Anthropology 9

Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

Sierra College

Instructor: Dr. John A. Rush

Phone: (916) 989-4447


Extra Credit Project--Health, Illness, and Healing: Drug Advertisements on TV.

There are numerous over-the-counter and prescription drugs advertised on TV, and it appears that the medical establish has become very aggressive in advertising prescription drugs and medical procedures.

Project: Observe television advertising during different times of the day and make note of the types of drugs and medical procedures advertised and how they are advertised. Also, pay attention to any herbal remedies as well as vitamins and minerals. Remember that advertising comes in many forms (for example, a public service announcements, or a spot on the Today Show, etc.). What age of the population are specific commercials designed to reach? Statistically, what are the most advertised products? Is there a difference between drugs for males and females? How are the drugs advertised, that is, use of logic, sensationalized, humor, etc.? What do the drug advertisements tell us about our culture (think about it--what do the drugs say about our eating habits, body image, and life-style in general)? In your opinion, why has the medical community become so aggressive over the past couple of years?

Set your paper set up in the following manner:


Course Name and Meeting Time:

Instructor's Name:



(should include brief statement of goals of project and any prior assumptions,

how you collected information, i.e., when you watched TV,

and the programs associated with the ads, and

who worked on project and what was the division of labor)


(list your examples and tie them to the questions above)


(did your original assumptions hold true and what else did you discover; if you include references from books please include a bibliography at the end of essay)

Paper is due before at completion of semester.