Appendix 1

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council Planning Committee meeting,7th January 2016:

Statement by Rowan Watts regarding application 6/2015/0755, High Street (Land to rear of Chequers Inn), Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BJ

Thank you Mr. Chairman for giving me the opportunity to make my representation to the committee.

My name is Rowan Watts and I am the Managing Director of Anvil Court management which represents the owners of Anvil Court. I also own one of the ground floor flats which is presently let on a long-term agreement.

I believe as an individual, I am the worst affected over and above anybody else as my flat has a south facing window with views, and now it is proposed to build a bungalow directly in front of it approximately 6 yards away. So instead of having plenty of light and views across the Purbecks I would now be looking directly on to the roof of the new bungalow which will potentially reduce daylight entering the lounge and cutting off completely any distant views. I know nobody has the right to a view, but it does seem particularly harsh to now havea dwelling in front of one’s window only 6 yards away.

The pre-application advice from Purbeck Planning on the website says,:

“The site is surrounded by residential properties on all sides, the impact on neighbour amenity will be a key issue. The impact on the living conditions of the occupants of the neighbouring properties will need to be taken into account. This will include overlooking, loss of privacy, appearing as dominating or oppressive, overshadowing and loss of daylight”.

I would submit that the building erected 6 yards from one’s lounge window will tick all these boxes. Furthermore I believe there should be a daylight and sunlight assessment undertaken.

Furthermore the pre-application advice said that there should be plans showing cross sections of the development In relation to neighbouring land levels and details of finished floor levels. I would certainly like to see the relationship between the height of the new roof and my lounge so that its effect can be seen.

I had a meeting with the developer today and he has been accommodating as possible regarding agreeing to relocate a bedroom window on the bungalow which would have looked almost directly into my lounge. He has also agreed to slightly change the roof detail to provide a front hipped roof instead of are a gable end, which may reduce daylight obstruction.

However, the modifications do not completely overcome the impact of the new bungalow and ideally from the occupants of the flats point of view, the removal of the bungalow from the plans would make a huge difference to our quality of life. However, of course, this isn’t acceptable to the developer as he says it’s makes the site unviable and disrupts the overall appearance of the site.

I realise that the site would provide extra housing for Purbeck and the design is to a high standard and notwithstanding the helpfulness of the developer, I have no alternative but to voice my personal objection to this development.

Finally I have been asked by the other occupants of the flats at Anvil Court to voice their concerns regarding the loss privacy by having a new dwelling so close to the flats, additional noise emanating from the site, together with concerns regarding the density of the dwellings and at the height of the house at the higher end of the site.

There is also concern about traffic visiting the pub and with a much reduced car park, the fear is that those cars unable to parkin the car park will I have to park on the main road which is already getting congested partly due to the new car washing facilities which operate out of Gables Garage and this would become dangerous to all road users.

Thank you Mr. Chairman, that concludes my submission.

Rowan Watts