Major Changes for 2012 Illinois State Fair General 4-H Exhibits
All changes are NOT noted below – please check the “Changes Noted” copy posted on the portal for all the changes. This piece is only highlighting major changes space and exhibit classes. More information regarding changes in the General Rules will be forthcoming.
Space Considerations
· It is still undetermined whether Building #30 (formerly the University of Illinois Extension Building) will be available for our use during the 2012. The state is actively trying to lease that space, so chances are that it will not be available. That severely limits the space that is open for 4-H exhibits. We are working with State Fair management to secure additional space, but that is also limited. Almost all exhibits will be moved to the Exposition Building Mezzanine and divided between morning and afternoon judging. Exhibitors need to keep this in mind when considering the SIZE and WEIGHT of their exhibits – families will NOT be able to drive to the Exposition Building to drop off exhibits!
· Due to the loss of a major exhibit location, we have made the tough decision to also cancel some exhibit project areas/classes that have had exceedingly low numbers over the past two years. Those exhibit areas are noted later in this document. Some project/exhibit areas have also received a decrease in the number of exhibits allowed per county.
· We are looking into moving the location of the two 4-H tents. Driving to the new location for drop-off and pick-up of these exhibits is still under discussion.
· It is possible that some exhibits may be placed in locations alongside Open State Fair exhibits. Space in these areas will be tight and will NOT allow for extra seating for exhibitors/parents while they wait for judging.
· Food Demonstrations at this time are tentative. IF we have access to Building #30, we will be able to have these at State Fair. If we do not have access to that building, we will NOT be able to hold the Food Demonstrations at State Fair. Depending on when we find out about the location, we may try to hold this event at another time during the summer, but we have not been able to make that determination yet.
Exhibit Classes
· Due to our need to condense space for judging, the low numbers of exhibits over the past two years, and/or the cancellation of the 4-H project, the following project areas will not have exhibit classes in 2012:
o Service Learning
o Be the E!
o Clothing Decisions
o Sports Nutrition
o Plants & Soil Science
o Financial Champions and Consumer Savvy
o Club/Group Action Presentations
o Public Presentation classes in Extempore Speaking and Demonstration
o Geospatial (Exception is the SF Online class My 4-H Project Map, which is open to any 4-H member.)
· Video/Filmmaking Classes will again be a part of Illinois 4-H State Fair Online; all exhibits will need to be posted to that website. Specifics on posting and deadlines will be provided later this spring. However, we will NOT be offering a separate day Film Festival as we did in 2011. Videos will be played continuously on the Exposition Building Mezzanine during the four days of 4-H exhibits. Critiques will be provided to exhibitors on a daily basis, on their county assigned exhibit day. Exhibitors in the My 4-H Project Video class will be invited to participate in public recognition of the winners on Saturday, August 11 at the 4-H Family Event.
· Classes were added for the following new project areas:
o Leadership Skills You Never Outgrow III
o Exploring Your Environment 1 and 2
· In 2011, we selected delegates to the 2011 National 4-H Engineering Contest from several exhibit classes. We are still working on how delegates for those contests will be selected for 2012, so that information has been deleted from the following classes:
o Welding
o Aerospace
o Bicycle
o Computer Science
o Electricity
o Small Engines