27 September2016 at 4.15pm – Room 5

Present: Mark Rolfe (MR) –elected Chairunder Item 2

Mark Tomkins (MT)

John Hoadly (JH) – elected Vice Chair under Item 2

John Clayton (JC)

Lindsey Evans (LE)

Stephen Beck (SB)

Simon Hulme (SH)

Mike Bor (MB)

Linda Glenister (LG)

Carlos Zaccarini (CLZ)

Pauline Coppard (PC)

Nicky Wheeler (NW) – arrived at 4.25pm.

Associate members:Paul Smith (PGS)

Jools Sewell (JWS)

Clerk:Denise Friend (DAF) – Clerk

1.Apologies for Absence
Paul Burbidge (PB) work commitments. Mayor of Maidstone. Apologies accepted.
2.Declaration of Business Interest
3.Governing Body Issues
  • Election of Chair – nominations received by MR and JH. Both spoke to governors on why they wished to stand as Chair and left the room. Discussion by governors before vote was taken. [NW arrived at 4.25pm]. MR was elected Chair for a further year. Governors suggested a discussion take place at a future meeting on the election process, to look at the constitution and discuss whether the appointment of Chair and Vice Chair should change to 2 years’ length of service.
  • Election of Vice Chair – nomination received from JH. JH left the room. Governors elected JH as Vice Chair for a further year.
  • Governing Body vacancies:
Co-opted staff governor – 4 members of staff applied. MR met with all four applicants. Of the four, one was a member of the support staff and three were teaching staff. MR advised the governing body on the strengths of the four applicants and the difficulty in making the decision. Three of the four applicants had some experience of SEN. It was accepted that although ideally it would be good for a member of the teaching and support staff to serve on the governing body it would not always be possible and it was important to appoint the right person to the role. MR recommended that Norma Lynch be appointed to the Co-opted role and join Committee B. Norma is a very experienced teacher, she knows the school well and has the capacity to devote time to the role. Approved by all governors present.
Co-opted Academic vacancy - currently considering two opportunities for this role. MR will bring back to the governing body in November.
4.Review of Governing Body structures and procedures
The proposed structure for 2016-17(attached to minutes) was circulated and approved.
It was proposed that Nicky Wheeler would take over as Chair of Committee B. Approved. Norma Lynch, co-opted staff governor will also join Committee B.
Linda Glenister would be happy to move to Committee B in the future, MR asked that LG remain on Committee A for the next academic year to support the new Deputy Head who will take over as liaison of Committee A when PGS retires at the end of this year.
Terms of Reference:
Full Governing Body – Approved.
Chairs’ Committee – did not meeting last year. The Group should meet at least once a year but major changes occurring in school last year meant discussions with the FGB took place rather than by the Chairs’ Committee. Approved.
Committee A – to be discussed at first Committee A meeting of the year
Committee B – to be discussed at first Committee B meeting of the year
Committee C – to be discussed at first Committee C meeting of the year
Committee D – did not meet during the 2015-16 academic year but many of the responsibilities in the terms of reference are covered under other committees. Committee D meet as and when required so may not meet during an academic year. Fuller debates have been held at full governing body meetings but it was agreed to retain Committee D as meetings in the future may be needed to discuss government initiatives and educational changes. Add ‘Futures Committee’ to the terms of reference title.
No Committee has specific oversight of the website. There are statutory responsibilities in terms of the website and what it should contain. Governors agreed that Committee B would monitor this responsibility. Add to Committee B terms of reference.
Due to changes in the statutory requirements to disclose information to the National Edubase a change will need to be made to our Code of Conduct. MR and JH will look at this and update.
5.Minutes of previous meeting on 24 May2016 and any matters arising
Approved as a true record subject to the following matters arising.
  • Academy Working Group – a meeting will be scheduled for early Term 2.
PGS and JWS joined the meeting at 4.55pm.
6.Examination Results
PGS gave a verbal update.
A level – these results were very pleasing with 62.3% A*/B, giving us the best results the school has had. The numbers securing top grades across all of their subjects were also up. There was a 5% increase in those getting 3 A grades or better as well as improvements at AAB and ABB. For the first time in a long time the girls outperformed the boys. Overall we have gone up 3 points in the comparative tables and are much closer to the two girls’ grammar school’s performance. The university entry situation is very positive with 40% achieving Russell group universities and 59% gone to the top 30.
