Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0a1
Configuration Guide for:Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation / Date: 10/9/20095/21/2010

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation

CC 383

Version 5.0a1

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 12
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0a1
Configuration Guide for:Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation / Date: 10/9/20095/21/2010

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



The Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation Charge Code is defined for and assessed at the Low Voltage Scheduling Points and Take-Out Points where Energy exits the CAISO Controlled Grid. Each PTO has its own Utility-Specific Low Voltage Wheeling Rate. As authorized by FERC, the Participating Transmission Owners (PTO) use these wheeling charges collected by CAISO in CC 383 to offset their Low Voltage Transmission Revenue Requirement in CC 385, Low Voltage Wheeling Revenue Payment.

Pursuant to Section 36.9 of the CAISO Tariff, an entity that serves Load outside of the CAISO Control Area are eligible to participate in the Congestion Revenue Requirement (CRR) Allocation process if such entity has made a pre-payment to CAISO and has met the requirements in Section 36.9. The prepayment amount for such consideration shall equal the MW of CRR requested times the WAC associated with the Scheduling Point at the time of the request corresponding to the CRR Sink times the number of hours in the CRR Term for each requested CRR MW. For the amount of CRRs that are allocated to the entity, CAISO will exempt the SC for such entity from the WAC for any export at the Scheduling Point corresponding to the sink of each allocated CRR, for all hours of the corresponding CRR Term, until the pre-paid funds are exhausted. Once the funds are exhausted, the CAISO will charge the SC the WAC for all transactions at the Scheduling Point. At the end of the CRR Term any remaining balance corresponding to that CRR Term and Scheduling Point are allocated to the PTOs based on their ownership or Entitlement of the Scheduling Point.

2.2 Description

The Low Voltage Wheeling Allocations, assessed against the combination of Scheduled low voltage real-time gross exports (excluding amounts exempted due to CRR Pre-payment and Existing Transmission Contracts (ETCs)) for low voltage Scheduling Points and Take-out Points, are calculated daily based on hourly estimated volumes, but each day is recalculated using actual hourly volumes then summed, charged and allocated at the end of the month. Wheeling Access Charges are calculated differently for Scheduling Points and Take-Out Points. Scheduling Points are charged at the Utility Specific Low Voltage Wheeling Rate associated with the PTO holding the ownership or Entitlement based on the capacity right at such point. Low Voltage Wheel quantities for Take-Out Points are submitted directly to Settlements as one monthly aggregate value by the SC within 5 days of the end of the month and are charged at the Utility-Specific Low Voltage Wheeling Rate associated with the PTO holding the ownership or Entitlement at such point.

Recalculations for any reason including a rate change are run against the most recent Settlement Amounts and Invoiced with other Market based charges. Recalculations for FERC ordered rate changes are processed and Invoiced against the associated Bill Period and are subject to interest associated allocations.

This Charge Code will be implemented pursuant to a configuration enhancement procedure that allows for gains in performance, thereby reducing the volume of calculations executed during the monthly Settlement Run. The outcome of this feature is not published on the monthly Settlements Statements issued to participants. However, this enhancement procedure has no impact on the actual calculation of the settlement amounts determined by this Charge code. The performance enhancement is achieved through the availability of a feature that makes the results of (previously calculated) daily Settlement Runs available during to the CAISO operator for the monthly run in lieu of the operator having to re-execute daily calculations within the monthly Settlement Run. Additionally, this feature will provide the CAISO operator monthly totals of (previously calculated) daily outputs as well as monthly totals of primary bill determinants as needed. The CAISO will notify participants of which Charge Code uses this feature by including this statement in the description of the affected Charge Codes. In addition, the CAISO will indicate in the applicable CAISO Formula sections which of the individual calculations within the monthly run utilize this feature.Participants can verify the Settlement Amounts resulting from this Charge Code in their monthly calculations by utilizing the daily input data as defined in the input sections of each Charge Code, the amounts and/or quantities of which are published on the relevant, daily Settlement Statements.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / CC 383 Low Voltage Wheeling Allocations are assessed to all SC’s the LowVoltageFacilityUtilitySpecificRate at each Low Voltage Scheduling Point and Take-out Point where energy exits the ISO Controlled Grid
2.0 / A Low Voltage Scheduling Point maps to a single PTO
2.1 / Wheel quantities for Take-Out Points are submitted directly to Settlements from the SC via an interface utilizing the Pass Through Bill – Calculation methodology. SC’s submit values as one aggregated value for the month, per Take-out Point. Settlements takes the aggregated monthly MW value and allocates it out equally to each Trading Day within the same Trading Month by creating daily PTB Bill Determinants
3.0 / For the amount of CRRs that were allocated to an entity, the CAISO will exempt the SC for that entity from WAC for any Export at the Scheduling Point corresponding to the sink of each allocated CRR, for all hours of the corresponding CRR Term, until the pre-paid funds are exhausted
3.1 / At the end of the CRR Term any remaining pre-paid balance corresponding to that CRR Term and Scheduling Point will be allocated to the PTOs in CG CC CRR Prepayment Remainder Allocation
3.2 / To the extent the pre-paid balance amount for a particular CRR Term and Scheduling Point is exhausted prior to the end of the duration of the awarded CRR the Scheduling Coordinator designated by the CRR Holder that has been allocated CRRs will be charged for the Wheeling Access Charge (WAC)
4.0 / The CAISO accommodates daily submission of Wheeling Out and Wheeling Through data at the option of each Non-Participating TO. For the Non-Participating TOs that elect to participate in the early submission of this data, the CAISO will accept the submission of their load data in the same manner as currently submitted, except on a daily rather than a monthly basis. Once received, CAISO will manually process the data for settlement purposes. SC's will need to submit data in accordance with the posted Non-PTO data submission calendar. Any data received after the expected deadline will go into the next scheduled statement. For those Scheduling Coordinators that do not want to submit the data daily, the current monthly process will remain in effect. CAISO Tariff Section sets the deadline for submitting the data at five days after the end of the Trading Month. These submittal deadlines are also specified in the Non-PTO submission calendar. The existing tariff language allows the data to be submitted earlier, but not later than the deadline.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 382 High Voltage Wheeling Allocation
CG PC Wheel Export Quantity
CG PC High Voltage Access Charge and Transition Charge

