February 28, 2018

LunchToday:Orange Chicken with Riceor a Salad

Lunch Tomorrow:Chicken Quesadilla or a Salad

Advisory:SADD – Room 104

Mrs. Newell Advisory – Pre Enrollment

Activities:Detention will be held after school

The trainer will be here during lunch. Please sign up in the office if you would like to see him.

Please turn your paperwork and fees into the office today if you plan on participating in a spring sport.

Tutors please come to the office and sign up for when you can work during March.

Freshman-Juniors: Make sure you are finalizing your schedule for next year on Career Cruising. After you click "Submit," any changes must be made through Mrs. Scherschligt.

Freshman, we are taking a trip to Washburn Tech on March 6. You should have received your permission slips yesterday from your advisory teacher. Please turn them in by Friday. If any other student would also like to attend, please pick up a permission form in the office.

Are you interested in giving back to the game and staying active in the sport that you love while earning some money? Then you might be interested in becoming an official. Please see Mr. Giltner for details.

National Honors Society's annual fund Pennies for Patients has started. We are collecting money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please bring your change to your Advisory classes. The class that gets the most change will win an ice cream party.

Tonightat 7pm we will have auditions for the Jeff West Play! This time we are doing a series of radio plays (mystery and comedy) from the Golden Age of Radio complete with live sound effects. We need actors and/or singers, and technicians. If you are interested in participating, please come to auditions in the music room on Tuesday. We will do cold readings from the script and will also talk about tech so please come to the auditions whether you enjoy being onstage or backstage.

There will be a short NHS meeting during break Wednesday in the library.

Seniors, be sure to check Career Cruising for all local scholarship information. Plenty of opportunities to get some extra funding for college! If you need help with them, please talk with Mrs. Scherschligt.

Please, bring your money for class fees to the office.

Yearbooks for the 2017-2018 school year are on sale! Go to or bring $46 to Mrs. Sage. Yearbook purchasers are posted in the display case by room 123. Check to see if you have one ordered.

Ladies, mark your calendars for March 24th and 25th! Silverbackks is an organization in Topeka that is hosting “Silver Sparkle 2018”. This is an event that provides prom dresses at no cost to area prom-goers. Check out their website for more details: