September 26-27, 2014

Citation/Cessna Meeting Room

Residence Inn, Denver International Airport, 16490 E. 40th Circle

Aurora, Colorado 80011

Minutes – September 26, 2014

Note: written reports are on WIKI:

CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Mountain-Plains Business Education Association Executive Board was held at the Residence Inn, Denver International Airport, Denver, Colorado on September 26, 2014. President DeLayneHavlovic called the meeting to order at 6:24 p.m. DeLayne gave a welcome and made several announcements.

ROLL CALL A sign-in sheet was sent around to record attendance by Cheryl Mallan, Secretary. The 2014-2015 officer roster was sent around twice for corrections. This roster will be the responsibility of Cheryl Mallan, secretary, and will be updated every month. A copy needs to be sent to Toni Landenberger for webpage.

The following Executive Board members were present:

Patricia Arneson, Kelly Means, Karen May, Chris French, Marilyn Jones, Violet Snell, Lori Hauf, Carol Sessums, Jean Condon, Cathy Tkacik, Diane Karlsbraaten, Deb Wolken, Kris Gaebel, Cheryl Mallan, and DeLayneHavlovic.

INTRODUCTIONSEach attendee introduced themselves by stating their name and giving a brief introduction. DeLayne led an introduction activity: we were each given a cup of M & Ms and four (4) questions. Coke is better than Pepsi,eat breakfast every morning, etc. Based on how we answered the four (4) questions, we divided into four (4) groups. Each question corresponded to a color of M & M and the group member with the highest number of M & Ms in that color answered the question first. Each member, going clockwise, answered the same question. After returning to the large group, each attendee shared one thing they learned about someone in their group. Lots of laughs.

MEMBERSHIPMembershiptraining was led by Chris French. M-PBEA leads the pack with membership: 706 members, 23 student members, 20 retired members, and since June 1, 2014 there have been 29 new members

State conference responsibilities include recruiting new members and completing the membership forms right there and collecting the money. Be diligent in getting membership information processed quickly.

...... Chris shared a handout with lapsed renewals and new member numbers. Each state membership director received a folder with their membership list. Directors were quizzed on how to interpret data on the membership list. All passed.

A question was asked about members not showing up on NBEA roster. If members area life-time member, they must pay their ISBE dues to show up on the NBEA membership list. Pat Arneson will check on this at the board meeting. Each state officer should be a member of NBEA.

Suggestions made: look at last list and if possible, determine who is no longer in the profession. Keep Chris French, regional membership director, current on your progress with working your list. Use survey monkey questionnaire. Follow the suggested check list that Chris distributed.

Note: Gary Donnely passed away this summer. He was past membership director.

In June, Marlene Stout challenged Membership Committee to create four (4) new initiatives.

Initiative 1: Back to school initiative.

  • Marilyn Jones will have state conference in less than 3 weeks; notes were sent about NBEA membership to attendees. She really just checks her list each month.
  • Vi Snell did calling and left messages concerning memberships.
  • Lori Hauf did not complete a back-to-school activity. At her conference, she tried to meet each attendee.
  • Carol Sessums did nothing specific. Did send emails from her lists. Her push is coming up.
  • Jean Condon is having six (6) workshops and will email all that are not members. She does not call, just emails, but will try calling. She is also sending emails to new student teachers and also 1st and 2nd year teachers.

What are three more initiatives?

  1. Lapsed members – do they have insurance coverage? Got coverage?like got milk?as a campaign slogan? Do teachers in classroom have insurance coverage? What if they are retired, they may not want insurance. Although, retirees are not counted in totals. Let’s look only at professional members. Pet insurance may also be available. Focus on coverage of all types. Chris will put together a flyer and will send to membership directors.
  1. November to January. Next push is due February 1. Chris asked for suggestions. Suggestion: push could be for National conferences held in the spring. Encourage applications for stipend for first-time attendees. Reminders that scholarship application is on line.
  1. Most NBEA members don’t know that they are a regional member when they join NBEA. Remind them that they are getting two memberships for one. Let’s also include LDI recruitment for M-PBEA.

Chris announced that her term is up in June. No comment.


As a board, we have different areas of focus. One is membership.

Attendees got back into our M M groups and answered several questions about membership. Each group was given from 7:22 – 7:40 to answer questions as a group. Groups came back together and shared their comments. DeLayne will summarize and give to Pat for her meeting. Each group shared their most valuable point.

  1. Change in philosophy – change in work ethic, business, marketing, IT – don’t see value in meeting face to face and the non-traditional path for getting into teaching currently.
  1. Strengths – NBEA is the only provider of literature for business educators. Not utilizing technology – websites are NOT good. State and regional websites need to be kept updated.
  1. LDI is the training for development of our leaders. Diversity isn’t shown on the new NBEA poster. Do we always have to have conference in June?
  1. Customer service at the membership table. Are we reaching out to our members and stuck with a rule that needs to be changed? Angry people visited the membership table. Presenters didn’t get a gift after presentation. No refund policy stated on conference application.


