Nehru Place,

New Delhi - 110 019

SUB: Vessel......

I.G.M. NO...... Item No......

Container No. (s)......

B/L No. (s)......

Whereas for the purpose of destuffing the goods, it is necessary to remove the containers out of ICD New Delhi to our premises M/s ……………………

…………………………………Whereas for the purpose of removal, the agent of the Shipping Company are required to execute an indemnity bond in favour of Delhi Customs to ensure return of the Containers in the docks.

Now, therefore in consideration of your executing the necessary bond, aforesaid, to enable us to move the containers out of ICD New Delhi area for the purpose of destuffing the same in our factory at M/s……………………………………………

……………………………….. agree and undertake for ourselves and our successors and assigns indemnified against all claims, losses, demands, damages and cost of any nature whatsoever that may be made on you by anybody and in any capacity whatsoever or sustained said indemnify bond and against, we hereby agree and confirm to abide by the following terms and conditions :-

1. The importer and/or clearing agents/ contractors/ transporters (above named) and/or their employees and servants shall take all responsibility/ care to ensure that containers are kept in a suitable and usable condition for all whose acts or omission and commission the shipper/importer is solely liable.

2.The shipper/ Importer agrees to indemnify the carrier and/ or their agents (above named) against all the losses, damages, liability, lost or expenditure suffered or incurred by the movements of the containers while in possession of importer, arising out of the connected with injury or death or purpose or loss or damage to property or other persons, in the process of such movement and destuffing operation.

3.The importer shall return the containers in a good/ sound condition. For this purpose survey to be conducted by your authorised surveyor and their report and their findings shall be binding on the importer.

4.The Importer are liable to indemnify the carrier or its agents for the claim by the customs to the extent of Rs. 2, 00,000.00 (Rs. Two Lacs only) for one 20’ container and Rs. 4, 00,000.00 (Rs. Four Lacs only) for one 40’ container.

5.The guarantee under these presents shall be effective from the time the container is delivered to the Importer or their representative till the same is returned to the ICD, New Delhi delivered against clear receipt and discharge or unto a period of one month.

6.The Importer agree to return the full containers in good order and sound condition to the ICD, New Delhi within a period of one month.

7.The Importer also agree to settle all the detention account till the time it is returned to the custom yard as per the lines tariff and accordingly the bond will be cancelled.

Thanking you,