Love at Christmas Time

Love at Christmas Time

I Corinthians 13 Christmas Time

If I choose just the right message for my Christmas cards, but do not have love, I have become the worst of all sounds: an off-key soloist in the Christmas pageant of life. And if I should have the gift of prophecy to know just what gift will please each one, and the gift of knowledge to discern which check-out line moves the fastest and the gift of creativity to make the nicest crafts and bake the tastiest goodies; and if I apply all my sharpest organizational skills, so as to move mountains ordering, wrapping, and mailing just in time to beat all the postal deadlines, but do not have love, I am a total zero as Christ's ambassador to this lost world. And even if I give all my possessions to feed my family multitudes and deliver my body to be burned, like the proverbial candle at both ends, but do not have love, I lose all the joyous sparkle that I once had as a child.

Love is patient in the worst of gnarled traffic, as well as with a family who doesn't always march to the beat of the drum that I hear in my own head. Love's response is always kind, soft, and gentle, even when others aren't. Love is never jealous of the "gifts" of another: not of another family who has better teamwork or talents to provide a more "picture-perfect" Christmas. Love does not strut in the print of a Christmas letter about what I've done so wonderfully during the past year. Love can't live alongside arrogance; rather, it gives humble thanks that Christ has been at work ever-so-gently revealing and rebuilding where I am weakest in Him. Love would never think of acting unbecomingly when squeezed by time or grated by another's personality weakness. It just prays. Love does not seek its own plans and dreams; rather, it's gracious to flex when the Lord, though others, "adjusts" my schedule. Love doesn't fly off the handle when its over-worked and others don't seem to be doing their share. Love is content with simplicity. Love doesn't hold expectations that others will recognize and meet its needs and it's not disappointed when it's not applauded for its heroic efforts. Love keeps a sign in each heart, "No pity parties allowed! I am working all things together for your good." It forgives even before it has been asked. When Love corrects, it's always with gentleness to insure the speedy restoration of fellowship. Love completely trusts God with all things, always looks for the best in the current circumstances, and never dwells on what might have been.

True Love never goes out of style nor is unwelcome at family gatherings. But Christmas wrappings & decorations will soon be tossed out; and the elaborate meals and much-sought-for gifts may be quickly forgotten. Even our favorite Christmas traditions will one day cease, for the pure presence of Christmas will once again come to earth. For now, we only partially understand, and we celebrate in a certain lack of understanding; but when the perfect GIFT comes again, the partial will be quickly cast aside.

More often than I'd like, I stumble in my spiritual walk. I speak as thoughtlessly as an ungrateful child and act as foolishly as a self-centered child. But God promised that as I mature in Christ, all my inconsiderate, demanding ways will gradually disappear because Love always has a heart to give what's best. For now I see life through such narrow vision, but soon I shall see Christmas face to face. Now I love in only such limited ways and so often I find myself expecting a love from others that I, myself, only deliver so imperfectly to them. But one day I shall understand how to love fully and unconditionally, just as He has always known me and so mercifully loved me. So I pray that now, in this Christmas season, these three friends: Steady Trust, Quiet Hope, and Extravagant Love be the daily guides for my heart. Lord, may this be the most Love-filled Christmas yet....because You dwell more richly in me!

Dee Alberty

Christmas, 1996