Lynda (Morton) Plymate Presentations and Workshops
International and National:
“Probing for Math Misconceptions,” Extended Session, NCTM 2007 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, March 23, 2007.
“Using Science and Writing to Enhance Mathematics Performance,” Extended Session, NCTM 2006 Annual Meeting and Exposition, St. Louis, MO, April 28, 2006. Presentation with Dr. Kurt Killion, Robin Swain & Samantha Mayberry.
"Interactive Algebra Using TI-89 Calculators and TI-InterActive! Software," Extended Workshop, NCTM Central
Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 11, 2004.
"Elementary Math Contest – NCTM Standards / Gender Issues; One Point of View," NCTM Central Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 12, 2004.
"Illustrate-the-Point Activities in Algebra Using TI-89 Calculators," Extended Session, NCTM Southern Regional Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, February 22, 2002.
"Using the TI-89 Calculator for Algebra and Calculus Explorations", Full-day workshop (8 student sessions, 1 teacher session), McQueen High School, Reno, NV, November 14, 2000.
"But This TI-92 Calculator Does Everything I Was Trained To Teach! What Now?" Extended Session, NCTM Central Regional Conference, Des Moines, IA, February 1999.
"TI-92 Calculator Activities to Support Change in Mathematics Instruction". Eleventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), New Orleans, LA, November 21,1998.
"The Center of Attention". NCTM Regional Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 29-31, 1998.
"Statistics Activities To Explore Algebraic and Geometric Relationships." 180-Minute Mini-Course. NCTM Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2, 1998.
"The Center of Attention". Tenth Annual International T3 (Teachers Teaching With Technology Conference, Nashville, TN, March 13, 1998.
"Explore Algebra With Statistics Activities”. Fifteenth Annual Midwest Education and Technology Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 9, 1998.
"CBL Activities To Explore Algebraic Relationships”. 120-Minute Extended Session. NCTM Regional Conference, St. Louis, MO, January 29, 1998.
"Statistics Activities to Explore Algebraic Relationships”. Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), Chicago, IL, November 7, 1997.
“CBL Activities to Explore Algebraic Relationships”. Fourteenth Annual Midwest Education and Technology Conference, St. Louis, MO, February 26, 1997.
“Statistics Activities To Explore Algebraic Relationships”. Teachers Teaching With Technology (T3) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, February 8, 1997.
“Communicating Mathematics with Calculators, Computers and the Internet”. NCTM Regional Conference, Kansas City, MO, October 10, 1996.
“Communicating Mathematics in the Secondary and Undergraduate Classroom”. NCTM Central Regional Conference, Springfield, MO, October 14, 1995.
“Laboratory Experiences for Preservice Mathematics Courses Using Technology and Manipulatives”. A three-hour mini-course with Kurt Killion Clyde Paul, NCTM Central Regional Conference, Springfield, MO, October 13, 1995.
“Verbal Communication in College Algebra Classrooms”. NCTM Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 7, 1995.
“Alternatives to Lecturing in Secondary and Undergraduate Mathematics Classrooms”. NCTM Southern Regional Conference, Tulsa, OK, October 15, 1994.
“Present Status and Ten-Year Changes in Use of Calculators in Mathematics Classes in Missouri”. NCTM Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1991.
“Inquiry in an Algebra Class?” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 5, 2009. Presentation with Sandy Foster from Stockton High School and Cheryl Ginnings from Pleasant Hope High School.
“Statistical Decisions Involving the Environment: Climate,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 5, 2008. Presentation with Emily McDaris and Jessica Palmer of Hartville Middle School.
“Statistical Decision Involving the Environment: Alternative Energies,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 5, 2008. Presentation with Emily McDaris and Jessica Palmer of Hartville Middle School.
“Probing for Geometric Misconceptions,” Extended Session. Interface B 2008, Osage Beach, MO, February 25, 2008.
“S.M.A.R.T. Project Year 1 Highlights,” 2007 Evaluation Summit for the Missouri Department of Higher Education, Columbia, MO, December 7, 2007. Presentation with Jan LaFevers of Reeds Spring Middle School.
“Probing for Misconceptions,” Extended Session, MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, November 30, 2007.
“SMART Ideas for Teaching Geometry,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, November 30, 2007. Presentation with Luana Varner of Spokane Middle School.
“SMART Ideas for Teaching Geometry and Earth Science,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia MO, November 30, 2007. Presentation with Beth Thompson of Spokane Middle School.
“Probing for Math Misconceptions,” Extended Session, Interface B 2007, Osage Beach, MO, February 25, 2007.
