LTD “Zheshartskiy LPK”
General Director ofGeneral Director of
LTD TD “UPG”LTD “Zheshartskiy LPK”
______P.B. Korchagin______V.V. Kuzmichyov
«____»______2014г. «____»______2014г.
Film faced plywood
Technical requirements
TU 5512-002-12886368-2014
Effective date 2014
Lamination line ChiefStandardization engineer
______I.A. Elsukov______Z.N.Korshunova
“ ” 2014“ ” 2014__
Technical Control Chief
______N.V. Safonova
“ “ ______2014
1. Scope of application
This technical requirements are for film faced plywood (laminated plywood, hereafter – plywood) used in furniture trade, construction, auto- carriage building) etc.
2. Normative references
1. ГОСТ 3916.1 - 96 Plywood of general purpose with outer layers from hardwood veneer. Technical requirements;
2. ГОСТ 18321-73 Statistical Quality Control. Random methods of single piece sampling.
3. ГОСТ 14192-96 Marking of goods;
4. ГОСТ 427-75 Measuring metal rulers;
5. ГОСТ 3749-77 Reference square 90;
6. ГОСТ 7502-98 Measuring metal tape rulers;
7. ГОСТ 8925-68 Flat feelers for machine accessories. Construction;
8. ГОСТ 11358-89 Dial thickness gage with graduation mark 0,1 mm;
9. ГОСТ 9620-94 Laminated glued wood. Sampling and general requirements for testing;
10. ГОСТ 9622-87 Laminated glued wood. Strength limit and modulus of elasticity in tension determination methods;
11. ГОСТ 9624-2009 Laminated glued wood. Shear strength determination method;
12. ГОСТ 9625-87 Laminated glued wood. Strength limit and modulus of elasticity at bending strength;
13. ГОСТ 27678-88 Particleboard and plywood. Formaldehyde content determination by perforator method;
14. ГОСТ 30255-95 Furniture, wood and polymer materials. Formaldehyde emission and other hazardous volatile substances in climatic chambers;
15. ГОСТ Р 53867-2010 Wood-based boards and plywood. Formaldehyde emission determination by method of gas analysis;
16. ГОСТ 12.3.002-75 Safety standards system. Production processes. General safety requirements;
17. ГОСТ 12.4.011-89 Safety standards system. Safety equipment. General requirements, classification;
18. ГОСТ Protection of the nature. Atmosphere. Regulation of hazardous substances allowable emissions by industrial plants;
19. ГН Hazardous substances maximum permissible concentration (ПДК) in the ambient air of working area;
20. ГН Polluting substance maximum permissible concentration (ПДК) in the atmosphere of populated area.
3. Classification and dimensions
3.1. According to surface appearance plywood is divided into grades, by gluing line water resistance grade into trademarks, by surface processing type – faced from one or both sides; smooth or with wire mesh (film faced plywood with printing of different form).
According to gluing line water resistance grade plywood is divided into trademarks:
ФЛФ – high water resistance plywood bonded by phenol formaldehyde resin;
ФЛМ – high water resistance plywood bonded by melamine-urea formaldehyde resin.
3.1.1. According to surface processing:
- Faced from one or two sides
- Flush covering – (F)
- Wire mesh covering – (W)
3.2. Dimensions
3.2.1. Plywood board dimensions should meet the stated in the Table 1.
Таблица 1
Indicator name / Nominal value / Limit deviationLength (width) mm / 1200 - 3660
/ +/- 1,5
Thickness, mm / 6
/ + 0,5 /- 0,7
+ 0,5 /- 0,7
+ 0,5 /- 0,8
+ 0,5 /- 1,2
+ 0,8 /- 1,3
+ 0,8 /- 1,3
+ 0,8 /- 1,3
+ 1,1 /- 1,5
+ 1,1 /- 1,5
+ 1,1 /- 1,5
+ 1,3 /- 1,5
+ 1,3 /- 1,5
+ 1,4 /- 1,6
1. Plywood production of other dimensions is allowed according to the requirements of contract.
2. Thickness is measured on distance not less 25mm from edges and in the center of board both sides by thickness gauge according to ГОСТ 11358 or micrometer gauge according to ГОСТ 6507 graduated in not more 0,1mm. According to ГОСТ 3916.1 – 96
3.2.2. Plywood boards are to be cut at right angle. Out-of-the squareness is not to be above 1mm per 1m of board edge length.
