LVIF Business Plan v8

The LVIF Business Plan is based on the UK Vision Strategy, Seeing It My Way and the LVIF mission:

“Working together across London for people with a visual impairment”

It focuses on 3 key aims derived from the UK Vision Strategy –

1.  Inclusion

2.  Services

3.  Health



1. Inclusion:
1.1. To empower the active participation of visually impaired people (VIPs) in the work of the Forum, through their local societies
1.2. To enable VIPs to speak with a strong collective voice on key London wide issues
1.3. To enable VIPs to exercise independence, choice and control over their lives. / 1.1(a). Act as a coordinating forum bringing together agencies supporting visually impaired Londoners, including:
·  local societies
·  other charities and voluntary groups
·  local authority, NHS and other statutory representatives
1.1(b). Quarterly meetings for all members to provide
·  social interaction
·  networking
·  information sharing
·  addressing key issues identified by LVIF and Planning Group
1.1(c). Monthly Planning Group meetings with reps from local, pan-London and national LVIF member organisations
1.2(a). Identify key London wide issues on which an LVIF position statement is needed, e.g.
·  experiences of visiting hospital;
·  awareness of major events;
·  service for VIPs on tubes and buses;
·  welfare benefits
·  cash machines
·  road crossings
1.2(b). External influencing - create opportunities for VI Londoners to raise issues and concerns, comment on policies and plans issued by LAs and GLA and shape policy responses, e.g. by having reps on key committees/issues
·  Vision 2020
·  UK Vision Strategy
·  Visionary
·  TFL
·  Travel issues
·  Mobility issues
1.3(a). Information resource - provide information about what’s happening in London that has implications for people with VI e.g. service reconfiguration.
·  Share information about the policies of LA’s; GLA and NHS
·  Website: information and resource hub.
·  Regular e-newsletter: awareness briefing on VI issues and events
1.3(b). Create tools/ processes to facilitate engagement with service users
·  VI Social & Leisure Club database
·  Further exploitation of the website as an active resource and forum
1.3(c). Facilitate the London regional arm of Visionary by encouraging membership and providing facilities.
2. Services:
2.1. To promote communication and coordination between the statutory, voluntary, independent and private sector agencies who provide our services.
2.2. To promote collaborative working to achieve consistent and high quality service provision throughout London.
2.3. To share information, experience, expertise and ideas among all agencies working with visually impaired people in London to spread best practice. / 2.1(a). Develop a “Plan for London” with line of sight to the England Implementation Plan of the UK Vision Strategy.
2.1(b). Develop Local Vision Strategies for every borough, supported by all key stakeholders (local authorities, health services, service users, voluntary sector)
2.1(c). Support Visionary and local societies
2.2(a).Support growth of diversified income sources for local services, i.e. fundraising, - closer links with GLFB.
2.2(b). Strengthen smaller, local societies, by sharing resources
2.2(c).Promote joint delivery of services where this improves quality and or value for money
2.3(a). Regular E-Newsletters
2.3(b). LVIF website
2.3(c). Increase Sensory Impairment and Rehabilitation teams involvement in LVIF
2.3(d). Address key topics at quarterly meetings, e.g.
§  Travel issues
§  Welfare Benefits
§  Employment
§  Children and young people
§  People with multiple/complex disabilities
3. Health:
3.1. To raise awareness of eye health and ensure the early detection of sight loss and prevention where possible. / 3.1(a). Promote Registration:
o  Raise awareness of benefits of registration
o  Increase the number of those being registered in London.
o  Early Support initiatives in London hospitals
3.2(b). Highlight the implications of research for practice
3.3(c). Prepare responses to consultations
3.3(d). Engage regularly with Health and Social Care professionals