Today / 9:00 am / Finance Class / Hall
9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
11:30 am / Veterans Luncheon / Hall
Mon. / 6:00 pm / Senior High Youth Group / Hall
6:30 pm / Choir Practice / Sanctuary
8:00 pm / Little League / Adult Lounge
Tues. / 7:00 pm / Tai Chi / Hall
Wed. / Veterans Day
6:30 pm / Kairos Meeting / Hall
7:00 pm / Cookie Fundraiser Meeting / Conference Room
Thurs. / 6:30 pm / Session / Hall
Fri. / 1:30 pm / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / 10:00 am / Tai Chi / Nursery
5:30 pm / Getz Party / Hall
Sun. / 9:00 am / Finance Class / Hall
9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Hall
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm
Sunday, November 8, 2015
“Love Grows Here”
Fairview Presbyterian Church
4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340
Fairview, PA 16415
November8, 2015
CALL TO WORSHIP Savanah Dieter, Ben Fugate, Steve Marn
READER 1: Fourteen billion years ago
READER 3: And not just a bang
READER 2: The biggest bang to ever bang
READER 3: Maybe the bang began in this moment…
READER 1: Maybe the universe had its start with…
READER 2: And God spoke saying,
READER 3: “Let there be light!”
PEOPLE: And there was light.
READER 1: And now
READER 2: A universe so big
READER 3: That it is quite beyond imagination
READER 1: One hundred billion galaxies
READER 2: Uncountable stars and planets
READER 3: And maybe, scientists think that maybe
PEOPLE: Maybe what?
READER 1: Maybe there are more universes than ours
READER 2: Unbelievable!
READER 3: Mind bending
READER 1: And here we are
READER 2: Living on a tiny little blue dot
READER 3: In a little corner of one universe
PEOPLE: Small hardly begins to describe us
READER 1: And yet
READER 2: God…
READER 3: The truly inconceivable intelligence
READER 1: Who created all the universes
READER 2: Who simply spoke, and it was…
READER 3: And yet this astonishingly big being
PEOPLE: Calls us beloved!
READER 1: So let us bow down
READER 2: On bended knee
READER 3: With fitting humility
PEOPLE: And worship!
READER 1: But what if I have questions?
PEOPLE: Like what?
READER 1: Like, If God is love why all the hatred?
READER 2: If God is so powerful, why not stop the killing?
READER 3: If God is perfect, what happened to us?
PEOPLE: God is bigger than all our questions.
READER 1: And what if I have doubts?
PEOPLE: What kind of doubts?
READER 1: Like does “God” really exist?
READER 2: Is God really there?
READER 3: Does God really care?
PEOPLE: Our doubts don’t erase God
READER 1: And what if I wonder
PEOPLE: What do you wonder?
READER 1: I am important at all,
READER 2: If I have anything to offer,
READER 3: If anyone can love me.
PEOPLE: Our wonderings and our wanderings
Can never separate us from God’s love.
RESPONSE HYMN #25“Immortal, Invisible”
SCRIPTURE LESSONEcclesiastes 5:18-20 - NIV
SELAHSydney Nelson
SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 22:34-40 – The Message
SERMON Mr. Jake Tobolewski preaching
Jenna Deiter, Leo Hughes, Dan Paden, Megan Whitman
CLOSING HYMN #63“All Creatures of Our God and King”
vs’ 1 & 2
Snow Removal
Help is needed removing snow off the sidewalks and entrance ways during the week (daytime hours) and Sunday mornings before Church. If anyone is able to help, please call Amy at the office.
Christmas Cookie Sale
Our annual Cookie Tray Fundraiser has begun! A tray of 5 dozen assorted Christmas cookies is $20. There is a sign-up sheet and envelopes on the table in the Lobby. (We are not using the forms.) Please sign your name and how many trays you would like. Please leave your money in an envelope with your name on it either in the offering basket or on Amy’s desk. Orders need to be in by
December 6, and PREPAID.
There is also a sign-up sheet for help baking the cookies. Please sign your name, the kind you would like to make, and how many. If there are any questions, please call Edie Leuscen at 474-2851.Thank you for your help!!!
Care Packages
The Sunday School classes will once again send out Christmas care packages to college students and people in the military. If you have a student or serviceman, please contact Linda Tobolewski at 774-9706, or . with the name and address.
Golden Girls
The Golden Girls will meet Tuesday, November 17 at Butch’s Restaurant
at 5:15 pm.
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Coffee Cart – Edie Leuschen
Greeters –Leo & Austin Hughes & Fred Ralph
Sound System – Rich Foland
Nursery –Rebecca Church & the Ferringer Family
Pledge Cards
Just a reminder to please return your pledge cards ASAP. If you did not receive yours in the mail, please see Amy for them. It is important for the Administration Committee to have these to prepare the budget for next year. Thank you!
Please Claim Your Pans!
There are pie and salad pans left from the Harvest Dinner in the room adjacent to the Conference Room. Please pick yours up!
Janet Harvey
Janet Harvey, a longtime member who moved to Pittsburgh, turned 91 on Friday! If you would like to send her a card, her address is:
1050 McNeilly Road, Apt. 418
Pittsburgh, PA 15226
Church Cookbook
Our new cookbook has 250 delicious recipes!! The cost is $10, and can be purchased after church or during the week at the office. It will make a great Christmas or wedding gift! Get them beforethey are gone!