
MaineEMS Education Committee Meeting

WednesdaySeptember 12, 2012

Champlain Conference Room

DPSBuilding- Augusta


  1. Call to Order0945

Members present: Dan Batsie, John Brady, Joanne LeBrun, Kevin Gurney, Leah Mitchell, Brian Chamberlain

MEMS Staff: Jay Bradshaw, Don Sheets

Guests: Robert “Butch” Russell

  1. Introductions/Public Comments
  2. None
  1. Additions to Agenda
  2. None
  1. Acceptance of Minutes:
  2. Pending discovery
  1. Staff Report
  2. Discussion of annual reports and due dates as they are coming up. Don will be sending out reminders to training centers for their due dates.
  3. Jay provided update on rules that the representative for AG office has changed and things are delayed
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. TCAP approvals/annual reports
  3. Annual reports are coming in
  4. No new requests
  5. Discussion of including an “intermediate” training center level
  6. We will add this to our ongoing agenda and investigate the needed elements to change.
  7. Don will look for the file that was started on development of an Intermediate training center
  1. Education Standards
  2. Transitions
  1. AEMT transition standards report
  2. Addition of modules for the addition of MEMS trainings
  3. EMT transition standards report
  4. EMR transition standards report
  1. APEMS will be running transition courses at Samoset
  2. Looking for help in running the ALS transition and making notes about what works and what doesn’t.
  3. Joanne brought up discussion about reposting the elements for a transition course and possibly creating a companion document for training centers to work with.
  4. There is a need for MEMS to issue “interpretation” of standards for a Transition
  1. CBOs
  2. Subcommittee report
  3. Minimum competency standards
  4. Sticking with 5 live intubations for CBO
  5. Don will send out a request for TCs to supply information regarding intubation and students
  6. Hours in OR
  7. Number per student
  8. Live patient vs high fidelity
  9. AEMT? –What does 20 live mean?
  10. Can people obtain 20 live patient ventilations
  11. We will adopt the entire AEMT CBO – motioned by Brian second by Leah unanimously approved
  12. EMT standards – Brian, Joanne – approved
  13. Paramedic –addition of 5 non-simulated
  14. Touch base with Eric for final draft.
  1. CEH categories
  2. Scanning barcode on a license for CEH classes and would that satisfy a signature?
  3. Annual Report to the MEMS Board
  4. Discussion – Dan will put something together
  1. New Business

Protocol – updates looking forward to next year

Membership - Movement of Leah to an at large position as she no longer lives in Aroostook and not Midcoast.

Tim Guerrette – Is he still going to participate in Aroostook

We will be seeking candidates for open positions on the committee

  1. Adjournment: 1151 motioned by Kevin