2829 Transworld Dr., Stockton, CA 95206

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 213030, Stockton CA 95213-9030

Telephone: 209.468.5940 Fax: 209.468.9000


Thursday, October 5, 2017, 7:00pm – 10:00pm

$5.00 per person

Payment is collectedat the door.

All attendees must have a signed permission slip to be admitted to the dance.

Permission slips are available at the counseling center or any front desk.

The following rules must be followed while attending Homecoming:

  1. The Homecomingdance will be held at the Venture Basketball Gym, 2814 Transworld Dr, Stockton. The dance is on 10/05/17, beginning at 7:00 PM and ending at 10:00 PM. ALL ATTENDEES MUST BE PROMPTLY PICKED UP AT 10:00pm.
  2. Venture students may not stay on campus after school to wait for the start of thedance. Students must leave campus at dismissal time and return to campus at7:00 PM for the dance.Students must attend school on 10/05/17 in order to attend the dance.
  3. All attendees must be dressed appropriately and follow the school dress code rules.
  4. Each venture student may bring one outside guest who must be pre-approved by administration before they will be allowed to attend. Outside guests may not be over 20 years of age or in 8th grade or younger.
  5. All outside guests must have current picture ID. This may be a student body card, California ID or valid driver’s license. This identification must be presented at the door. Venture students do not need ID.
  6. Venture Academy students are responsible for their guest’s behavior and are subject to the consequences of their behavior. Guests can only be those identified when the ticket was purchased.
  7. All school rules, which are normally enforced during the school day, are enforced at all school functions (this includes behavior and any item not allowed at school). If it is suspected that an attendee is under the influence of an illegal substance, parents and proper authorities will be notified immediately. Attendees who are discourteous will be asked to leave and parent will be notified.
  8. There are no in and out privileges. You’ll have so much fun you wont want to leave!
  9. Inappropriate dancing will not be permitted.

Venture Academy Student’s Name:

Venture Academy Student Signature:

Venture Academy Parent’s Name:

Venture Academy Parent Signature:

Venture Academy Parent Phone Number:

Guest’s Name (if bringing an outside guest):