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 6727 CRR Prepayment Remainder Allocation
CC 385 Low Voltage Wheeling Revenue Payment

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / TakeOutPointWheelExportQtyBQJPmd / Take Out Point Wheel Export Qty by Business Associate B, Intertie ID Q, PTB ID J, PTO ID P, and Trading Month m and Trading Day d – (Non-PTO Take Out Point High and Low Voltage Wheel Export Qty’s are submitted by Scheduling Coordinators for those Resources, via interface. SC’s submit values as one aggregated value for the month, per Take-Out Point) . Settlements takes the aggregated monthly MW value and allocates it out equally to each Trading Day within the same Trading Month by creating daily PTB Bill Determinants.
2 / VoltageLevelIndicator Q / Standing Data that contains Voltage Level Indicator by Intertie ID Q. Indicator designating Scheduling Point as High (H) or Low (L) Voltage.
3 / CRRHourlyTOU dh / The CRR Time of Use for Trading Hour h. This definition is kept in Masterfile with values 1 for ON (or on-peak hours) or 0 for OFF (or off-peak hours).
4 / TotalCRROffPeakPrepaymentAmount BQp’ / Standing Data. Total CRR Off Peak Prepayment Amount by Business Associate B, Intertie ID Q, CRR Prepayment ID p’.
5 / TotalCRROnPeakPrepaymentAmount BQp’ / Standing Data. Total CRR On Peak Prepayment Amount by Business Associate B, Intertie ID Q, CRR Prepayment ID p’.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / LowVoltageFacilityUtilitySpecificRate Pmd / HV Wheeling Rates – Pre-calculation
2 / TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOffPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’m / CC 382 High Voltage Wheeling Allocation
3 / TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOnPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’m / CC 382 High Voltage Wheeling Allocation
4 / WheelExportQuantityBtQPmdh / CG PC Wheel Export Quantity. It is assumed that this value represents only those Scheduling Points that are Export capable.
5 / BusinessAssociateDailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelExportQuantity BQmd / CG PC Wheel Export Quantity
6 / BusinessAssociateDailyIntertieLowVoltageWheelExportQuantity BQmd / CG PC Wheel Export Quantity

3.6CAISO Formula

The ISO formula for Low Voltage Wheeling Allocations by Business Associate B, by Intertie ID Q, per Trading Monthm is as follows: =(-1)*

WheelExportQuantity BtQPmdh * LowVoltageFacilityUtilitySpecificRate Pmd


Resource Type (t) = ‘ETIE’.


VoltageLevelIndicator Q = 0 (”Low”) for Low Voltage BtQPmdh = (1-CRRHourlyTOUdh)*InitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh BtQPmdh = CRRHourlyTOUdh*InitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh BQm =

TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOffPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh

Note: TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOffPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh

is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly amount as a summation of daily initial off peak Wheeling Settlement amounts generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. BQm =

TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOnPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh

Note: TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOnPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly amount as a summation of daily initial on peak Wheeling Settlement amounts generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. BQm =

TotalCRROffPeakPrepaymentAmount BQp' -TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOffPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’m BQm =

TotalCRROnPeakPrepaymentAmount BQp' -TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOnPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’m BQm = min ( TotalMonthlySchedulingPointLowVoltageOffPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BQm, AvailableMonthlyCRRLowVoltageOffPeakPrepaymentPaymentAmount BQm) BQm = min ( TotalMonthlySchedulingPointLowVoltageOnPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BQm, AvailableMonthlyCRRLowVoltageOnPeakPrepaymentPaymentAmount BQm) BtQPm =InitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh

Note: InitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly amount as a summation of daily initial low voltage Wheeling Settlement amounts generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. BQPmd = (-1)* TakeOutPointWheelExportQty BQJPmd * LowVoltageFacilityUtilitySpecificRate Pmd


VoltageLevelIndicator Q = 0(“Low”) for Low Voltage BQPm = DailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlement BQPmd

Note: DailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlement BQPmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly amount as a summation of daily TOP low voltage Wheeling Settlement amounts generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. BQm = ( MonthlyInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPm +MonthlyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlement BQPm)– CRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOffPeakDrawDownAmount BQm- CRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOnPeakDrawDownAmount BQm BQp’m= (-1) *( TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOffPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’m+ TotalCRRPaymentAfterHighVoltageOnPeakDrawdownAmount BQp’mCRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOffPeakDrawDownAmount BQm + CRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOnPeakDrawDownAmount BQm )

MonthlyIntertieLowVoltageSchedulingPointOrTOPQuantityBQm = BusinessAssociateDailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelExportQuantityBQmd + BusinessAssociateDailyIntertieLowVoltageWheelExportQuantity BQmd

Note: BusinessAssociateDailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelExportQuantity BQmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly quantity as a summation of daily Take Out Point wheel export quantities generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month.

Note: BusinessAssociateDailyIntertieLowVoltageWheelExportQuantity BQmd is provided by the configuration enhancement procedure that returns the monthly quantity as a summation of daily wheel export quantities generated previously from daily settlement calculation results for the applicable Trading Month. BQm = (-1)* ActualMonthlyLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BQm / MonthlyIntertieLowVoltageSchedulingPointOrTOPQuantity BQm


Output Req ID / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
2 / ActualMonthlyLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmountBQm / Monthly Low Voltage Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
3 / DailyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementBQPmd / Take Out Point Low Voltage WheelingSettlement by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m Trade Day d
4 / InitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettleme ntAmount BtQPmdh / Initial Scheduling Point Low Voltage Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Rsrc Type t Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m Trade Day d Trade Hour h
5 / TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOffPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh / Total Initial Scheduling Point Low Voltage Off Peak Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Rsrc Type t Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m Trade Day d Trade Hour h
6 / TotalInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageOnPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPmdh / Total Initial Scheduling Point Low Voltage On Peak Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Rsrc Type t Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m Trade Day d Trade Hour h
7 / TotalMonthlySchedulingPointLowVoltageOnPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BQm / Total Monthly Scheduling Point Low Voltage On Peak Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
8 / TotalMonthlySchedulingPointLowVoltageOffPeakWheelingSettlementAmount BQm / Total Monthly Scheduling Point Low Voltage Off PeakWheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
9 / AvailableMonthlyCRRLowVoltageOffPeakPrepaymentPaymentAmount BQm / Available Monthly CRR Low Voltage Off Peak Prepayment Payment Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
10 / AvailableMonthlyCRRLowVoltageOnPeakPrepaymentPaymentAmount BQm / Available Monthly CRR Low Voltage On Peak Prepayment Payment Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
11 / CRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOffPeakDrawDownAmount BQm / CRR Prepayment Low Voltage Off Peak Draw Down Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
12 / CRRPrepaymentLowVoltageOnPeakDrawDownAmount BQm / CRR Prepayment Low Voltage On Peak Draw Down Amount by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
13 / MonthlyInitialSchedulingPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementAmount BtQPm / Monthly Initial Scheduling Point Low Voltage Wheeling Settlement Amount by Business Associate B Rsrc Type t Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m
14 / MonthlyTakeOutPointLowVoltageWheelingSettlementBQPm / Monthly Take Out Point Low Voltage Wheeling Settlement by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q PTO ID P Trading Month m
15 / BAMonthlyIntertieCRRPaymentLeftAfterLowVoltageDrawDownBalanceBQp’m / BA Monthly Intertie CRR Payment Left After Low Voltage Draw Down Balance by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q CRR Prepayment ID p’ and Trading Month m
16 / MonthlyIntertieLowVoltageSchedulingPointOrTOPQuantity BQm / Monthly Intertie Low Voltage Scheduling Point Or TOP Quantity by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m
17 / MonthlyIntertieLowVoltageSchedulingPointOrTOPPrice BQm / Monthly Intertie Low Voltage Scheduling Point Or TOP Price by Business Associate B Intertie ID Q and Trading Month m

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
CC 383 – Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / 03/31/09 / Documentation Edits Only
CC 383 – Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation / 5.0a / 11/1/2009 / 03/31/09 / Documentation Edits Only
CC 383 – Low Voltage Wheeling Allocation / 5.1 / 04/01/09 / Open / Configuration Impacted
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 12