3.2.3. Deviation from edge straightness is not to be above 1mm per 1m of board length.
3.2.4. Example of identification mark for laminated birch plywood, bonded by phenol formaldehyde resin, emission class Е1, with combination for surface – grades – 1/1, surface processing type – flush/flush (F/F) wire mesh/flush (W/F), length 1525, width 3050, thickness 8mm, film density 120 gr/m2
Plywood birch ФЛФ 1/1 fl/fl (F/F) Е1 1525х3050х8mm 120 gr/m2
Plywood birch ФЛФ 1/1 wire mesh/fl (W/F) Е1 1525х3050х8mm 120 gr/m2
4. Technical requirements
4.1 Characteristics
4.1.1. Plywood is to be manufactured according to the requirements of this technical regulation for technological documentation confirmed in accordance with the established procedure.
Birch plywood is used for preparing for plywood outer layers. Veneer of other wood species is allowed for plywood inner layers.
Plywood is considered to be of that wood species which is used for outer layers.
4.1.2. For faced plywood manufacturing is used:
- sanded plywood according to ТУ 5512-002-12886368-2014
- preliminary filling defects with putty
- facing film on basis of paper impregnated by synthetic resins
- underwater paints (acrylic, polyvinylchloride).
4.2. Formaldehyde content in plywood is to be conformed to values specified in table 2.
Table 2
Emission class / Formaldehyde emissionChamber method, mg/m3 air / Gas analysis method, mg/m2 hour
E1 / Up to 0,124 mg/m3 of air included / Up to 3,5 mg/m2•hour included
4.3. Processing defects above limit standards specified in table 3, 3a (appendix) are not allowed on plywood surface.
4.4. Materials used for plywood manufacturing are to be allowed for application by sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies. Hazardous chemical substances content is not to be above limit concentration approved by sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies in ambient air of working area.
Under operation conditions chemical substances amount released by plywood is not to be above maximum permissible concentrations in the ambient air approved by sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies for atmospheric air.
4.5. According to physical-mechanical properties plywood should meet the requirements specified in Table 4.
№ / Indicator name / Thickness, mm / trademark / Physical-mechanical properties for plywood with outer layers from veneer of hardwood species and inner layers from veneer of wood species according to table:DIN
Hardwood species / Soft wood species
birch / aspen / Whitewood (spruce)(other types of wood with theoretical density less 500kg/m3)
1 / Moisture, % / 6-40 / ФЛФ
ФЛМ / 5-15
2 / Shear strength limit over glue line, MPa, not less:
2.1 / Boiling for euro regulation 1) / 6-40 / ФЛФ
ФЛМ / 1,0 / 0,8 / 0,8
3 / static bending strength limit
3.1 / Along the grain of outer layers, MPa, not less / 6-40 / ФЛФ
ФЛМ / 40
3.2 / Across the grain of outer layers, MPa, not less: / 6-40 / ФЛФ
ФЛМ / 15
Note: 1) Dipping into boiling water for 6 hours with after cooling in water at temperature (20±3)˚С for not less 1h to reduce samples temperature for testing up to 20˚С.
4.6. Processing defects maximum amount which is allowed on laminated plywood board surface depending on grade specified in table 5
Table 5
Laminated plywood board surface quality of grade / Processing defects maximum amount which is allowed, in pcs1fl / 1
1 wire mesh / 3
2fl / 4
2wire mesh / 6
4.7. Plywood record keeping is done in cubic or (and) square meters. One board volume is determined accurate to 0,00001 m3, plywood batch volume accurate to 0,01 m3. Plywood board area is taken into account accurate to 0, 01 m2, area of boards in batch accurate to 0, 5 m2.
In calculating volume and area of boards, maximum limit deviation on length, width and thickness is not taken into account.
3. Acceptance procedure
5.1. Plywood is delivered for acceptance in batches. Batch is a certain quantity of plywood boards of one grade, trademark, emission class, surface processing type and dimensions. Batch is recorded in one document about quality including:
name of the manufacturer country,
name and (or) trademark of manufacturer and hid address,
plywood specification,
volume in batch,
testing results,
technical control mark,
conformity mark identification for certified products.
5.2. Plywood sampling for control and testing is done by method of random selection «at random» according to ГОСТ 18321.
5.3. For control of straightness dimensions, edges squareness and appearance of boards from each batch are taken boards in amount specified in Table 6.
Table 6
Batch volume, pcs / Sample volume upon testing, pcs / Number of useful boards from sampling volume at which batch is accepted upon testing, pcs, not lessDimensions, straightness, squareness of edges / Covering appearance / Dimensions, straightness, squareness of edges / Covering appearance
till 500 / 8 / 13 / 7 / 11
501-1200 / 13 / 20 / 11 / 17
1201-3200 / 13 / 32 / 11 / 27
5.5. Not less than 3 boards are taken for quality value control.
For quality assessment (bending strength limit, tension strength limit perpendicular to surface as well as covering appearance) arithmetic mean value Хi is calculated of all tested samples according to formula:
Where Хij – value of selection j- sample, i- board of selection from n- boards.
m – Number of samples selected from each board.
5.6. Batch is considered to be complying with the requirements of existing technical requirements and is accepted, if:
according to values: bending strength limit, tension strength limit perpendicular to surface, toxicity – not more the limits specified in tables 2 and 5;
results of dimensions, squareness and covering appearance control are according to the requirements of tables 1 and 3, 3а.
5.7. Marking and packing is checked by complete inspection.
6. Testing methods
6.1. Sampling for physical-mechanical testing is according to ГОСТ 9620, for formaldehyde content determination is according to EN - 717-2
6.2. Length and width is measured in parallel with edges on distance not less 10mm from edges by metal tape according to ГОСТ 7502 with an accuracy of 1mm. For actual length (width) is taken arithmetic mean value of two measurement results.
6.3. Thickness is measured on distance not less 25mm from edges and in center of each board side by thickness feeler gauge graduated in not more 0, 1 mm according to ГОСТ 11358. For plywood in length 2440mm and more is in 6 points. For actual thickness is taken arithmetic mean value of four measurement results. Thickness variation in one plywood board is accepted as difference between maximum and minimum thickness of four measurements.
6.4. Glue line shearing strength limit is according to DIN 68705- BFU-100
6.5. Static bending strength limit along the grain is according to DIN 68705- BFU-100
6.6. Static bending strength limit across the grain is according to DIN 68705-BFU-100
6.7. Formaldehyde content is according to EN -717-2
6.8. Moisture determination is according to ГОСТ 9621
6.9. Density determination is according to ГОСТ 9621
6.10. Bonding strength of face covering is determined according to ГОСТ 14614 by means of plywood sample surface cutting to the depth of face covering on two crossing lines at an angle 45 degrees. Then visual inspection of sample is made.
6.11. Deviation from plywood board edges straightness is determined by measuring maximum clearance between board edge and metal ruler edge with feeler according to ГОСТ 8925 to an accuracy of 0, 2 mm.
6.12. Plywood board out-of-squareness is determined by triangle according to ГОСТ 3749, applied on related board edges. Board out-of-squareness value is determined by measuring board edge deviation from the side of triangle with metal ruler according to ГОСТ 427 to an accuracy of not more 0,5mm.
7. Marking, stacking and packing
7.1. Marking on each plywood board is applied only by customers request with specifying:
plywood mark;
plywood grade;
number of grader.
7.2. Marking is applied on plywood packet, including:
name of the manufacturer country,
name and (or) trademark of manufacturer,
plywood specification,
number of boards in packing,
conformity national trademark identification for certified products,
number of grader,
handling mark “ Do not use hooks”
Shipping marking is according to ГОСТ 14192.
