Lower Dauphin Band Boosters

Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2015

Attendance: A total of 21 members attended including Jolene Berry, Nancy Orth, Mary Yohn, Cherie Fake, Eric Heberlig, Susan Seacord, Stacey Stockton, Donna Rodgers, Paula McCreary, Cathy Dunkel, Becky Miller, Angie Scipione, Sharon Sturgill, Marianne Pichler, Dwight Steinly, Kari Potts, Cindy Morris, Natausha Bulgrien, Michelle Trainor, Girffin Yohn, and Debbie Holl.

The General Booster Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Co-President Griffin Yohn, immediately following an Executive Committee meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Natausha reviewed the 2015-16 budget that was created by the Executive Committee in May/June and recently submitted to Athletic Director Mr. Bitting for approval. There is a proposed income of $18,700, and Operational Expenses totaling approximately $35,000 (including $12,000+ for marching band and $14,000+ for indoor drumline). It was explained that some of the expenses will be offset by student payments, and there are funds in the bank to cover the remainder, but additional fundraising will be necessary. The Boosters also need to start putting money aside for new uniforms in the future. There were no questions, and members voted unanimously to approve the budget. Natausha also reviewed financials for the month, including some marching band expenses and band camp student fees. She said she is switching from Quicken to Excel to track accounting in the future and will have new reports for the next meeting.

Secretary’s Report: Susan reported that there was no meeting in July, but the June minutes have been posted on the booster website. There were no questions, and June minutes were approved.


Cassel Vineyards – Natausha reported that the band sold 102 tickets for this event. Students made $918 in profits, and the Boosters brought in $102 plus some additional for walk-up sales. It was recommended that the Band participate in this fundraiser again next summer if available.

R&K – Orders are due this week for the sub and pretzel sandwich sale. Subs cost $6, and students will earn $2 for each sub they sell; sandwiches are $5, and students will make $1.75 each. Debbie will collect the order forms and payment from Mr. Hutchison after Thursday’s practice. Natausha reminded parents to send in a check or money order, not cash, for all band payments including fundraisers.

Sweet Dawgs – On Wednesday, August 19, from 5:00-8:00 PM, Sweet Dawgs on Main Street will donate 20% of its sales to the Band for all customers who present a flyer. Copies of the flyer and additional information were emailed to parents and students, and it was shared on Facebook. It was suggested that someone hand out flyers at the Freshmen Orientation at the High School that evening, but special approval would need to be obtained for that. There will be another Sweet Dawgs fundraiser on Wednesday, September 16. Since that is the same night as the HS Open House, Mary has asked the owner to extend the hours until 9:00 PM so that flyers can be handed out at the school. Mary will also talk to Mr. Richardson about getting students to volunteer to play music at Sweet Dawgs for the September fundraiser.

Car Wash – Nancy will contact Metro Bank to see if they would allow the band to hold a car wash there on Saturday, September 12.

Gianni’s – Dwight will make arrangements for this fundraiser to start on September 1.

Spirit Wear: The flyer/order form for spirit wear was emailed to students and parents and is posted on the booster website. Cindy and Cherie will have a table set up at the Parent Preview Dinner with samples, and they will be sizing students for jackets.

Preview Dinner and Show: The dinner will be held at the Middle School Cafeteria. Food set-up will begin at 5:30 PM, and band members and staff will be served at 6:00, with families eating afterwards. Nancy will purchase 200 hamburgers and 200 hotdogs for Mary and Griffin to grill. The boosters will also provide ice tea and lemonade. Susan will send out a reminder that there is a band student with severe peanut and shellfish allergies. She will also ask for parent volunteers to help with set up and clean up. The show will be held at the Turf Field between 7-7:30 PM.

Football Games: Stacey noted that the Hershey game has been changed from Friday, October 23, to Saturday, October 24. There were also two additional performances added by Mr. Richardson: an optional opportunity to play theNational Anthem at a Senators Baseball GameonSaturday, September 5, and a mandatoryBand Exhibition at Cumberland Valley HSonSaturday, October 10. Susan will update the Marching Band Performances schedule and post it on the website. Nancy noted that she will need parent help preparing meals for Friday Night Football Games this season.

Chaperones: Susan has created Chaperone Sign-up Sheets for all marching band performances, and these will be posted in the High School Band Room. It was noted that the School District has made some changes to its volunteer policy and is strictly enforcing clearances this year. All volunteers who have direct contact with students will have to obtain the following clearances: a Child Abuse History, a State Criminal History, a fingerprint-based Federal Criminal History if you have lived outside PA in the past 10 years, plus a TB test. These clearances must be submitted to the District Office BEFORE you can chaperone band activities and will be good for 5 years.

Bylaws: Griffin stated that he has formed a Committee consisting of himself, Susan, and Stacey to review the Band Booster Bylaws and propose some amendments. These changes will then have to be approved by the Band Director, School District, and the Booster membership.

Storage Cleanup: Griffin reported that the shed and tower re-organization went well, though there is still some more work to be done.

Band Camp: Nancy thanked parents who volunteered their time preparing and serving food and cleaning up after Band Camp meals.

ACC’s: This band competition is held the first two Sundays in November and is a big fundraiser for the Boosters. Nancy requested parent help to make food for the judges and volunteer at the event.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Seacord
