-Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed Ali Saied
-MCh Orthopedic surgery
-Assistant lecture, Orthopedic surgerydepartment, Mansoura universityhospitals, Mansoura university, Egypt
-European Board of Orthopaedic and Traumatology /
Personal Data :
Name / Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed Ali Saied
Marital Status / Married
Date of Birth / 1/10/1982
Office Address / Mansoura University Hospital, Orthopedic department
Telephone / 00201069940569 - 0032489251510
E-mail /

Language spoken / Arabic (Native), English (TOEFL iBT score 91), French.
Qualifications & Positions :
  • M.B., B.Ch., Mansoura university, faculty of Medicine May 2006(Excellent degree)
  • Masterof orthopedic surgery in November 2010 very good degree.
  • Assistant lecture of orthopedic surgery, Mansoura University hospitals.
  • Master’s degree essay title (posterior stabilization of unstable lower cervical spine).
  • European Board of Orthopaedic and Traumatology 2015
  • Finished my PhD study and 2 years fellow in Gent University Hospitals about hip arthroscopy and paediatric orthopaedics.

  1. Rotating internship, Mansourauniversity hospitals, 2006-2007.
  2. Resident in departments of orthopedic surgery, Mansoura university hospitals (main university hospital, emergency hospital), 2007-2010.
  3. Assistant lecture of orthopedic surgery, Mansoura University hospitals, 2010-2013
  4. Attendance of annually held conferences, courses and workshops in Egypt about (arthroscopy and sports injuries, upper limb injuries, deformities, annual Egyptian orthopedic association conference, Hand and microsurgery, correction of deformities courses).
  5. AO principles of fracture management course (Participant).
  6. AO advances in operative trauma management course (Participant).
  7. Finished an AO trauma fellowship in Innsbruck University, Austria.
  8. Two Years fellowship in Gent University Hospital mainly on hip arthroscopy and paediatric orthopaedics.
  9. Short term fellowship in Helsinki University Hospitals about pelvic and acetabular fractures.
Current position:
Assistant lecture (clinical demonstrator) of orthopedic surgery, Mansoura university hospitals.
Membership of Scientific Societies:
  1. Member of Egyptian orthopedic association (EOA).
  2. AO Trauma Member and local faculty.
  3. AO fellow (Finished AO trauma fellowship in Innsbruck 2014)
  4. Fellow at Gent university hospitals 2015

Medical interests :
  • Interested in pediatric orthopaedics (especially in hip).
  • Trauma surgery specially Pelvis and acetabulum.
  • Sports medicine and rehabilitation of athletes after injuries.
  • Hip, shoulder, elbow and knee arthroscopy.
  • Correction of deformities.

Courses and workshops :
1- Attendance of the annual Egyptian orthopedic association conference since 2008.
2- Participation in Mansoura international foot and ankle course (MIFAC) (2009).
3- Participation in Egyptian group of arthroscopy and sports injuries (EGASI) course (2009).
4- Participation in international congress organized by Egyptian society of surgery of the hand and microsugery (2009).
5- Participation in International course of skeletal deformities correction (2009).
6- Perthes’ disease 100 years after (2009)
7- Participation in AO principles in operative fracture treatment course (2009).
8-British trauma course Cairo (2009).
9- Participation in Mansoura international foot and ankle course (MIFAC) (2010-2011).
10-Participation in AO advances in operative trauma management course (2012).
11- Participation in EPOS 2014.
12- International Hip arthroscopy course in Munich 2014
13-Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Approaches)
14-Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Pelvis and Acetabulum)
15-Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Foot and Ankle)
16-AOTrauma Europe Faculty Education and Biking Event 2014
17- Faculty in AO principles in operative fracture treatment course Ovifat, Belgium.
  • Planning in deformity correction.
  • International Hip arthroscopy course in Munich 2014
  • Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Approaches)
  • Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Pelvis and Acetabulum)
  • Graz AO Trauma advanced course 2014 (Foot and Ankle)
  • Twelve workshops in AO principles in operative fracture treatment course on different methods of fracture treatment (External fixators, Nails, Locked plates).
  • Knee arthroscopy.
  • Ankle Arthroscopy.
  • Different workshop in AO advances in operative trauma management course.