7.3. Plywood for delivery to the customer is subjected to protection from the top, bottom and from the lateral sides by covers. Marking of plywood packets is on one lengthwise, side covers. By agreement with the customer plywood is allowed to be packed with one side cover for application of marking and angle blocks under polyester packing strap.
7.4. Packet marking is made by paint of green color for plywood of ФЛМ trademark and violet (blue) color for ФЛФ trademark. By agreement with the customer packet marking by paint of other color is allowed.
Note: Any other additional packet marking is allowed by agreement with the customer.
7.5. Plywood is to be packed in weight not more 1500kg according to trademarks, grades, emission class, surface processing types and dimensions.
Storage and transportation
8.1. Plywood is transported in covered means of transport in accordance with the haulage rules acting for existing mode of transport.
8.2. Plywood is stored in horizontally piled packets on pallets or wooden spacers indoors at temperature from minus 40 to plus 50°C and relative humidity of air not more 80%.
9. Safety and environmental requirements
9.1. Film faced plywood production process is to be in accordance with the requirements of technological regulation, ГОСТ 12.3.002., СП
9.2. Plywood of emission class Е1 while using, transporting and storing doesn’t have negative impact on human and environment.
9.3. People not younger 18 years old attended a medical examination according to the order of Ministry of Health and Social Development are allowed to production sites
9.4. People involved into production process are provided with special work clothes and personal protective equipment (respiratory organs, ears, eyes, hands) according to ГОСТ 12.4.011.
9.5. Hazardous substances concentration released while producing plywood on the bound of sanitary protection zone is not to be above maximum allowable concentration in accordance with ГН For purposes of atmospheric air protection it is necessary to organize emissions control according to ГОСТ
10. Manufacturer warranty
10.1 Manufacturer warranties plywood quality conformance to the requirements of existing TU if transporting and storing conditions are met.
10.2 Guaranteed storage life of film faced plywood of trademarks ФК, ФКМ, ФСФ is 6 months as from the date of production.
Table 3
Processing defect designation / defects standard limitations for gradesWith flush surface / With wire mesh surface
1 / 2 / 1 / 2
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Film crumbling on the edges / Allowed by width not more than 5mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 10mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 5mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 10mm in case of its painting
2. Film overlap / Allowed in size 600*10mm not burned out and inappreciable / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
3. Inserted parts of the same type of film / Allowed by area not more 25cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc, on the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 25cm2 in amount of not more than 2pc per 1m2 of the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 2cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc per 1m2 of the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 8cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc per 1cm2 of the board side surface
4. Inserted parts of another type of film / Allowed by area not more 0,1cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc. on the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 5cm2 in amount not more than 2pc per 1m2 of the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 1cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc. per 1m2 of the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 5cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc per 1m2 of the board side surface
5. Lack of film on the edge / Allowed by width not more than 5mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 10mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 5mm in case of its painting / Allowed by width not more than 10mm in case of its painting
6. Paint leaking onto board surface / Allowed by width not more than 5mm / Allowed by width not more than 10mm / Allowed by width not more than 3mm / Allowed by width not more than 6mm
7. Hollows out of films / Allowed by area not more 0,1cm2 in amount not more than 1pc. on the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 5cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc. on the board side surface / Allowed by area not more 2cm2 in amount of not more than 1pc. on the board side surface / Allowed
8. Local delamination of plywood panel (blisters) / Not allowed
9. Cracks, film deflections / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 2x100mm in amount of not more than 1pc. per 1m of board width in case of its painting / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 2x100mm in amount of not more than 1pc. per 1m of board width in case of its painting
10. Stains out of open knots (in case of strong film bonding) / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed in size not more 10x10mm in amount not more than 1pc. on the board side surface / Allowed in size not more 30x60mm in amount of not more than 1pc. on the board side surface
11. Stains (marks) out of cracks in inner plies of plywood panel, roller marks / Allowed in size not more 5x600mm not burned out and inappreciable / Allowed / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 2x200mm in amount of not more than 1pc. per 1m of board width
