Métro 1 Module 6 Les vacances Unité 1 pp88-89 Où vas-tu?

/ Activity no.
Framework objectives /

Reinforce: 7W2 (high-frequency words)

Starters /

Starter 1: Identifying holiday destinations (Framework Pack, p.94)

Starter 2: Multiple-choice using aller (Framework Pack, p.94)
Plenary /

Learn and practise aller (Framework Pack, p.95)

Learning objectives /

Talking about your holiday plans

Grammar / aller (full paradigm)
(Programmes of Study) / 2a listen for gist and detail
5h use language for real purposes / 1b, 3a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify where people are going on holiday and for how long / 1b, 3a
Speaking / AT2/3 / Talk about where you and other people are going on holiday and for how long / 3b, 3c
Reading and responding / AT3/2–3 / Read short texts to identify where people go on holiday and their views / 4
Writing / AT4/3 / Write a summary of where people go for their holidays and for how long / 3d
Key language / Où vas-tu en vacances? Je vais au bord de la mer / à la campagne / à la montagne / au Parc Disneyland / à Paris / dans les Pyrénées / les Alpes / le Jura / sur la Côte d’Azur / en Bretagne / Provence.
Je reste à la maison .
Pour combien de temps? pour …
un week-end, une semaine, dix jours, deux semaines, un mois
ICT Opportunities / Text manipulation, TG, p.147
ICT Pack: activity 1, near future, holiday destinations and activities
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.52
Resources / Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 10
R & A File, worksheets 1, 2, pp.99, 100
Métro 1 Module 6 Les vacances
Unité 2 pp90-91 Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire? / Activity no.
Framework objectives /

Reinforce: 7W5 (verbs present + past); 7S7 (time and tenses); 7T3 (checking before reading); 7T4 (using resources); 7T7 (improving written work)

Starters /

Starter 3: Practising phrases for holiday activities (Framework Pack p.95)

Starter 4: Identifying present or near future (Framework Pack pp.95-96)
Plenary /

Practise aller + infinitive sentences around the class (Framework Pack, p.96)

Learning objectives /

Talking about what you’re going to do during the holidays

Grammar / the immediate future: aller + infinitive
(Programmes of Study) / 1c use a range of vocabulary and structures
3d use dictionaries
4d knowledge of TL communities / 3b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3 / Identify what activities people are going to do during their holidays / 1b
Speaking / AT2/2 / Discuss with a partner what you are going to do / 1a
Reading and responding / AT3/3–4 / Understand short texts about what people are going to do / 2b, 2c
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Copy and complete a letter and respond to a letter to explain where you are going and what you are going to do on holiday / 3a, 3b
Key language / Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire? Je vais ….
aller à la pêche, faire une balade à vélo, faire du camping, faire du cheval, faire de la natation, faire de la planche (à voile)
jouer aux cartes, jouer à l’ordinateur, jouer avec mes copains, jouer au tennis, jouer au foot(ball), jouer au volley(ball)
une caravane, un pique-nique
la plage, l’eau
ICT Opportunities / Text manipulation, TG, p.151
Presentation, TG, p.151
ICT Pack: activity 5, Holiday destination, length of stay / who with
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / À toi A, PB, p.114
Workbooks A & B, p.53
Resources / Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 11
Song, PB p.20
R & A File, worksheets 1, 3, 4, 5, pp.99,101–103
R & A File, p.105 (grammar)
OHTs 23–24: activities
Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Fact or conjecture?), p.100
Framework Pack: Writing skills (Les vacances: Round robin), p.101

