Chairman: Mr Brad Carlin

The meeting was declared open at 7:38pm, with the Chairman welcoming all members and thanking them for their attendance at the meeting. A special welcome was given to Grahame Ward from Hunter Christian Churches Football Referees Club, who provided member, Bryan Merchant, with transport to the meeting.


As per the Register of Attendance, there were 37 members present at the meeting with 14 apologies for non-attendance. M/S Rick Bartley / Will Berry that the apologies for non-attendance be accepted. CARRIED.


·  Secretary, Alison Macready, spoke about several areas where members can continue to learn and improve based on observations from finals series matches.

·  Members were reminded of the conditions which must be met for a player to be penalised for being in an offside position, and a number of videos were shown to illustrate the importance of assistant referees using the “wait and see” technique when it comes to signalling for an offside offence.

·  The process for handling ceremonial free kicks was discussed, with particular emphasis on how to handle situations where a player takes the free kick before the referee has signalled that the free kick may be taken.

·  Members were given an opportunity to ask questions or raise any other incidents or concerns they had from the finals series or throughout the season.

·  Secretary, Alison Macready, also spoke to members about the importance of not only taking a break at the end of the season, but also taking time to reflect on the season, identify areas where they had performed well, think about areas where they would like to improve, and set some goals for next season. She also highlighted the importance of maintaining mental fitness during the off season, and suggested a variety of ways in which this could be done.

·  The Chairman congratulated and thanked the Director of Coaching and the members of his Coaching Committee on the excellent work they had done during the season in preparing and delivering their coaching sessions. Members supported his comments by way of acclamation.


M/S Jack Stoker / Ben Taylor that the minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on Tuesday 15 August 2017 be accepted as a true and correct record of proceedings. CARRIED.

Business Arising from the Minutes – Nil

M/S Harley Jupp / Mitch Field that the minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on Tuesday 15 August 2017 be adopted. CARRIED.


The Chairman reported on the important actions and decisions taken by the Management Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 5 September 2017:

·  The amounts to be paid to referee assessors for each assessment report submitted for junior and senior matches during 2017 will be determined at the next Management Committee meeting.

·  The President will represent the association at the MFL Annual Presidents’ Seminar to be held on Wednesday 20 September 2017, which will review the season just ended and make plans for the 2018 football season.

·  Ray and Rhonda Ashbourne will represent the association at the NNSW State League Football Referees Presentation Night on Saturday 16 September 2017.

·  The Management Committee reminds members that as from 1 January 2018, all referees and assistant referees officiating with the association must wear the Umbro brand of referee shirt when officiating. SSI, Lotto, Adidas and all other brands other than Umbro will no longer be permitted to be worn by members.

·  Former member, Todd Ford, has been re-admitted to membership of the association.

·  A resignation from membership by Brad Jeffery, due to work and other commitments, was accepted with regret. The Management Committee acknowledges Brad’s service to the association over a number of seasons and wishes him much success for the future.

·  In response to correspondence from a member, the Management Committee confirmed its support and satisfaction with the current format of the association’s fitness tests, as well as the requirement by members to pass the fitness test in order to be eligible for appointment to finals series matches.

·  The President has responded to an invitation from Valentine Eleebana Football Club to participate in a review of its match day operations by thanking the club for its support of match officials, but pointing out the inadequacy of the referees’ room at Croudace Bay Complex and the lack of active Ground Duty Officers at matches, especially on Friday nights.

·  Tax invoices are to be prepared and sent to MFL, seeking reimbursement of 50% of the operating costs for MFRAI to use Match Ref for its appointments; plus 50% of the costs to send referees to the 2017 NNSW Football Talented Official Program Camp.

Business Arising from the Report – Nil


Inwards Correspondence 17/761 to 17/807

Outwards Correspondence 17/682 to 17/732

Business Arising from Inwards Correspondence - Nil

Business Arising from Outwards Correspondence - Nil

M/S Mitch Hickey / Riley Kirkaldy that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards correspondence be endorsed. CARRIED.


