April 4, 2016 Macksburg City Council Minutes Continued

Macksburg City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2016 – 7:00 P.M. – City Hall Macksburg, Iowa

The Macksburg City Council met on April 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the city hall located in Macksburg, Iowa.

Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken. City Council members present, Jones, McKinney, Peckham, Breda and Web.

Jones made a motion to approve the agenda; McKinney seconded and all carried with ayes.

McKinney made a motion to approve the consent agenda which included minutes from March 7, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting, March 7, 2016 Public FY 2017 Budget Meeting, March’s City Treasure Report, and April 2016 bills to be paid; Breda seconded and all carried with ayes.

March 2016 Treasure Report:

Disbursements: $2,161.82 / Checking : $212.96 / Savings: $83,652.53


RUT: $787.35 / Madison County: $29.77 / Sales Tax $598.52
Account Name / Open Balance / Amount Out / Amount In / Closing Balance
General Fund / $78,315.58 / $2,161.82 / $628.29 / $76,782.05
RUT / $6,96.09 / $0.00 / $787.35 / $7,083.44
CD / $24,554.65 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $24,554.65
Total / $109,166.32 / $2,161.82 / $1,415.64 / $108,420.14

April 2016 Bills:

Alliant Energy: / $489.45 / SIRWA: / $47.50 / Ralph Breakenridge:
Clean City Hall / $25.00
Agriland Fs. Inc. / $314.79 / Waste Management of Creston / $190.00 / TOTAL BILLS: / $1,066.74
Total General Fund: $1,066.74 / Total RUT Fund: $0


City Council Discussed a Semi Trailer located on empty lot on the south east corner of Lincoln and Maple St. Council Members will speak to the owner.

Old Business:

City Council Member decided the recycling bin will be move to the South West corner of North Street and West Street. The bin will be emptied as needed.

The Municipal Infraction Ordinance is tabled until May 2016.

The Grant for the City Park has passed the due date.

City Nuisance Ordinance and see if there is anything we can do to make the ordinance a bit explanatory tabled until May 2016.

Ralph Breakenridge to continue to mow the City Park & City Hall & will continue to clean the City Hall.

Notice to be mailed out to 200 S. Oak St. about cleaning up the trash and also taking care of the car that is on blocks.

City council will be work on painting, updating, adding sand and mulch to the merry-go-round.

New Business:

City Council Mayor to speak to Blacktop Services about the estimate to repair streets, this has been tabled until May 2016.

Jones made a motion for City Wide Clean Up to be held May 27th through the 31st, and to get a dumpster for citizens of Macksburg and to get a dumpster for the clean-up; McKinney seconded and all carried with ayes.

Jones made a motion to have Janet Webb to paint the two horses in the City Park; Breda seconded and all carried with ayes.

Jones made a motion to renew the CD’s for six months: McKinney seconded and all carried with ayes.

Peckham made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm; Jones seconded and all carried out with ayes. Next City Council Meeting will be held May 2, 2016 at 7:00.

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Tricia Gardner City Clerk/Treasure

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April 4, 2016 Macksburg City Council Minutes Continued

City Council Members:

4/9/2016 9:25 AM TG 2

April 4, 2016 Macksburg City Council Minutes Continued

Dee Peckham 641-768-2438

Jessica Jones 515-468-9468

Julie Breda 641-768-2351

Robert McKinney 641-768-2302

Carl Webb 641-745-9631

Mayor: Mike Carlson 515-468-3895

2016 City Committees:

Mayor Pro Tem: Bob McKinney

Lights: Bob McKinney and Julie Breda

Parks: Dee Peckham and Jessica Jones

Streets: Mike Carlson and Carl Webb

Administration: Tricia Gardner

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April 4, 2016 Macksburg City Council Minutes Continued

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