Métro 1 Module 6 Les vacances Unité 3 pp92-93 Aller en ville

/ Activity no.
Framework objectives / Reinforce: 7C5 (social conventions)
Starters / Starter 5: Identifying places in town (Framework Pack, p.96)
Starter 6: Building sentences to ask the way (Framework Pack, p.97)
Plenary / Practise the mini-test language (Framework pack, p.97)
Learning objectives / Talking about where places are in a town
Grammar / à + definite article
vous form of verbs
prepositions: à côté de, après, dans, devant, derrière, en face de, entre, sur
(Programmes of Study) / 2c ask and answer questions
2e vary language for context / audience / 1a, 1c
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify from dialogues places and directions / 1b
Speaking / AT2/2 / Ask the way and give direction to places / 1c
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Understand short sentences to locate buildings and services on a map / 2
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write directions, draw a plan of a town and write where the buildings are located / 1d, 3
Key language / C’est dans quelle direction? Où?
Pour aller au marché? / à la gare? / à l’église? / aux magasins?
Vous allez tout droit. Vous tournez à gauche / à droite.
à cote du cinéma, après le pont, dans le jardin public, derrière la gare, devant la poste, en face de l’église, entre l’hôtel et la banque, sur la place du marché
l’arrêt de bus, la banque, la boulangerie, le centre commercial, le cinéma, l’église, la gare, l’hôtel, l’hôtel de ville, le jardin public, le marché, le parking, la piscine, le pont, la poste, le restaurant, le supermarché, le théâtre
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: activity 6, places in a town, directions
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / À toi! B, PB, p.115
Workbooks A & B, pp.54–55
Resources / Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 12
R & A File, worksheet 6, p.104
R & A File, pp.105–106 (grammar)
OHTs 25–26: town plan + labels
Flashcards 81–96: locations
Métro 1 Module 6 Les vacances
Unité 4 pp94-95 On achète des souvenirs / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Reinforce: 7L3 (gist and detail)
Starters / Starter 7: Number patterns (Framework Pack, p.98)
Starter 8: Reordering a dialogue (Framework Pack, p 98)
Plenary / Write out the components of higher numbers (Framework Pack, p.98)
Learning objectives / Asking for things in a shop
Grammar / numbers 60–100

je voudrais + article + noun

(Programmes of Study) / 2d initiate and develop conversations
2e vary language for context / audience / 1c
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify souvenirs and prices from dialogues / 1b
Speaking / AT2/3 / Practise dialogue to request items in a shop and to ask how much they cost / 1c
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Read out loud a written dialogue / 1c
Writing / AT4/2 / Write a list of friends and possible presents / 2b
Key language / Bonjour monsieur / madame / mademoiselle, vous désirez?
Je voudrais un cadeau pour …, s’il vous plaît
Voilà. Ça fait combien? Merci, au revoir.
J’achète un souvenir / une BD / une montre / des bonbons / une bouteille de parfum / un CD / du chocolat / un porte-clés / un poster / un tee-shirt.
ICT Opportunities / Word processing, TG, p.157
ICT Pack: activity 2, numbers to 1000
ICT Pack: activity 3, presents, understanding prices
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.56
Resources / Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 13
Métro 1 Module 6 Les vacances Unité 5 pp96-97 Au Quick / Activity no.
Framework objectives /

Reinforce: 7T6 (texts as prompts for writing); 7L6 (improving speech); 7C5 (social conventions)

Starters /

Starter 9: Looking for cognates in menus (Framework Pack, p.99)

Starter 10: Snack bar bills (Framework Pack p. 99)
Plenary /

General revision Modules 1-6 (Framework Pack, p.99)

Learning objectives /

Buying a snack

Grammar / je voudrais (revision)
(Programmes of Study) / 5d produce and respond to different types of written / spoken language / 1b, 3
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify food and drink from short dialogues / 1a
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask for a snack and a drink and confirm the cost / 2
Reading and responding / AT3/1 / Recognise familiar items of food and drink on a French snack menu / 1a,1b
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write a menu for a snack bar / 3
Key language / Vous désirez?
Je voudrais un hamburger avec des cornichons / des oignons et de la salade / des bâtons de poulet (le poulet-dip).
Et avec ça? Une eau minérale non gazeuse.
C’est tout? Oui, c’est tout.
un burger (le hamburger, le fishburger, le cheeseburger), une glace, un sandwich toasté (le toastie)
des frites, du fromage, du jambon, du ketchup
un coca, un café, une eau minérale gazeuse / non gazeuse
ICT Opportunities / Word processing, TG, p.160
ICT Pack: activity 4, food and drink
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / En plus, PB, pp.100–101 (extension)
Workbooks A & B, pp.57–61
Resources / Cassette C, side 2 or CD 3, track 14