Love – I Corinthians 13
Part 1
READING: I John 4:7-12
- Two main kinds of love
- Phileo – comes naturally; brotherly love; between friends
- Agape – intentional; selfless; think and act in the best interest of others
- God loves us (John 3:16; I John 4:19)
- We must love God (Matt. 22:37-40; I John 4:19)
- We must love one another (Matt. 22:37-40)
- Context of I Corinthians 13
- Problems in the church at Corinth
- Worldly-mindedness causing division (I Cor. 1-3)
- Tolerance of sin (I Cor. 5)
- Chaos surrounding the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11)
- Disorder in the use of spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12 & 14)
- False teaching on the resurrection (I Cor. 15)
- Attributes of love (agape)
- Love is essential (13:1-3)
- Jesus called it the epitome of the Law (Matt. 22:40)
- It’s the first fruit of Spirit (Gal. 5:22)
- Love is patient (13:4) or long-suffering
- Slow to anger (Jam. 1:19-20)
- Patient in tribulation (Rom. 12:12; II Tim. 2:24)
- Patient with our brethren (I Thess. 5:14), but not ignoring sin
- Just as God is patient with us (II Peter 3:9)
- Love is kind (13:4)
- Toward strangers (Acts 28:1-10)
- Toward enemies (Luke 6:27-36) – like God
- Toward fellow saints (Eph. 4:32; I Thess. 5:14) – like God
- Love is not envious (13:4)
- Ill-will toward others for their success; wanting what they have or wanting them to lose it
- Joseph’s brothers (Acts 7:9; Gen. 37)
- Envious of temporary things (Psa. 73)
- Jealousy causes trouble (James 3:16; I Cor. 3:3)
- Jesus killed out of envy (Matt. 27:18; Mark 15:10)
- Apostles and saints persecuted out of envy (Acts 5:17; 13:45; 17:5)
- Preaching should be motivated by good will, not envy (Philip. 1:15)
- Love does not boast (13:4)
- In one’s earthly achievements or status (Jer. 9:23; Psa. 49)
- In our own righteous works (Eph. 2:8-9; Luke 17:10)
- Without regard to man’s mortality (James 4:13-16)
- In spiritual leaders (I Cor. 1:12; 3:21)
- Without regard for our faults (I Cor. 5:6)
- Before God (I Cor. 1:29; Gal. 6:14)
- Love is not arrogant (13:4)
- Over-estimation of self;opposite of humility
- Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4:30, 37)
- Church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:17)
- Arrogant Jewish leaders were a burden to their people (Matt. 23:1-14)
- Jews caused blasphemy rather than repentance among Gentiles (Rom. 2:17-24)
- Gentile Christians warned not to become arrogant toward Jews (Rom. 11:17-23)
- Love is not rude (13:5)
- Improper behavior – disrespectful, impolite
- Defending our faith with “gentleness and respect” (I Peter 3:15)
- Husbands and wives (I Peter 3:1-2, 7)
- Showing honor and courtesy (Rom. 12:10; Titus 3:1-2)
- Conclusion
- This is the kind of heart we must cultivate and continue in
- This is the kind of love that our service to God, fellow Christians, and the world must be built upon (I John 4:7-11)
- Love and obedience are inseparable (John 14:15)
07.24.16Page 1 of 2Scott Ruhmann