Dr. McGay

Exploratory Latin Project

Due Date:  Fill in

The 6th grade Latin project provides you with an opportunity to investigate various aspects of the Roman world. Ancient Rome was founded in 753 BC and its western empire fell in 476 AD. Be sure that your items fit within this time frame if it is historical in nature. This project is required and a major component of the Exploratory Latin class. One person per project topic– 1st come, 1st serve. Most importantly of all, have fun with this assignment and bonam fortunam (good luck)!

Option 1 categories: drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, costume, mosaic (soft or hard), needlework, hand sewnitem, reconstruction or model of an item relating to Roman culture, society, history or mythology. (See the back for a list of suggestions)
Option 2 : (A) An original story in English inspired by classical mythology, history or literature. Must be typed or neatly printed and may be illustrated, and be 1page minimum -2 pages in maximum. (B) cartoon of an episode in myth or history
Option 3 (fieldtrips/powerpoints): A slideshow or PowerPoint of one of the following:
 Arboretum: Go to a local arboretum (Jenkins, Morris, Tyler, Longwood Gardens) Take 10 photos of tree placards with Latin names, and another 10 pix with you in front of each of these trees.
 Zoological: Go to a local zoo (Philadelphia, Elmwood Park) Take 10 photos of animal placards with Latin names, and another 10 pix of you and each animal.
 Architectural: Take photos of yourself in front of 10 different buildings that have a classical or neo-classical influence. The structures may be commercial or residential.
 Entomological/local fauna: Find 10 insect and/or local fauna specimens; photograph them and add the Latin genus-species names to the PowerPoint.
 College Crest Powerpoint: Make a PowerPoint at least 20 college or university crests. Include the college name, the Latin motto, and an English translation of the Latin motto.
Spells or Curses in Harry Potter Powerpoint: Find 10 examples of Latin phrases with English translations. Include one visual for each phrase.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Myth Powerpoint: Find 10 connections between stories in the Percy Jackson series and classical mythology. Include one visual for each myth.
 Roman Law Powerpoint: Give 7 laws from The Twelve Tables and 7 modern law terms in Latin.

Dr. McGay

Exploratory Latin Project

Due Date:  Fill in

List of suggested topics/items for theOption 1 categories (see previous page)

Dr. McGay

Exploratory Latin Project

Due Date:  Fill in

Daily Life, Sports, & Customs (CULTURE): Gladiatorial combats, chariot racing, mock naval battles, Roman coin, map of the Roman Empire, recipe, fibula, toga and/or stola, wax tablet (cera) + stylus, Roman bulla (not out of paper), Roman mosaic, Roman wall painting, Roman jewelry, a Roman milestone,

Typical Romans/Occupations: Roman senators, women of the senatorial class, gladiators, priests, soldiers (centurion), farmers, strigilarius, signifer (standard-bearer), tradesmen (fuller, innkeeper, etc.)

MYTHOLOGY: Here are some names from Greek & Roman myths and legends:

  • The Olympian Gods(Roman Names): Jupiter, Juno, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, Vesta, Ceres, Minerva, Vulcan
  • Hades, Bacchus, Janus, Orpheus, Pandora,Daedalus & Icarus, Daphne & Apollo, Phaethon, Pyramus & Thisbe, Pygmalion, Baucis & Philemon, Niobe, Arachne, Fortuna, Io, Cupid, Adonis, Castor and Pollux
  • Heroes: Hercules, Aeneas, Perseus, Theseus, Jason, Odysseus, Achilles, Hector
  • Monsters, Titans, etc: Cerberus, Medusa, Atlas, Typhon, the Chimaera, Scylla & Charybdis, Minotaur, Chiron, Polyphemus (cyclops), Hecatoncheires (the Hundred Handers), Hydra, Trojan Horse
  • Roman Legends: Romulus and Remus, Numa, Mucius Scaevola, Horatii and the Curiatii (famous duel), Horatius at the Bridge, Cloelia, Cincinnatus

Dr. McGay

Exploratory Latin Project

Due Date:  Fill in


  • Generic Roman buildings: basilica, columns & capitols (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian), amphitheater, temple, forum, bathhouse, theater, aqueduct, victory arch, circus, Roman villa, Pompeiian house (domus), gardens, milestone
  • Famous Roman buildings: Colosseum, Pantheon, Circus Maximus, Temple of Mars Ultor, Baths of Caracalla or Diocletian, Temple of Vesta, Arch of Titus, Curia (Senate building), House of Menander in Pompeii, Gladiator barracks in Pompeii, Hadrian’s Wall
  • Floor plans/Maps: Roman temple (label the architectural features), Pompeian house (label the rooms), layout of a Roman fort or camp; maps of the Roman Empire or Republic or Pompeii or Rome


  • Dates/Events: Fall of Troy (1184 BC), Founding of Rome (753 BC), Founding of the Republic (509 BC), The Gracchi (133 BC), Assassination of Julius Caesar (44 BC), Battle of Actium = defeat of Marc Anthony & Cleopatra (31 BC),Beginning of the Empire and Octavian takes the title of Augustus(27 BC), eruption of Mt. Vesuvius (79 AD), Rome reaches its greatest size (117 AD), Fall of Western Empire (476 AD)
  • Famous Romans: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar (Octavian), Cato, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Marc Anthony, Hadrian, Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus (dressed as Hercules), Cicero

Other: A mobile (of the planets, for example); a volcano – (Mt. Vesuvius, Mt Etna); timeline

Dr. McGay

Exploratory Latin Project

Due Date:  Fill in