Audit; Policies/Procedures; Website; M-PBEA Journal;

Publications; Educator Awards; Fundraising; Strategic Planning; Archives; Bylaws; Legislative; Share-An-Idea

Some committees will meet tonight. Some committees will meet during breakfast tomorrow.


Wine and snacks in DeLayne’s Room at 9:15 p.m.

ADJOURNMeeting suspended at 8:11 p.m. until Saturday.


September 26-27, 2014

Citation/Cessna Meeting Room

Residence Inn, Denver International Airport, 16490 E. 40th Circle

Aurora, Colorado 80011

Minutes and written reports – September 27, 2014

CALL TO ORDERMeeting continued at 9:32 a.m.

ROLL CALLA sign-in sheet was sent around to record attendance by Cheryl Mallan, Secretary.

The following Executive Board members were present:

Patricia Arneson, Kelly Means, Karen May, Chris French, Marilyn Jones, Violet Snell, Lori Hauf, Carol Sessums, Jean Condon, Cathy Tkacik, Diane Karlsbraaten, Deb Wolken, Kris Gaebel, Cheryl Mallan, Connie Lindell, and DeLayneHavlovic.


Oklahoma – Chris French

New Mexico – Deb Wolken

South Dakota – Cathy Tkacik

Wyoming – Diane Karlsbraaten


Minutes did have several corrections and were approved as corrected. Motion to approve as corrected by Connie Lindell and seconded by Marilyn Jones. DeLayne will work with Lori Hauf and Cheryl Mallan to see that corrections are made.


Treasurer, Kelly Means, presented the current financial status of M-PBEA. Kelly showed all reports via overhead. (Report will be on file and does not need to be approved.) Vouchers were made available to attendees. NBEA pays each region per member. Questions were asked about how NBEA calculates that amount and no one seems to know the exact way. We do not get credit if NBEA sponsors a special promotional membership recruitment drive. There may be a gift that members receive for joining during the promotional drive. Students and retirees don’t count in the number.

Written reports at end of minutes and on WIKI: 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3


President DeLayneHavlovic

Past-president Connie Lindell

President-elect Karen May

NBEA Director’s Report PatArneson

Written officer reports at end of minutes and on WIKI:

9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4


Attendees were divided into four (4) groups by TV characters. Each office was given an index card with a TV character on it. Groups were formed by similar characters. Each group answered the following questions:

  • Leadership opportunities we provide to our board
  • Leadership opportunities we provide to our members
  • New opportunities for building leadership
  • Threats to our leadership structure

Comments: Transition from one position to another - time issues affect how this happens. NBEA sees M-PBEA as a supplier of leaders. Even at a national level. Need for mentoring younger members. How that happened is the struggle.

Provide assistance for our board members with travel. Leadership opportunities for our board members. Threat – inclusivity and customer service. We need to be more inclusive.

Threats – aging and retiring board - younger group doesn’t have support from school districts with time off and they don’t want to give up their time. Opportunities for leadership – committee work, LDI, and board members work with states and members to mentor them to move up.

If you come on the board - we would recruit them and have mentorship for those new people. Provide contacts to mentor new officers. Get more men on the board.



M-PBEA Membership Director’s Report Chris French

M-PBEA Leadership Award Sheryl Piening Keller

  • No written report but Sheryl is working on Leadership Awards. Concern that nothing was in the newsletter. Constant Contact could be used to send out this notice.

Archives Kris Gaebel

ISBE Representative Cathy Tkacik

Newsletter Editor Lori Chambers

Legislative Deb Wolken

NBEA Publications Glenda Rotvold

Web site Toni Landenberger

Journal Editor Kelly Scholl

Fundraising Pat Arneson

Written reports are at end of minutes and on WIKI:

9.5 – 9.15

(9.6 M-PBEA Leadership - no written report;

9.13 Endowment - off agenda)


Colorado (written report) Carol Sessums

Kansas (written report) Marilyn Jones

Nebraska (written report) Jean Condon

New Mexico (written report) Sherrell Wheeler

North Dakota (written report) Lori Hauf

Oklahoma (no report)

South Dakota (no report)

Texas (written report) Violet Snell

Wyoming (no report)

Written reports are at end of minutes and on WIKI:

10.1 – 10.9


2014 Conference – Texas (Summary Report) Karen May

2015 Conference – New Mexico Carol Sessums

2016 Conference – Kansas Marilyn Jones

Written reports are at end of minutes and on WIKI:

7.3 – 7.5


Audit Carol Sessums

Audit will be taken care of in June. No report.

Educator Awards Karen May

Vi is proofing before award winners are put on the web. Karen needs reviewers from three (3) states.

Last year we used: North Dakota, New Mexico, Kansas

2014-15 TX, Colorado, Oklahoma, Canada provinces will be used for judges this year.