AS level –only some subjects took external exams in the first of the 3 year phased changeover. The proportion of top grades achieved on the external examinations was matched by the top grades awarded by the internal examinations for those taking new courses. It is encouraging that colleagues teaching the new syllabus have come up with similar outcomes to the AS level results. We are predicting to get over 60% next year.
GCSEs – these results were disappointing in some aspects. Overall 46.5% A*/A. One issue was the English language grades which was not unique to MGS. Nationally the pass rate was down by 5% A*-C in English. The exam was not the issue for MGS but the coursework element with our controlled assessments significantly marked down. The newly appointed Head of English is doing a fantastic job to turn English around. At the top end we had some excellent figures and are the fourth best performing grammar school in the County on comparable data. The number of Y11’s that did not return to MGS was 43 and Committee A will be discussing this in detail and looking at what can be done to reduce that figure.
Although we lost 43 in Year 11, the numbers going into Year 12 are up by 4. We recruited 47 externals into the sixth form. Total numbers in the sixth form are 349 which is above our budgeted figure of 340. Governors noted the examination success and congratulated staff and students on the results.
7.Admissions 2017
MGS has been nominated in the Kent Commissioning Plan to take an extra form of entry from September 2018 and discussions are ongoing about that and the proposed new buildings. PGS and JWS presented at our appeals in June and the Panel wanted to create an extra form but we could not have committed to that. We were allocated an additional 15 students over our PAN and in future years this number could increase. We cannot accommodate any more than 15 with 6 forms of entry. MT had discussions with the LA after the appeal process and asked if they would realistically require us to expand from 2017. A big factor is that the Valley/Invicta free school planned for September 2017, taking 6 forms of entry, has not yet started and will therefore not be ready for September 2017. Numbers suggest that we are going to be oversubscribed and could fill 7 forms. We cannot accommodate an additional form at the appeal stage and would need to plan staffing and resources ahead, therefore the LA agreed to confirm in advance if they would like us to take an additional form. That conversation has taken place and the LA would like us to go over our PAN in September 2017 to take an additional form thereby taking 205 students. The funding for those additional students would be received immediately. In terms of staffing and space the school can cope for one year in advance of the new buildings.
Taking an additional 30 would mean at the appeal stage that we have already gone over our PAN by 30.In 2018 our PAN will increase to 205 with capacity to admit 210. The challenges for the school include recruitment of staff, timetabling 7 classes and planning practical lessons that can only accommodate 20 students in a class. It is possibly to timetable DT on 210 students and keep to fewer than 20 per class. Taking the additional form will not impact on OPGS as numbers indicate that there is a need to expand and in fact OPGS took an extra form last year. Governors discussed the request to go over PAN in September 2017. Accepting that the school can accommodate an additional form for one year in advance of the new buildings Governors noted that there would be an element of risk should the new building programme not be delivered on time for September 2018. In terms of staffing if we did not replace some of the leaving staff at the end of this year based on 6 forms of entry we would need to recruit more staff for September 2018 so going over our PAN in September 2017 would reassure staff that the school is popular and jobs are secure. Governors agreed to exceed the School PAN by 30 at the request of the Local Authority in September 2017.
8.Committee Reports
Committee A– MB
Minutes of 18 July 2016 circulated with agenda.
  • Teaching & Learning and Assessment Policy – this policy has been rewritten to accommodate the assessment changes starting from September 2016. Appendix 3 contains the homework procedures which currently apply but these are being rewritten this academic year. Approved.
  • Whole School Exams Policy – this has taken from the JCQ regulations and personalised to apply for MGS. Approved.
