Love – I Corinthians 13

Part 1

READING: I John 4:7-12

  1. Two main kinds of love
  2. Phileo – comes naturally; brotherly love; between friends
  3. Agape – intentional; selfless; think and act in the best interest of others
  4. God loves us (John 3:16; I John 4:19)
  5. We must love God (Matt. 22:37-40; I John 4:19)
  6. We must love one another (Matt. 22:37-40)
  7. Context of I Corinthians 13
  8. Problems in the church at Corinth
  9. Worldly-mindedness causing division (I Cor. 1-3)
  10. Tolerance of sin (I Cor. 5)
  11. Chaos surrounding the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11)
  12. Disorder in the use of spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12 & 14)
  13. False teaching on the resurrection (I Cor. 15)
  14. Attributes of love (agape)
  15. Love is essential (13:1-3)
  16. Jesus called it the epitome of the Law (Matt. 22:40)
  17. It’s the first fruit of Spirit (Gal. 5:22)
  18. Love is patient (13:4) or long-suffering
  19. Slow to anger (Jam. 1:19-20)
  20. Patient in tribulation (Rom. 12:12; II Tim. 2:24)
  21. Patient with our brethren (I Thess. 5:14), but not ignoring sin
  22. Just as God is patient with us (II Peter 3:9)
  23. Love is kind (13:4)
  24. Toward strangers (Acts 28:1-10)
  25. Toward enemies (Luke 6:27-36) – like God
  26. Toward fellow saints (Eph. 4:32; I Thess. 5:14) – like God
  27. Love is not envious (13:4)
  28. Ill-will toward others for their success; wanting what they have or wanting them to lose it
  29. Joseph’s brothers (Acts 7:9; Gen. 37)
  30. Envious of temporary things (Psa. 73)
  31. Jealousy causes trouble (James 3:16; I Cor. 3:3)
  32. Jesus killed out of envy (Matt. 27:18; Mark 15:10)
  33. Apostles and saints persecuted out of envy (Acts 5:17; 13:45; 17:5)
  34. Preaching should be motivated by good will, not envy (Philip. 1:15)
  1. Love does not boast (13:4)
  2. In one’s earthly achievements or status (Jer. 9:23; Psa. 49)
  3. In our own righteous works (Eph. 2:8-9; Luke 17:10)
  4. Without regard to man’s mortality (James 4:13-16)
  5. In spiritual leaders (I Cor. 1:12; 3:21)
  6. Without regard for our faults (I Cor. 5:6)
  7. Before God (I Cor. 1:29; Gal. 6:14)
  8. Love is not arrogant (13:4)
  9. Over-estimation of self;opposite of humility
  10. Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4:30, 37)
  11. Church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:17)
  12. Arrogant Jewish leaders were a burden to their people (Matt. 23:1-14)
  13. Jews caused blasphemy rather than repentance among Gentiles (Rom. 2:17-24)
  14. Gentile Christians warned not to become arrogant toward Jews (Rom. 11:17-23)
  15. Love is not rude (13:5)
  16. Improper behavior – disrespectful, impolite
  17. Defending our faith with “gentleness and respect” (I Peter 3:15)
  18. Husbands and wives (I Peter 3:1-2, 7)
  19. Showing honor and courtesy (Rom. 12:10; Titus 3:1-2)
  20. Conclusion
  21. This is the kind of heart we must cultivate and continue in
  22. This is the kind of love that our service to God, fellow Christians, and the world must be built upon (I John 4:7-11)
  23. Love and obedience are inseparable (John 14:15)

07.24.16Page 1 of 2Scott Ruhmann