MAD for HACT Meeting Minutes – 1/25/2016

22 Parents in attendance

A.  Review meeting minutes from 11/2/15 meeting

B.  Parent Volunteer Coordinators

  1. Discussed the need for two parent volunteers at HAJH rehearsals beginning Feb. 8
  2. Passed around sign up sheets for February and March
  3. Talked about how to separate kids- into rooms/by characters or gender?
  4. Will defer decision to Lisa
  5. High School Key Club volunteers may also add 1-2 volunteers per shift; Tina went to a meeting and asked for volunteers and left a sign up sheet with the Key Club coordinator, Sarah Garman
  6. Parent Volunteers will coordinate reminders for signed up volunteers and assuring coverage at each rehearsal
  7. Deanna Compton and Heather Schrif volunteered

C.  DVD/recording of dress rehearsal

  1. Do not have a person to do this
  2. Needs to record and then edit and burn DVDs
  3. Some names were submitted by group to be contacted
  4. Chelsea/Dave Moses
  5. Andrew/Nick Lashinksky

D.  Publicity – Being handled by Tina as committee chair

  1. Tee-shirt order forms will be created and sent out
  2. Posters and placemats as well as placards will be designed
  3. Will need volunteers to hang/distribute
  4. Three large placards – usually at Meadows and YMCA

E.  Fundraisers – Many items were discussed - a small sub-group will meet to finalize plans

  1. Concession stand –need someone to chair this sub-group and take responsibility
  2. 50/50
  3. Photo books – same as last year? - need to make sure photographer is on board
  4. Raffle baskets – have volunteers handling this task – 3 baskets – 2 Peter Pan themed and 1 “theatre” themed
  5. Microphone/sound system sponsors
  6. Need to offset the high cost of the sound system
  7. Group decided to try giving the sponsorship a new name to increase participation – going to call it character sponsorship and offer a shout out to the character in the program or something like that
  8. Other fundraising ideas were presented and will require further review and discussion in a smaller fundraising sub-group
  9. Ideas included selling extra tee shirts, autograph books, peter pan hats/merchandise, some type of photo booth, stargrams
  10. Meeting date TBD
  11. Programs
  12. The programs were discussed and one parent, Julie Hammel, offered to approach MPC to ask if they would donate or reduce cost
  13. Discussion of selling ads to help with costs if needed or as a fundraiser
  14. Business card/quarter page for $25, ½ page for $50 and whole page for $10
  15. Next Meeting Date Set
  16. Monday, February 22