(This is a template… Please remember to change out the church name, the Pastor’s name, other contact names, and dates as applicable)

To Whom It May Concern,

Would you please include the GSBC bulletin announcements in the bulletin as indicated? Call me if you have any questions or suggestions. I have attached a MS Word file to his email which has the announcements (and their dates) ready for you to review and edit.

As a reminder: All of the KoK registrations must be signed by Pastor Wempner BUT the parents send the registration/check directly into Pastor Wagenknecht as indicated on the form.


Bulletin Announcement for Sunday May 7, 2017

[10 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Registration Month

What are you doing during the third week of July this summer (7/16)? How about going to Good Shepherd Bible Camp for a week of outdoor Bible study and fun?

GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in the Fall 2017. This is our King of Kings Registration Kickoff! Why not register right now? Registration forms for both campers and staff volunteers are now available from the church/school office or on the GSBC website,

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


Bulletin Announcement for Sunday May 14, 2017

[9 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Registration Month

GSBC registration forms are available either through the church/school office or directly from the GSBC website. There are two different forms, one for campers and another for the staff volunteers. Camp runs July 16 through the 22.

Checkout the flier inserted in the bulletin today for more details regarding the camp and its activities planned for the week. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in the Fall 2017.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


Bulletin Announcement for Sunday May 21, 2017

[8 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Registration Month

Bring a friend, cousin, or sibling! If you or your children have attended and enjoyed camp in the past, when you register this year, please invite someone else to share the fun with you. Simply fill out the registration form, have Pastor Wempner sign it, and then mail it directly to the GSBC Director.

GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in the Fall 2017. This is our King of Kings Registration Kickoff! Why not register right now? Registration forms for both campers and staff volunteers are now available from the day school and church/school office. Look for the King of Kings poster mounted on the Multi-purpose room door to see who might be going.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


Bulletin Announcement for Sunday May 28, 2017

[7 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Registration Month

GSBC has been a ministry of the WELS AZ/CA/NV district since around 1960. The GSBC website has picture albums since 2006 to help you see the camp in action or just to look at some memories. Check it out at Click on the link to “GSBC Pictures”.

GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in the Fall 2017. Camp runs from Sunday July 16 through the 22.

Why not register right now? Registration forms for both campers and staff volunteers are now available from the day school and church/school office. Look for the King of Kings poster mounted on the Multi-purpose room door to see who might be going.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, June 4, 2017

[6 weeks before camp]

Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Reminder--- Deadline is in four Weeks!

Hey, it is now JUNE! May has zipped right by! If you have not already signed up to attend GSBC, you only have four weeks to register before the late fee deadline. If you do not have a registration form, either pick one up in back of church or please download from the website, Your completed form should be signed by Pastor Wempner and mailed directly to Pastor Wagenknecht by June 30th.

Camp dates are: Sunday July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade next Fall. GSBC volunteer helpers (staff) are welcome from the 11th grade and up.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.




ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, June 11, 2017

[5 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC)

Want to learn about what all goes on at camp? Check it out at Click on the link to “GSBC Yearbooks” to see our camp yearbooks.

Camp dates are: Sunday July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade next Fall. GSBC helpers are welcome from the 11th grade and up. Your completed form should be mailed to Pastor Wagenknechtby June 30th. Look for the King of Kings GSBC sign up poster on the bulletin board to see who else is going.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.




ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, June 18, 2017

[4 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Reminder--- 2 Weeks to Go before late registration applies!

Have you maybe thought about camp for either your children or for some your friends or relatives? Yes, we encourage you to SHARE your GSBC camp with anyone you think might enjoy a week of Bible study and fun in the mountains. Camp dates are: Sunday July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in Fall 2017.

Pick up a registration form at church or on-line, fill it out, get pastor’s signature, and mail it in. If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, June 25, 2017

[3 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Reminder--- This IS the week!

THIS IS IT! The last week to register for GSBC without paying alate fee is now! If you have not already signed up to attend GSBC, this IS THE WEEK to fill out the form.Your completed registration form is due to Pastor Wagenknechton June 30th.

If you do not have a registration form, please check the bulletin board, visit the church secretary during the week, or get one on-line at Camp dates are: Sunday July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in Fall 2017. GSBC staff volunteers are welcome from the 11th grade and up to 99 years old.

If you have any questions, please talk with Nancy Sanchez, Randy Buth, or Pastor Wempner. You may also call the Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht(714) 779-5239.


ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, July 2, 2017

[2 weeks before camp]


Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) Reminder--- Okay you missed the deadline BUT….

June 30th was the on-time registration deadline; HOWEVER, you are still very welcome to still send your children. We never want a child to miss out on this fun week in the mountains. If you do not have a registration form, please check the bulletin board, visit the church secretary during the week, or get one on-line at Camp dates are: Sunday July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in Fall 2017. GSBC helpers are welcome from the 11th grade and up to 99 years old.

Your completed form should be mailed to Pastor Wagenknecht. Please call Randy Buth (714) 537-2825 or Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht (714) 779-5239 that you and your registration are coming.


ANNOUNCEMENT for Sunday, July 9, 2017

[1 week before camp]


The time for Good Shepherd Bible Camp (GSBC) is finally here! Are you thinking “I wish I was going”? Well hurry up and make that happen.

You are still very welcome to still send your children. We never want a child to miss out on this fun week in the mountains. If you do not have a registration form, please check the bulletin board, visit the church secretary during the week, or get one on-line at Camp runs from Sunday, July 16 through the 22. GSBC is open to all students who will be entering the 4th grade through the 10th grade in Fall 2017.

Your completed form should be mailed to Pastor Wagenknecht. However, first call Randy Buth (714) 537-2825 or Camp Director, Pastor Wagenknecht (714) 779-5239 to let us know that you and your registration are coming.


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