2015-16 (Page 11) in procedures may need to be updated.

2016-17 Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska.

Seems we are off a year with following the by-laws. Changes will be made to match these changes in judges. Have awards completed by April. See page 10. One member of department must be NBEA member and the nominating person MUST be NBEA member.

Written reports are at end of minutes and on WIKI:

9.16 – 9.17

(9.16 no written report; 9.17 combined wit 9.3)





Bylaws Lori Hauf

NO REPORT – may need to meet in June.

Policies & Procedures Pat Arneson

Pat to give secretary changes. Once revised, the board will review and then approve.

Discussion on how long a person MUST serve on M-PBEA board before running for president elect. How much experience does this person need to have? Changes will be made to reflect discussion.

Legislative Deb Wolken

Covered this morning.

Written reports at end of minutes and on WIKI:

9.18 – 9.20


Who am I? A pink card was taped on everyone’s back. We were to guess who you were with yes and no questions.

After members were arranged in groups, four questions were asked:

  1. Where do we need to advocate?
  2. How can we advocate for more to enter the field of business education?
  3. How can we and NBEA better advocate at the local, state, and national level for business education?
  4. What are the threats to and about Business Education? Career and Technical Education?

Advocacy handout: Where can we promote our own programs. Promote with school boards, community, other educators, state department. FBLA or BPA state conferences, local PLC, show correlation to common core. Show new teachers, business partnerships how they would benefit. NBEA needs to be more visible. Utilize advisory committees.

How to get new teachers? Enter field of education – groom them. Why would they teach with everything that is put on classroom educators? Promote at career fair. Why recruit if there are no jobs?

Focus on CTE programs, Department of Education, fact sheets, Twitter feed – DeLayne participates.

Threat: Teachers that are not endorsed or certified in business education. Common core is a threat. Lack of support from administration. Elimination of business programs. CTE programs underfunded.



Membership Chris French

Nominations Connie Lindell

Connie Lindell has a full slate. Lori Hauf– president elect; Chris French – membership director; Cheryl Mallan –secretary (3 years).

Publications Glenda Rotvold

April 1 was the deadline, now May 15. We still have no entries. Move it back to April 15 as the new deadline.

Share-an-Idea Diane Karlsbraaten

Membership directors are asked to send out a mail out for share an idea. South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming are judges. A question was asked about the application, was it too difficult. An applicant said it was okay. Should we have an award that is for teachers with 1-3 years of experience? Could students apply for a share-an-idea?

Strategic Planning DeLayneHavlovic

Attendees participated with strategic planning with our group activities. DeLayne will compile his report using the data we shared with him.

Written reports at end of minutes and on WIKI:

9.21 – 9.25


  1. Policies & Procedures Manual changes
  1. 2015 NBEA Convention – Chicago

1. Informal Board Meeting Connie & Karen

Wednesday, April 1, Room TBA, following opening general session 4-5.

2. Membership Directors Training

State membership directors plan to attend Friday morning. 100 percent gets free registration for that year.

  1. NBEA Nominations/appointments

No notice of recommendation as of this date. Question was asked: does anyone want to serve if DeLayne is asked in the future?

Personal Finance – Pat Arneson

Business Partnerships – Pat Arneson

Awards – Lori Hauf

Technology – Karen May

Legislative – Deb Wolken

Policies commission – Kelly Means

Legislative – DeLayneHavlovic


Item 1:

Kansas will be the host state for the 2016 convention, June 19-22 at Hotel Phillips. Kansas approved as the convention site– contract still needs to be signed.

Convention director: Marilyn Jones

Connie Lindell

Program chair: Nate Naasz

Conference treasurer to be determined at a later date.

There was no discussion. Motion was made by Chris French and seconded by Violet Snell.

No discussion. Motion was approved. (form included)

Item 2:

M-PBEA Convention will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 14-17, 2015.

Convention personnel: Kris Gaebelwas named the conference treasurer.

Carol Sessums will be the conventionchair.

Motion made by Kelly Means and seconded by Marilyn Jones. (form included)

Item 3:

Reimbursement – for members that were not funded, a decision needed to be made about reimbursements for travel. If you were not funded, you will be reimbursed $150.

Connie Lindell made motion and it was seconded by Carol Sessums. (form attached)

Item 4:

M-PBEA stipends to NBEA: Kelly will send directly to Jan. Two professional stipends will be awarded. Provide a donation to NBEA silent auction. It is in our budget. A $75 cash donation is what we have done in the past. Part of our $75 was kept as part of their funds. We may want to purchase a $75 gift card so all funds will be a gift.


Next meeting: M-PBEA Board Meeting during NBEA Convention in Chicago. Exact time and room location TBA.

Meet before 5 for concert tonight. It was decided to meet in lobby at 4:45.


Meeting adjourned by DeLayne at3:22.

Prepared by Cheryl Mallan, Secretary

Cheryl Mallan