MAGNA CARTA West London Arts Scene Limited

Patron of the national event: Her Majesty the Queen 76 Milton Road

London W7 1LE

Freedom, human rights and democracy!

What does the Magna Carta mean to you?

Since 1215, when it was sealed, it has become the origin of freedom, human rights and democracy throughout the world.

To find out more, join our study team and become a Magna Carta ambassador.

We will be looking at:

·  England now and 800 years ago.

·  What's in the Magna Carta? / Making Parchment

·  Grievances from the Magna Carta

·  Human Rights

·  Why Vote?

·  Presenting the Magna Carta in talks and discussions. We will prepare a series of informative posters to accompany an exhibition of strikingly coloured new paintings created by the 4020 Arts Group based on a concept by Diana Braybrook. Information will also go up on the Ealing Autumn Festival's website.

STUDY SESSIONS (half-term week – choose minimum 3 sessions)

Sat 23rdMay 2-4pm Greenford Library Wed 27th May 5-7pm Southall Library

Sun 24thMay 1.30-3.30pm Ealing Central Library Thurs 28thMay 5-7pm Northolt Library

Tues 26thMay 5-7pm Acton Library Sat 30thMay 2-4pm Hanwell Library

Register online at www.ealingautumnfestival.co.uk (download on Home Page) or use attached registration form.

Free Day Trip!

We will take the participants for a day trip to view the copy of Magna Carta exhibited at the British Library.

MAGNA CARTA turns 800!

The new exhibition will be launched on Saturday 13th June 11am-4pm at Ealing Central Library when you, as Magna Carta ambassadors, will be able to present the Magna Carta

The exhibition will continue during the summer and autumn months in libraries throughout Ealing with you making three to four further appearances as ambassadors, talking about, discussing and debating

with library visitors the great significance of the Magna Carta.

If you are between 12 & 25 years, use the attached form to register at: or ask at your local library’s reception. Tel: 020 8567 7623 www.ealingautumnfestival.co.uk