Jarrett’s Quality Meats $329.00 Social Committee Expenses for Youngies vs Oldies

M/S Sam Osmond / Stuart Carr that the account be paid. CARRIED.


M/S Mitch Hickey / Dave Sneddon that the Monthly Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet presented by the Treasurer be accepted. CARRIED.



·  Many thanks to everyone who was present at the Youngies vs Oldies Challenge Match between members of our association at Evans Park on Friday 8 September 2017. The Oldies won a very entertaining match by 5-3. Sincere appreciation is extended to Cardiff Junior Soccer Football Club, our hard working Social Committee and to the match officials, Alison Macready, Evan Mears and Wayne Welsh, for their contribution to what was a very enjoyable night.

·  Membership fees to be paid by members wishing to rejoin for the 2018 season are $50.00 for active and non-active members and $10.00 for social members. The membership fees must be paid in full by Saturday 31 March 2018 in order for membership to continue.

·  The Annual Challenge Matches against the junior and senior members of Newcastle Football Referees Association will be played at Evans Park, Cardiff, on Sunday 15 October 2017. The junior match shall commence at 9.30am and be followed by the senior match at 11.00am. Members wishing to attend the day as players or spectators are requested to please complete the detachable slip at the base of the notice sent to members about the event.

·  The date of next year’s Annual Referees and Assessors Seminar Day has been confirmed as Sunday 25 February 2018.

·  The Annual General Meeting of the association will be held in the assembly hall at Warners Bay Public School, on Tuesday 17 October 2017. The Social Committee will serve dinner and liquid refreshments on the night of the meeting. Members are encouraged to please come along in October to what is our final meeting for the 2017 season.

·  This year’s Annual Presentation Night will be held at Central Charlestown Leagues Club on Saturday 28 October 2017, commencing at 6.30pm. Completed detachable slips and all monies for the function must be forwarded to the Treasurer no later than the Annual General Meeting.

·  The first two of the next series of Level 4 Referee Courses will be held on Sunday 8 and Saturday 14 October 2017. Further courses will be run by Brad Carlin, in his role as the Northern NSW Football Match Official Development and Administration Co-Ordinator, between October 2017 and April 2018. Candidates to become new referees need to successfully complete the FFA theory examination online to be eligible to attend the Level 4 Referee Course. Members who know of any potential new referees are requested to please contact the President or Secretary as soon as possible with the names, addresses, email addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers of the prospective candidates so that the course information may be sent to them.

·  Congratulations are extended to all of our members who officiated on the recent finals series matches for the MFL Inter-District Competition; and to Lachlan Matthews, Haydn King, Riley Kirkaldy, Aidan Kirkaldy, Jake Kunovec, Stuart Hansen, Tim Hackett, Ben Hackett, Eleanor Jones, Mitch Hickey, Blake Hickey, Sim Hamisi, Sam Charlier, Mark Carter, Joel Ralston, James Johnson, John Broadley, Tom Burnitt, Jack Stoker, Kim Song, Paul Newton, Peter Guest, Evan Mears and Alison Macready who all officiated on various finals matches in the Northern NSW Football premier competitions and the Zone League competitions; and to David Mason, Alison Macready and Stuart Hansen, who officiated recently on the Bill Turner Cup and Bill Turner Trophy Finals Series. Our association again maintained its high standards by ensuring that every finals series match in the Macquarie zone was covered with the full complement of match officials. The association has also been praised for the quality of officiating of its match officials across all competitions.

·  Very best wishes are extended to Stuart Hansen for much success and achievement when he officiates at the forthcoming FFA Boys National Championships at Coffs Harbour. Stuart is certain to do our association proud.

·  Very best wishes are also extended to Ruby Charge and Leah O’Hagan, who are our association’s two representatives at this weekend’s Northern NSW Football Girls’ TOP Camp being run in conjunction with the Girls’ State Championships.


·  MFL Director, Ron Victor, apologised that he was unable to attend the Youngies vs Oldies Challenge Match due to another commitment.