12. Whitish stains and stripes / Allowed without limitation in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed / Allowed slide / Allowed
13. Burnt film (burnout) / Not allowed / Allowed / Not allowed / Allowed
14. Scratches / Allowed in case of strong bonding without film damage / Allowed in case of strong bonding without film damage / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 2x200mm in amount of not more than 1pc. per 1m2 of board surface in case of its painting
15. Putty on the surface / Allowed by area not more 25cm2 in amount of not more 1pc. on one surface in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed by area not more 25cm2 in amount of not more 2pc. on one surface in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Not allowed / Allowed by area not more 25cm2 in amount of not more 1pc. on one surface in case of strong bonding not having burnout
16. Burr / Allowed in size 2*20mm in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed / Allowed in size 2*20mm in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed
17. Plywood edge breakage / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed
18. Blisters (film delamination out of face layer) / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed
19. Burnt knots / Allowed in size 10*10mm in amount of 1pc on surface / Allowed / Allowed in size 10*10mm in amount of 1pc on surface / Allowed
20. Burnt inserts / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 30*60mm in amount of 2pcs on surface / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 30*60mm in amount of 2pcs on surface
21. Rough peeling / Allowed in size 10*10mm in amount of 1pc on surface / Allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed
22. Knots, inserts, hollows in the form of starved spot and blisters / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed / Not allowed
23. Burnt stains out of cracks, roller / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 5х600mm not more 1pc per 1m of board width / Not allowed / Allowed in size not more 5х600mm not more 1pc per 1m of board width
24. Spots of production type / Allowed without limitation in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed / Allowed without limitation in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed
25. Chatter marks, undulation / Allowed without limitation in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed / Allowed without limitation in case of strong bonding not having burnout / Allowed
26. Temperature splotches / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
Table 3a
Processing defect designation / defects standard limitations for gradesWith flush surface / With wire mesh surface
3 / 4 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 5
1. Film crumbling on the edges / Allowed by width not more than 5mm in case of its painting / Allowed not more 50% of board surface / Allowed not more 50% of board surface
2. Film overlap / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
3. Inserted parts of the same type of film / Allowed not more 10% of board surface / Allowed / Allowed
4. Inserted parts of another type of film / Allowed not more 10% of board surface / Allowed / Allowed
5. Lack of film on the edge / Allowed by width not more than 50mm in case of its painting / Allowed not more than 50% of board area / Allowed not more than 50% of board area
6. Paint leaking onto board surface / Allowed by width not more than 50mm in case of its painting / Allowed / Allowed
7. Hollows out of films / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
8. Local delamination of plywood panel (blisters) / Allowed in size 30*60mm in amount of 2pc. on surface / Allowed in size 200*200mm in amount of 4pc. on surface / Allowed in size 200*200mm in amount of 4pc. on surface
9. Cracks, film deflections / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
10. Stains out of open knots (in case of strong film bonding) / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
11. Stains (marks) out of cracks in inner plies of plywood panel, roller marks / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
12. Whitish stains and stripes / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
13. Burnt film, burnout / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
14. Scratches / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
15. Putty on the surface / Allowed 10% of board surface / Allowed / Allowed
16. Burr / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
17. Plywood edge breakage / Allowed up to 20mm / Allowed up to 100mm / Allowed up to 100mm
18. Blisters (film delamination out of face layer) / Allowed in size 30*60mm in amount of 3pc. on surface / Allowed in size 200*200mm in amount of 6pc. on surface / Allowed in size 200*200mm in amount of 6pc. on surface
19. Burnt knots / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
20. Burnt inserts / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
21. Rough peeling / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
22. Knots, inserts, hollows in the form of starved spot and blisters / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
23. Burnt stains out of cracks, roller / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
24. Spots of production type / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
25. Chatter marks, undulation / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
26. Temperature splotches / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
27. Point like resin boiling / Allowed / Allowed / Allowed
Note: 1. Defective spots are covered with color-coordinated underwater paint