LTL 400 Dock Tender and Bulk Shipment Entry

It is very important that all Pick up and Delivery drivers enter all PROs into their Cheetah tablets to create the shipment record. However, there are many times where there is an exception to this. When we have large bulk shipment customers. Medline, Mckesson, Eco Lab, Intertape are all examples of this. It would take to much time to enter all the bills into the tablets. We need this freight back to the dock to get the freight moving. So once the freight is back and we have made our dock working copies we need to take those bills and enter the bulk shipment in to the system to create the record. To enter bulk shipments you need to go to PD and press Enter.

Select option 14 and press Enter.

Add the drivers manifest number and then add the arrive time and depart time and shipper name. Then press Enter.

From here add each PRO number, pieces, Handling units, weight, skid equivalent, and destination zip code. Once Complete press F6.

It will show you at the bottom of the screen that the freight bills have been added to the manifest and the manifest number.

To add freight bills that would be dropped at your dock or OS&D such as Green bills (F-180) or reconsignments you need to be in the PD menu and select option 15 and press Enter.

You will tab down and enter the arrive and depart times, Pro number, pieces, handling units, weight, skid equivalent, destination zip code and shipper name.

Press F5 if adding multiple bills from the same shipper it will populate the arrive and depart times and shipper names so you do not have to type them in.

Once complete press Enter and F6 to Create.