“SMART Teaching in Science and Math,” Two 45-minute Presentations, Interface B 2007, Osage Beach, MO, February 25, 2007. Presentation with Dr. Cheryl Schaefer, Sheryl Cardenzana, and Stephanie Mebruer.
“Probing for Math Misconceptions,” Extended Session, Interface A 2007, Osage Beach, MO, February 24, 2007.
“SMART Teaching in Science and Math,” Two 45-minute Presentations, Interface A 2007, Osage Beach, MO, February 23, 2007. Presentation with Dr. Kurt Killion, Elaine Rhodes, and Leslie Uder.
“Probing for Misconceptions,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 2, 2006 [cancelled last minute-snow].
“S.M.A.R.T. Teaching in Math and Science (Year 1),” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO December 1, 2006 Presentation with Dr. Kurt Killion, Cecilia Swain and Jan LaFevers [cancelled last minute – snow].
“College Algebra Taught Through Applications and with TI-89 Calculators,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 2, 2005.
“Using Science and Writing to Enhance Mathematics Performance,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 2, 2005. Presentation with Dr. Kurt Killion, Kim Good, Lannie Hinnote and Angelina Brontoli.
“Interactive Algebra Using TI-89 Calculators and TI-InterActive! Software,” Extended Session, MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 3, 2004. Presentation with Dr. David Ashley.
“The MCTM Elementary Math Contest: Who Participates and Who Wins?,” MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 3, 2004. Presentation with Dr. David Ashley.
“Interactive Algebra Using CAS Calculators (TI-89) and TI-InterActive! Software,” Extended Session, MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 6, 2002.
"Assessment Strategies Using Calculator, Computer and Internet Environments," MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 6, 2002. Presentation with Dr. David Ashley.
"The MCTM Elementary Math Contest: Who Participates and Who Wins?" MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 7, 2001. Presentation with Dr. David Ashley.
"Illustrate-the-Point Activities in Algebra Using TI-89 Calculators," MAA Missouri Section Annual Meeting, Rolla, MO, April 7, 2001.
"Incorporating the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics in Teacher Training Courses," MAA Missouri Section Annual Meeting, Rolla, MO, April 7, 2001.
"Illustrate-the-Point Activities in Algebra Using TI-89 Calculators," Extended Workshop, MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 2, 2000.
"The MCTM Elementary Math Contest – Who Participates and Who Wins?" MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 1, 2000.
"Incorporating the Principles and Standards in Teacher Training Courses," MCTM Fall Conference, Columbia, MO, December 1, 2000.
"Discrete Mathematics" and "Probability and Statistics", Two day-long mathematics component workshops for Math Initiative Schools, Mathematics Institute, Springfield, MO, July 11 and 12, 2000.
"T.E.A.C.H. Project in Algebra: Activities and Issues with the TI-89 Calculator." Extended workshop at the MCTM Annual Conference, Columbia, MO, December 3, 1999.
"This TI-92 Calculator Does Everything I Was Trained to Teach! What Now?" Day-long follow-up workshop for the GOALS 2000 Mathematics Project, Truman State Workshop, Kirksville, MO, March 1999.
"Elementary Math Contest Questions Which Support Both State and National Standards". MCTM Annual Conference, Columbia, MO, December 1998.
“Introducing the TI-92 Calculator for Mathematics Instruction”. One day Learning-the-Basics Seminar, GOALS 2000 Mathematics Project, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, November 1998.
"The TI-92 (92Plus or 89) Calculator as a Catalyst for Changing Mathematics Instruction". MCTM and MAA Spring Conference, Springfield, MO, April 1998.
"Using the TI-92 Calculator for Mathematics Instruction”. One day Learning-the-Basics Seminar, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, November 17, 1997.
“Using the TI-92 Calculator for Mathematics Instruction”. Two-day seminar for the Eisenhower grant-funded project Connecting Mathematics with Data Analysis and Technology (Project Director: Evelyn Maxwell). MSU Greenwood Laboratory School, Springfield, MO, June 23-24, 1997.
“Statistics Activities to Explore Algebraic Relationships”. Missouri Section of the Mathematical Association of America, St. Joseph, MO, April 11, 1997.
“Cabri Activities to Visualize and Discover Geometric Relationships”. Two hour extended session at MCTM Annual Conference, Columbia, MO, December 6, 1996.
“Use Technology to Visualize and Discover Geometric Relationships” and “Mixing Turtles With Stars”. Core Area In-Service Workshop, Waynesville R-VI School District, Waynesville, MO, November 16, 1996.
“The CBL (Calculator-Based Laboratory) from Texas Instruments”. Two two-hour workshops at the MAT2 Technology Conference, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, May 20-21, 1996. (Presented jointly with Robert Rowe and Gary Moore from Hickman High School, Columbia, MO.)
“Communicating the Power of Pi in Curved Measurements”. MCTM Conference, Columbia, MO, December 2, 1994.
“MCTM’s Elementary Mathematics and Mathematics ’n Art Contests”, Central District Teachers’ Meeting, Elementary Teachers Division. Warrensburg, MO, October 21, 1994.
“Alternatives to Lecturing in Science and Mathematics”. Faculty Teaching Renewal Workshop, University of Missouri–Columbia, March 1993.
“Discussion in Mathematics and Science”. Graduate Instructor Orientation, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, MO, January 1993.
“Exploring Alternatives to ‘Lecture and Learn’ ”. 1992 Faculty Teaching Renewal Workshop, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, MO, March 1992.
“Geometry for Grades 5-8 as a Link”, MCTM Spring Conference, Kirksville, MO, March 1990.
“Technology Workshop for Reeds Spring Professional Development Day,” 5-Hour Session, Reeds Spring, MO, January 19, 2009. Presented with Jan LaFevers, Reeds Spring Middle School Mathematics and SMART project participant.
“Visualization from Footprints,” one student and one sponsor presentation, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Missouri State University, September 29, 2007. Presentations with Stephanie Paul, and MTH 360 student.
“What’s in a Grade? – A Panel Discussion with Arden Miller and Denise Dutton,” 5th Annual Celebrating Academic Integrity Conference, Missouri State University, March 28, 2007.
“Teaching Math with Technology,” 18 Annual Southwest Education and Technology Conference, Missouri State University, March 6 (8:30-11:30) and March 7 (1:00-2:00), 2007.
“The NCTM Standards: A Vision of Mathematics Teaching and Learning,” Faculty and Student Seminar, MSU, November 8, 2004.
“Puzzling Mathematics,” two student sessions, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, MSU, October 16, 2004.
"Will You "Walk the Line" or "Drop the Ball"?" two student and two sponsor sessions, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, MSU, November 9, 2002.
"Flipping the Tetrahedron," two student sessions, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, MSU, October 18, 2001.
"Algebra Institutes," three full day institutes (9/9/00, 9/16/00, 1/16/01) and seven afternoon "Study Group" sessions (10/00 - 6/01), Springfield Public Schools Algebra Initiative, Springfield, MO.
"Measure a 21st Century Greeting From Its Cover," three student and one sponsor sessions, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, MSU, October 28, 2000.
"A Look at Current Calculator and Computer Technologies." Presentation for (SM)2TO, SMSU, November 30, 1999.
"Introducing the TI-89 Computer Algebra System (CAS) Calculator." Demonstration and workshop for Mathematics Faculty, MSU, October 25, 1999.
"Introducing Dynamic Geometry Software, Geometers' Sketchpad and CABRI." Springfield Mathematics Club, Springfield, MO, October 19, 1999.
"Algebra Teachers Alert! The New TI-89 Calculator Does Symbolic Algebra. So What Do We Do Now?" In-Service Workshop For Springfield Public School Teachers, Springfield, MO, January 1999.
"Using Spreadsheets to Teach Mathematics Classes -- Pre-Algebra & Algebra I, Algebra II & AP Statistics, Business Mathematics." In-Service Workshop for Springfield Public School Teachers, August 1998.
“Mixing Turtles With Stars” and “Humerus Statistics”. Expanding Your Horizons Conference (each presentation given twice), Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, October 12, 1996.
“Visualize and Discover Mathematics Through Geometer’s Sketchpad Activities”. MSU Student Chapter of the Mathematical Association of America, Springfield, MO, March 5, 1996.
“The Power of Pi in Curved Measurements”. Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, October 22, 1994.
“Systemic Change to ‘Authentic’ Mathematics Assessment”. Teaching and Learning Seminar, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, October 12, 1994.
“Revolution in Mathematics Education”. MTH 497 Senior Seminar, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, September 1, 1994.
“Power of Pi in Curved Measurements”. Presentation to Kurt Killion’s Eisenhower Workshop Participants, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, June 20, 1994.
“Communicating Mathematics With Others”. MSU Student Chapter of the Mathematics Association of America, Springfield, MO, September 1993.