Main Street Academy Lesson Plan
Teacher Ms. Dodd / Period(s): 1,5 / Start date: Oct. 1 / End date: Oct. 12State competency goal and objective: 10 Day Lesson
8th Grade RL 6. Analyze, RI 6. Determine, SL 1. Engage effectively, SI.1.1 Evaluate resources for reliability, SI.1.2 Evaluate content, SI.1.3 Evaluate resources for point of view / 7th Grade RL 6. Analyze, RI 6 Determine, SI 1.3 Evaluate, TT 1.2 Appropriate Technology
Materials: Literary Notebook, Computers, Literature Books, Center Contracts, self-selected reading sheet and book, and grammar
Literacy enhancements:
Literary Notebook, Vocabulary Builder, Literary Terms, Self-Selected Reading , Cooperative Learning, Author’s Purpose, mood, grammar pages 13,15, 17, and Ticket-Out-the-Door
Teacher read aloud, Ticket-in-the-door(Self-selected Reading), cooperative learning
Lesson steps:
1. Start the lesson: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (Activating Strategies): Today we will preview vocabulary for our selections ( 7th grade page 50 8th grade page 308) and point-of-view. Reading and discussing background information about each selection. E.Q for the next 10 days: How do I identify point of view? How do I identify author’s purpose? How do I distinguish an author’s bias? How do I analyze the author’s position in relation to others? 8 the grade How do I identify points of view, including characters, audience, and author? How do I recognize intentional effects, such as suspense or humor? How do I analyze the effect of point of view on intended effects?
2. Tuesday/Thursday (Activating Strategies) Today we will begin our day with 15 minute mini lesson on literary terms., preview the 8 parts of speech and concentrating on nouns, and review the 10 literary terms from last week. Then we will preview the 5 literary terns for this week.
3. Presentation: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: As a class we will begin reading and discussing the selection for the week 7th Grade “from an American Childhood” and “The Luckiest Time of All” pages 52-63. 8th Grade “An Hour With Abuelo” and “Charles”.
4. Presentation: Tuesday/Thursday: : I will preview and give examples of the grammar lesson for the week (nouns) 7th and 8th grade pages (1,3,5). Then I will preview and give examples of the 5 literary terms and definitions for this week. We will go to the computer lab and continue working on our literary notebooks.
5. Guided practice: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: : Each class will continue reading and discussing their selections and answer the questions on the right side of each page dealing with point-of-view, compare and contrast, context clues, making inferences, and vocabulary.
6. Guided Practice: Tuesday/Thursday: We will continue previewing a literary term a day. I will give examples of at least 2 questions per page for grammar (nouns). Then I will give examples of at least 2 of the 5 terms on the board (definition, illustration, neatness, creativity, and connection).
7. Independent Practice: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: The students will get into their groups and continue reading their selections. Answer all questions on the right hand side of the page. The students will work in centers on their chosen assignments for their selections. What is not finished in class will be done for homework.
8. Independent Practice: Tuesday/Thursday: The students will begin working on the Grammar pages (1, 3, 5) and literary terms for this week independently in the computer lab.
9. Evaluation: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: I will sign off on their self-selected reading sheet. I will circulate around the room to make sure the students are working independently on their Grammar (nouns) and 5 terms. I will give each student a grade on class work and group work daily.
10. Evaluation: Tuesday/Thursday: I will monitor the students to make sure they are on task with their group and independent work on their selections. Each student will get a grade for their finished product. The students will take a CPS quiz and test on their selections.
11. Closure: Ticket-Out-the-Door/ The students will have to present something new that they have learned today or Give the answer to the EQ on the board in order to line up to go to their next class.