  • Exam Contingency Plan – this covers a disaster recovery scenario should the school not be available for exams. Approved.
  • Controlled assessment & non exam Assessment Policy – the reference to JCQ documentation 2009-10 link does not work. PGS will check the link. Also at the end of the document it refers to QCDA body which was dissolved in 2012. PGS to check the links and references. Approved subject to amendments noted above.
  • Committee A papers includes a 2-page document on actions since the last Ofsted inspection updating on the one target given following the inspection. This is a good document for governors to read.
Committee B - JC
Minutes of 8 June 2016.
  • Item 4(f) of minutes: Y10 Business Challenge report – MR and JC have offered placements to Y10.
  • Item 4(h) of minutes: Attendance and Punctuality Policy – minor amendments made. Approved. Linked to the attendance policy, a letter has been received from the Head of Attendance and Inclusions congratulating the school on our attendance figures. The Governing body noted this accolade and congratulated the School and particularly the Attendance team.
Committee C – JH
Minutes of 27 May 2016.
  • Due to the availability of the Bursar and bursary staff the3 year plan was not ready for the final FGB meeting of the year and responsibility was delegated to Committee C who met to discuss and agree the plan and submitted the return to the LA on time. The final budget was a balanced budget taking into account carry forward for Year 1 but with a growing weakness in Years 2 and 3. Discussions today regarding the additional form of entry will result in a revised 3 year budget. There are a number of imponderables not least the national funding formula and its impact. The 6 month return will be discussed by Committee C next month. It was noted that an article in the Secondary Ed magazine reported that 85% of Heads reported deficits in Year 1 or by the end of Y3. There is a lot of concern amongst Heads.
9.Governing Body Self Review
The Self Review was considered and agreed as attached.
Section 1 – Item 6. A schedule of meetings is set annually for the FGB meetings but it is not always possible to set dates for the sub committees for the whole year.
Section 2 – Item 10. This is in hand for new governors.
Section 2 – Item 11. Add to Committee agendas.
10.Annual Statement of Governance
Committee to update their sections on Page 2 and pass to the Clerk to update the master document.
11.Training & Governor Visits
Governor visits – it was agreed that it would be a good idea to start departmental visits this year for those departments that have been reviewed recently or where there is a new Head of Department. CLZ has undertaken to organise these visits for Committee A who are keen that there is a proactive schedule of visits. The focus of governor visits is positive and supportive.
The Governors’ training day will take place on 11 November. A schedule will be put together which will include Prevent training and an update on the new buildings. The safeguarding training provided to staff at the start of the year needs to be run for those staff that did not attend. JWS will inform governors of the date so that governors can attend if they wish.
MR – attending the safeguarding training and attended the District Governor briefing which included an update from Jared Nehra on the educational provision around Maidstone of which MGS is part of the solution. The briefing also included an update from the Kent Governor Association (KGA) and useful updates from Leadership and Governance focusing on requirements for the website and complaints procedures. Also attend both Speech Days.
PC – attended the safeguarding training in school. Attend Speech Day in September.
NW – has completed the Prevent training and will provide a copy of her certificate. Attended both Speech Days and visited during Extended Learning Week.
LE – attend both Speech Days and Extended Learning Week.
JC – attended the Neil Turrell Reunion Day.
SB – observed a Maths lesson at the end of last term.
SH – attended the University Fair.
12.Chair’s Actions/Correspondence
  • Y6 Open Evening – this will take place on 20 October between 4 and 8pm. Governors welcome to attend.
  • 11 November – the remembrance service will take place followed by governor training. The schedule will be circulated when finalised.
13.Any Other Urgent Business
  • MT – PGS has formally resigned and the appointment of the Deputy Head vacancy will hopefully be confirmed by Christmas. Governors will be involved in the appointment and recruitment process.
14.Confidentiality of Proceedings
15.Date of next meeting
Tuesday 29 November 2016 at 5pm in Room 5.
Meeting closed at 6.15pm. / Action
Signed: …………………………………. Chair of Governors
Date: …………………………………..