author has drawn a comparative analysis between the three middleware technologies in terms of general features, QOS parameters and communication features.
- The good features are the discussion above about the comparison of the major distributed messaging system using COM+ event service, CORBA event service, CORBA Notification service and Java Messaging Service. Compare their general features, quality of service parameters, communication features and terms and concepts.
- A comparison of these popular systems was not available before, so this is a quite new. The feature matrix allows a quick overview and delivers the information in a compressed form. Also, the reader gets an overview how each systems works with advantages and disadvantages.
- Well-organized and easy to read: the paper first gives a brief background on the distributed message/event systems, then discusses the architecture and functionality one-by-one and finally compare the capabilities of these systems using a feature matrix. (2) Clear comparison: the paper compares the features of the systems in groups: general features, QoS parameters, communication features and terms and concepts.
- The presentation of paper, especially the comparison matrix, where the author compares all the technologies according to their features like QoS etc. The material and the language used to explain are very good to describe the technical details of filters, publisher, subscriber, JMS, Corba event service, Corba notification service and COM+. The architecture of each technology is well explained
- the good features are that it gave the overview of each system, outlined the architecture and gave relatively detailed discussion of each distribute messaging system. At the end, the author gave 4 tables to illustrate the similarities and difference, which is very informative.
- Above all points contribute to the good features of the paper. Without jumping directly into the system details (architectures, description etc.), first portion of the paper focused on what is events, messages, and messaging systems etc. which provided required base for understanding the system architectures clearly. Anyone can easily point out that by offering Design patterns this paper scored a lot. “A picture can provide as much information that can be provided by 1000 words”, providing Type diagrams wherever necessary fulfills this.
- The good features of this paper are that it provides clear comparisons among different Messaging Systems. These comparisons include general features, Quality-of-Service parameters, communication features and some terms and concepts. The arrangement of this paper is clear. It introduces every Messaging System from the same aspects: overview, architecture and discussion. These basic introductions make readers have the basic concepts for every Messaging System. At the end of the paper, several comparison forms are given. These comparisons make readers reduce confusion about provided Messaging System and have clear concepts about every kind of Messaging System.
- The paper provides an excellent introduction to the messaging systems. Simple, yet detailed explanation of different messaging systems is given. Good tabular comparison of features available in each distributed systems.
- it gave the reader the direct feeling about these OO message system. Messaging integrated with middleware is a very powerful and easy-to-use approach. It can improve the performance in the distributed system by allowing asynchronous processing. Also, messaging itself and additional features like queuing and reliability reduces development work. In this paper the associated messaging systems for the most popular middleware products, CORBA, COM+ and Java, will be discussed. The basic architecture and the functionality of the systems are reviewed in this paper. It introduces the architecture of the systems and its basic functions and mechanisms for each message middleware. It provides an overview of their features and types, and then describes how developer can design message-based applications. Distributed applications are proliferating, as a host of synchronization, reliability, scalability and security. It is very good to provide the comparison of these systems’ advantage and disadvantage. I like the style of the Overview, architecture and discussion. It is easy for readers to catch the point.
- Used feature matrix to compare, Used Design Pattern to analysis, Compared QoS(Quality of Service), communication, general features, Compared different terms used in each system
Weak Points: