Magnolia Library & Community Center
Meeting Minutes
07 October 2013
Present: Board Members: Bob Bergeron, Donna Kecyk, Walt Kolenda, Bobbi Lemay, Amanda Nash, Sean Nolan, Tim Nolan, Jamie O’Hara, Janet Powers, Doug Shatford (presiding); Membership: Joe Molnar
Absent: Rosalie Lentini
1. Welcome New members! Bob Bergeron, Tim Nolan (also new Treasurer), Janet Powers
2. Donna to send Thank You’s to outgoing board members (Jeff Toye, John Burke, Mike Ramos).
3. Committee/Event Updates:
- Membership/Volunteer (Amanda): Memberships expire in January. Members are now being tracked & a printout will be available at the desk for volunteers to use. Last membership drive was in May, 2013. New Membership renewals will be send out in January, 2014. Amanda has recruited new volunteers and we are now open more hours! Joe Molnar has been training the new librarian volunteers (thank you, Joe!). Volunteers often have time to do other tasks if no visitors; board members should be thinking of tasks that could be done & bring them to the board’s/Amanda’s attention. Joe to hold a retraining on Saturday at 10am. Also discussed: Do we need a head librarian? We need a listing of books at the library.
- Computer/Website Committee: Doug appointed Bob Bergeron head of website & computer systems. Walt has joined this committee.
a)Bob & Walt will explore purchasing new computers ($1500 cap for 2 computers) and bring some recommendations back to the Board for discussion at the November meeting
b)We need a private web area for the Board to use: password-protected page on the MLC website vs. private Facebook page (offers ‘push’ technology).
c)Walt arranged for a faster Xfinity hookup last month. Password to be posted at the desk. Members who have a comcast account can log on using their account information.
d)Bob will terminate relationship with Mr. Waffle.
e)Bob & Walt will cross-train.
f)Rosalie planning to get laptops via a grant. Will check with her when she returns.
- Events (All):
a)Art Show (All): Krista successfully ran this year’s event. We need to identify a board member or MLC member to lead this important event for 2014.
b)Road Race: For 2013, Jamie took the lead for the MLC, and Randy & Janet were lead organizers. Randy will again lead for 2014.
- Taste of Magnolia (All): Donna is lead for this year, 2013. Bobbi is assisting, along with community members Pat Kelliher, Brooke deVos and Julie Geary are assisting. Decorations, etc. for 2013 are Holiday Festive. T.O.M. is on target for Friday, 22 Nov. Weekly meetings are being held. Jamie & Doug to assist with getting more restaurants on board. Tickets for the 50/50 raffle will be sold, but the winner will not be chosen until January 2014 at the Family Supper. All: we need assistance with set up of this important event.
- Rentals: Donna is lead. No major updates.
- Building/ Grounds (Jamie):
a)Cape Ann Savings has inquired about having part of the library made into an ATM. They will pay for all renovations and compensate the MLC ~$750 per month x 3 yrs then cost-of-living index to be used to increase rent yearly. Building handicap access &Snow removal will be part of the deal. Back to original state if they leave the building. Architect was on site and wants the windowed corner of the Kids room. Jamie is contact with CAS & Architect.
b)Snow blower will be purchased.
c)Replace rug on stairs and in Richardson Suite prior to T.O.M. Committee to get pricing & check with Michelle Brooks who was able to get us a good price last time.
d)Old topics: LED Sign, TV
- Newsletter: New Board member Janet graciously offered to take over this task from Bobbi, who has assumed Secretary responsibilities. Thanks, Janet!
- Media/Facebook (Bobbi): Bobbi to post Halloween party & Candidate night on Facebook.
- 2014 (January) MLC Supper to raise funds for new computers. Rosalie is organizing, with Donna’s assistance. There will be a band (Rosalie’s son’s band). The 50/50 raffle winner will be drawn at the supper. Tickets for the supper will be $5-10 and it will be a family event.
- Kick it off at Taste of Magnolia – Fri b4 Thanksgiving 11/22
- Have tickets there to sell
4. New Business
- Librarians have been asked if people are allowed in to play basketball. Decision: Allowed if no event is taking place (events are on the desk calendar and are on the website) AND:
a)18 and a current/paid member; or
b)any age and accompanied by a current/paid member who is 18
c)Must enter & sign in through library
Amanda will write up a policy and post it (online and physically in building).
- Need a projector and screen to hold classes, movie night, etc. Jamie to research. TV also discussed.
- NEW DOORS: Library needs new doors as we are losing heat. Joe Molnar received an estimate of $5000 for the doors (excluding labor) and he will pay for them (thanks to Joe for this VERY GENEROUS donation!). Also, Sean will pay for installation (THANKS, SEAN !!).