·  On behalf of MFL, Ron Victor congratulated the association on the performance of its members during the recent finals series matches, and in particular, the grand finals.

·  MFL received a verbal report of a transgender player taking the field for a women’s all age team during the finals series and throughout the season. Newcastle Football have advised they are not aware of this person being registered with the team, and neither MFL nor Newcastle Football have received any letters regarding this person. MFL will be requesting a ruling from Northern NSW Football and FFA in relation to the matter.

·  MFL will be checking the lighting at a number of fields, with a particular regard to safety.

·  For the 2018 season, every all age and over 35 men’s or women’s team will be issued with an information pack, and a contact will be required for each team (not club) so that they can be sent further information for finals series matches. Any all age or over 35 player may be asked to produce ID during the season, and a $200 fine applies if they are unable to do so.

·  A MFL Director approached the bench area immediately following the conclusion of a women’s all age grand final, and observed a number of players were wearing facial jewellery / piercings. Members need to be consistent in applying the Laws of the Game and the national policy in regards to jewellery.

M/S Blake Hickey / Brodie Jupp that the reports be accepted. CARRIED.


In reaching a recommendation, the Management Committee took advice from the Treasurer to confirm that the total amount is within the financial capabilities of our association at this point in time. In the last 12 months, the workload and responsibilities have increased for some positions and decreased for others (through no fault of the members holding those positions). The total amount recommended by the Management Committee is very close to what was paid 12 months ago.

M/S David Mason / Richard Low that the following Out Of Pocket Expenses for the 2017 season, as recommended by the Management Committee, be paid to association Officials. CARRIED.

Brad Carlin President, Appointments, General Administration $1250.00

Alison Macready Secretary, General Administration, Web Page $1250.00

Joe Worboys Appointments Officer $600.00

Charlie Stevens Clerical Assistant to Appointments Committee $600.00

Mitch Hickey Treasurer $500.00

Mark Carter Director of Coaching $500.00

Dave Sneddon Equipment Officer $100.00

Lesley Alley Catering for Meetings and Functions $100.00

Marlene Ray Catering for Meetings and Functions $100.00

John Tucker Junior Vice President, Social Chairman $100.00

Ray Ashbourne Senior Vice President, Coaching at TRAC Program $100.00

Jake Southward Level 4 Referee Co-Ordinator $100.00

Peter Wilson Assistant Secretary/Registrar $50.00

Cohen Dennis Web Content Co-Ordinator $50.00

Jack Fisher Junior Members’ Representative $50.00

Stuart Hansen Junior Members’ Representative $50.00

Riley Holohan Junior Referee Coach $50.00


The amounts to be paid to referee assessors and mentors for each assessment report submitted for junior and senior matches will be determined at the next Management Committee Meeting.


The Chairman explained to the meeting that there are two reasons for the proposed changes to the constitution. Firstly, in the last 12 months, the NSW State Government has gazetted some changes to the Incorporations Act and Regulations, and as an incorporated association our association needs to comply with the new model rules. Secondly, in the last 12 months, the Management Committee have identified some things that they think can make the association more efficient.

M/S Richard Low / Jack Stoker that the proposed changes be considered in bulk. CARRIED.

The Chairman explained to the meeting that voting on the proposed changes must be conducted by a show of hands, as at least 75% of the members who vote must vote in favour of the motion in order for it to be passed as a special resolution

M/S David Mason / Rick Bartley that all of the proposed changes, being considered in bulk, be passed by this meeting as a special resolution. CARRIED.


First Prize Phil Jackson Gift Card

Second Prize Phil Jackson Gift Card


·  Richard Low enquired about dates for any upcoming Level 3 Assessor and Level 3 Instructor courses. The Chairman advised that there are still places available for the Level 3 Assessor course that is taking place at Club Macquarie on Saturday 23 September 2017, and noted that there will hopefully be sufficient numbers for Northern NSW Football to run a Level 3 Instructor course in the near future.