Emotional well-being factsheet

Emotional well-being and good mental health

Positive mental health and emotional well-being describes how we think, feel, relate to others and interpret the world around us. Having good emotional and mental health helps us manage relationships, cope with stress and manage life changes both positive and negative. This factsheet provides some tips to manage you well-being and where you can turn when you need some support.

Looking after your emotional well-being

Studies have shown there are five steps we can take to improve our mental well-being.

  • Connect with other people – family, friends, neighbours, colleagues.
  • Be active – find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your life. It can also help you connect with other people
  • Keep learning – new skills can give you sense of confidence and achievement.
  • Give to others – it may be a smile, a thank you, a phone call, being supportive, volunteering, charity work.
  • Take notice – be more aware of the present moment and the world around you. This is called ‘mindfulness’ and can make you feel more positive about your life and how to approach challenges.

You can find ways to take these steps in the directory by searching using keywords such as ‘leisure activities’, ‘education and training’ and ‘volunteering.’

Getting some support

Sometimes people need some support to manage their feelings or mental health.

The first step is to speak to your GP who can give you advice and if necessary refer you to other organisations that can help you depending on what the problem is.

Counselling or Talking Therapies

iCope is Camden and Islington’s Psychological Therapies Service who can give you time to talk and help you learn ways to help yourself so you feel more able to cope with your difficulties.

They have information on their website to help with stress, worry, depression and insomnia.

Mental Health Services

For more severe or chronic mental health problems you can contact Islington’s Community Mental Health Assessment and Advice Team on T 020 3317 6800 (Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm). Or you candownload an electronic referral formandemail it

If there is a matter of urgency, contact our Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team on 020 7561 4278, Fax: 020 7281 8276 or Out of Hours service (after 5.00pm) call 0800 988 2149

Crisis phone line

This is a service open to all Islington residents from 5pm – 6am to provide an emotional support in strict confidence by phone on 020 7226 9415.

Bereavement services

There are a number of organisations in Islington who provide support and counselling with bereavement issues. You can find them in Links for Living by searching using keywords such as ‘bereavement’ and ‘counselling.’