Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief’s
Work Plan
Fiscal year: 2010 - 2011
Chief Robert EdwardChief’s Purpose and Responsibilities:
- The Chief is the official elected leader of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band under the Election Regulation.
- The Chief is the official political leader of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief and Council and the Band’s spokesperson.
- The Chief oversees and ensures the effective operations of Lower Similkameen Indian Band Government, Administration and legally incorporated non-profit and for-profit entities.
- The Chief is ultimately accountable to Lower Similkameen Indian Band members to ensure good leadership and governance for the Band.
I. Linkage with Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief and Council Business Plan Core Businesses / Goals:
The Chiefis responsible for the achievement of the entire Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief and Council Business and Operations Plans. He works cooperatively with Council membersand the Band Manager to carry out specific strategies of the Business and Operations Plans.
II. Chief’s Special Projects and Initiatives:The Chief is responsible for the following LSIB Special Projects and Initiatives:
- Develop and implement the LSIB Family Heads Model (Shared Governance);
- Advances the Vineyard and Red Barn development projects;
- Advances Wind Power and Campground Lease projects;
- Oversees LSIB interests in New Parks initiatives;
- Addresses Shanker’s Bend issue;
- Oversees key Natural Resource projects;
- Tackles Community Drug issues;
- Advocates for Fulltime RCMP;
- Represents LSIB at BCHC Governance Committee, APEX and SVPS tables;
III. Additionally, the Chief has developed specific Political and Governance goals and related strategies:
- ONA – to advocate, support and assist in the initiatives of ONA that benefit LSIB
- Union of BC Indian Chiefs – to advocate for the interests of LSIB
- BC First NationChiefs Summit –to advocate for the interests of LSIB
- First Nations Leadership Council –to advocate for and ensure LSIB is in good standing
- Assembly of First Nations – to be informed of national issues affecting First Nations and to ensure First Nationsin BC presence at national AFN conferences
- UN Forum of Indigenous People– to be informed of international issues affecting First nations and to ensure LSIB and ONA interests are being addressed
III. Chief’s Public Duties:
See Chief’s Position Description
Plus special assignments:
To be determined
Time Allocation:
20 % /
Core Responsibility
Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief and Council Business Plan and Operations Plans / Results achieved:10
20 % / Chief’s Special Projects and Initiatives / Results achieved:
10 % /
Chief’s Political and Governance Goals
/ Results achieved:5
10 % /
Public Duties and Special Assignments
/ Results achieved:40% / Training and Development Plan: / Results achieved:
- Enrolled in Indigenous Studies in post-secondary institution
- Basic Board Governance Processes
- Effective Negotiation Skills
Additional Remarks:
Signature: Date: