October 20, 2010

Lakeview Media Center

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Karen Prusi at 6:05pm.

Attendance: Karen Prusi-President, Barb Oglesby- Vice-President, Jessica Lake-Secretary, BJ Heggaton-Treasurer, Diane Faust-SHINE Coordinator, Julie Peterson-Principal, Jess Peterson, Dick Ziegler, Kim Wooley, Brenda Alexander and Wendy Beacco.

Secretary’s Report:Minutes from the September meeting were presented. Motion by Jess Peterson, seconded by Barb Oglesby to approve Secretary’s report. September’s minutes will be adjusted before being placed on the website and all future meeting minutes will be more condensed.

Treasurer’s Report: BJ Heggatonpresented the Treasurer’s report. Motion by Jessica Lake, seconded by Diane Faust to approve Treasurer’s report.

Correspondence: Wendy Beacco, 4th grade teacher, presented two field trip requests, Iron Industry Museum for grades 2-5 and Clear Lake for 4th grade. Motion by Jess Peterson, seconded by Julie Peterson to make the Iron Industry Museum funding a line item, all approved. Barb Oglesby made a motion to fund bussing in April up to an additional $1,200 for Clear Lake trip if the 4th grade didn’t raise enough money, Jessica Lake seconded, all approved.

II. Old Business:

FUN Services Fundraiser Update: Sale went very well. Help is needed to organize packets being picked up November 10.

Bylaws Update/discussion/Policy manual on disbursement of money: Committee has not met.

Budget Update/discussion: Committee met prior to this meeting. Proposed a $1,000 per grade level, excepting Y-5 and K ($1,500) for field trips with a December 15 submission deadline. Julie Peterson made a motion to approve this proposal, Jess Peterson seconded, all approved.

Clothing Resale Update: Over 100 sellers, up from past numbers. Volunteers are needed, new Miner traits t-shirts and hoodies will also be sold. BJ Heggaton made a motion to approve a check cashing policy and have cashiers initial checks that come in, Karen Prusi seconded.

Pretzel Sales Update: First sale went well, LPTP is making about 43 cents profit per pretzel.

Sweatshirt/T-shirt Update: Discussion about quotes, designs from different companies. More information will be forthcoming.

Homecoming Tattoos: Sale went well, we need to order more tattoos.

Negaunee Community Foundation Grant: Applied, we should find out results after November 1.

Lakeview 60th Birthday: 2010-2011 school year. Ideas were discussed. Julie Peterson will be the project manager on this and planning will being in early Spring.

III. New Business:

Table request: Barb Oglesby made a motion to purchase 3 longer, portable tables, BJ Heggaton seconded.

Stageright Portable Risers Discussion: Brochure was presented and options were discussed. This issue was tabled for future meetings.

IV. Comments: None

Motion to adjourn was made by Jessica Lake, seconded by Karen Prusi, meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.

Next meeting November 17 at 6:00pm in the Lakeview Media Center (Library).