M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan State University(SKSU)
M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan State University(SKSU) was founded in 1943. Having more than 70 years of history, it has become one of the largest universities in Kazakhstan, training specialists of higher and post-graduate education in specialties of engineering, life science, IT, education, law, business, art, culture, sport, tourism.
There are more than 16000 students, 1000 Master’s and PhD students in the University. The teaching staff is 1665 teachers; among them are 14 academicians of National Academy of Sciences, 4 academicians of National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan, 128 Doctors of sciences, more than 600 candidates of sciences. Leading prominent scientists from near and far abroad countries, including USA, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Korea, Malaysia are invited to lecture in the University
Studies are conducted in 17 modern training buildings, three sport complexes. In whole the University has 511 training rooms, 124 laboratories, 55 computer class rooms. The university makes every effort to improve the HEI image in the society and to create SKSU brand.
The mission of SKSU is Formation of modern research-educational environment in which the training of highly qualified HR on the principles of close integration of science, education and innovations is being realized.
SKSU ranked the 3rd in National ranking of universities. SKSU ranked 601+ in QS World Ranking, and included in the number TOP 100 (71st position) of the international ranking QS «Developing Europe and Asia».
Еducational process.Actively realizing the policy of the state in the sphere of education the University has proceeded to the three-level system of education for the degrees of Bachelor (86 program) – Master (61 program) – Doctor PhD (14 program).Keeping all traditional historical values the University is dynamically developing and is open to innovations, at this focus is on the intellectual development and also on the formation of the students practical skills. The staff of the University effectively solves the issues of improving the organization of educational process, using innovative technologies and new teaching methods of active thinking. Monitoring and training programs, electronic textbooks and reference materials as well as virtual laboratories are being applied in all faculties. Educational television, equipped language laboratories, special laboratories and computer classes are being effectively used.
SKSU accredited both on national and international level. 125 programmes were accredited by Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. 22 programmes were accredited in German Accreditation Agency ASIIN with awarded Eurobachalore, EUR-ACE, EURO-INF labels.
Besides 3 master programmes (Synthesis of policomponent mineral fertilizers, Production of silicate materials, Food engineering and food safety) were audited externally by the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association.
Scientific-Research Activity.SKSU scientific activity is aimed at implementation of research, oriented at the scientific provision of innovative-industrial and socio-economic development of the region and Republic of Kazakhstan.
The priority scientific directions at SKSU are as follows:chemistry and chemical technology;biology and biotechnology;hydrocarbon raw material processing;technology of chemical-metallurgical processes;production of building materials and building industry;nanotechnology;applied mathematics and mechanics;mechanic engineering;technologies of nonconventional and renewablepower sources;agro-technology;technologies of light and food industry;geo-ecology and environmental health protection;humanitarian and socio-pedagogical research.
A corresponding infrastructure was created for realizing research and innovative activities at the University: eleven scientific-research institutes including the problems of biology and biotechnology, building materials, construction and architecture, chemical technology; 9 scientific centers and 6 international scientific-educational centers, 38 scientific laboratories including the accredited certificated center, which includes laboratories «Building construction, units and materials tests», «Mechanical tests» and Regional laboratory of engineering profile «Constructional and biochemical materials», which are provided by the analytical equipment of the last generation, function.
All necessary conditions are provided for the students to engage with scientific-research work at the University, both during studies and at extracurricular time. So, there are: a laboratory complex on technical service, maintenance, repair and diagnostic operation of automobiles, two specialized laboratories, and educational-scientific-industrial center on the base of LLP.
There is a Student Scientific Society, uniting young people with an active life style in order to promote the realization of creative and scientific potential of young people at the University. The representatives of all faculties are engaged into the SKSU Student Scientific Society. In its turn each institute has voluntary student scientific society whose members are engaged in research and creative activity in the students’ scientific circles and student design bureaus.
Annually student scientific conferences are held in natural-sciences, engineering, socio-economic and humanitarian sciences, devoted to the Message of the President of Kazakhstan. According to the results of conferences, during the last three years, over thousand students were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes.
International cooperation. The strategic direction of the university to fulfill its mission is the further integration into the global educational system, the establishment of joint double degree programs with leading foreign universities, the involvement of prominent foreign researchers into the educational and scientific processes, the increasing of academic mobility of student youth and faculty.
SKSU has about 130 cooperation agreements including partner-universities from EU. Among them are Technical University Munich, University Hohenheim, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Montanuniversiteit Leoben, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Pisa University, University of Ghent, Padova University, Universitat Politècnica de València, Deusto University and others. SKSU is active in Erasmus+ programmes with EU universities.
Priorities of the development of associated relations of the University are determined by opportunities given to members of international associations. SKSU has signed Magna Charta Universitatum and is a member of the European Association University (EUA), European Association of Higher Educational Institutions (EURASHE), European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN), European Association of Universities of Hospitality (EURHODIP); a member of the National team of experts in the field of higher education reforming.
The University partners in establishment of joint educational programs are the leading universities of the EU countries and Russia:The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Manchester Metropolitan University, Russian Chemical-Technological University named after Mendeleev, Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, Novosibirsk State University, and the University "Ak-Deniz".
In the framework of the CIS Network University at the Russian Peoples' Friendship University and NSU the joint preparation of candidates for the Master’s degree of SKSU on the program "International Law", "International Management" and "Philology" is realized.
1500Foreign students from Turkey, Germany, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, China, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, South Korea, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan are studying at M.Auezov SKSU. Each year, more than 100 Masters and PhDs pass the scientific training at the leading universities of Russia, Germany, Turkey and Malaysia. The level of teaching stuff mobility is increasing. For the last three years, more than fifty faculty and staff of the university went on business trips to get scientific internships, participation in international forums and seminars to the near and far abroad countries (USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, North Cyprus, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic,Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan)
Experience in participation and realization of TEMPUS projects (PERSEUS, CANQA, TuCAHEA, SILKROUTE, QUECCA, MAPREE, STUDIK).
The university carries out considerable work to attract foreign scientists for joint research and educational activities. In the system of international relations the University participates in various academic exchange programs: IAESTE, DAAD, UGRAD, Faculty Exchange Program, Fulbright, INSPIRE, Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and scholarship programs of the Embassies of the USA, France, Turkey, China, India, Spain, Poland and British Council.
Student’s Life.M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University youth is the most active student’s youth, constantly generating new ideas for the real contribution into the flourishing of the Republic, for its steady movement towards the common aim – Kazakhstan’s joining the number of 50 most competitive countries.
For observance of rights, freedoms and interests of the youth, development of democracy in solving youth problems since 2002 the Student’s Council with its own Rules and Structure is functioning at the University. The students of SKSU were the first among HEIs in Kazakhstan to have developed the Bill of students’ rights for recognizing the interests and needs of the youth in order to realize the socially significant initiatives of the young people.