LOUVRETEC Aluminium Louvres
- REFER to the Preliminaries section of thisSpecification and the General and Specific Conditions of Contract which are equally binding.
- SCOPE OF WORK This section covers the supply of all labour, plant, materials and equipment necessary for the manufacture and installation of the aluminium louvres as shown on the Drawings.
- THE DOCUMENTS refered to in this section are the latest editions at the time of calling Tenders of:
NZS 3504Aluminium Windows.
NZS 4203General structural design and design loadings for buildings.
AS 1449Wrought alloy steels.
AS 1650Hot dipped galvanized coatings.
AS 1734 Wrought aluminiym and aluminium alloy flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate for general engineering purposes.
AS 1866Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium alloy extruded bar, rod, andhollow shapes for general engineering purposes.
BS 1470Wrought aluminium plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1474Wrought aluminium bars, tubes and sections.
BS 2569Sprayed metal coatings.
BS 6496Organic powder coatings for aluminium.
AAASpecification for the use of stoved organic finishes on aluminiumwindow products (Architectural Aluminium Association of New Zealand).
- ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINIUM ASSOCIATION This trade shall be carried out by a member of the above association and evidence shall be presented to the Architect prior to the work commencing.
201.LOUVRE BLADES shall be extruded aluminium, of the type specified on theDrawings and shall be manufactured by LouvreTec New Zealand Limited. Submit samples to the Architect upon request.
- SCREWS, BOLTS AND RIVETS shall be grade 316 stainless steel, the type and size being appropriate for its location and purpose.
- POWDER COAT COLOUR shall be as specified by the Architect.
- DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE The supplier shall assess the site and the particular location of all the louvres. The supplier shall assess wind exposure on all faces at all levels. Advise the Architect at the time of tender of any detailing or product specification for which the supplier is not able to offer a complete guarantee, or which may affect the satisfactory performance of the louvres.
- PACKAGING shall be recyclable.
301.FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION is to be carried out by a LouvreTec fabricator. Site measure prior to fabrication to ensure a precise, accurate fit.
- POWDERCOATING shall be 50 – 80 microns thick to all faces of all components.
- COLD FORMED Ensure all cold formed work is free from warping, buckling and fractures. Form bends with a brake press or by cold rolling..
- PROTECTION During fabrication and installation, protect all surfaces which will be visible in completed work and repair any damage at no cost to the Principal.
- CORNERS Unless noted otherwise, all junctions of identical sections shall be mitred.
- CLEANING Remove all burrs or sharp arrisses which would be visible after fixing, or a hazard to the user. Remove any slag or splatter from the welds.
- PREPARATION FOR COATINGS Before applying coatings, remove all welding slag, splatter, anti-splatter compounds, paints, grease, flux, rust, burrs and sharp arrisses. Make good all defects which would be visable after coating. Finish all surfaces smooth.
- RIVETTED JOINTS Draw components tightly together with rivets closed to completely fill holes.
- MECHANICALLY FIXED JOINTS (including mitred joints)Draw components tightly together. Use durable fixings suited to purpose.
- HANDLING Do not deliver any elements to the site which cannot be unloaded immediately into suitable storage conditions. Avoid distortion of elements during transit, storage and handling. Prevent surfaces rubbing together or any contact with any contaminant, especially plaster or cement.
- INSTALLATION Locate fixings accurately and fit in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Fix plumb level and/or true line. Clean away all swarf during installation. Ensure holes in steelwork have adequate rust protection. Ensure that any cladding penetrations are weathertight.
- SEPARATION Isolatedissimilar materials in close proximity by painting or using separator strips of butyl rubber or similar durable material. Place isolators between aluminium and treated timber and cement-based materials. Check there is not run off onto aluminium from dissimilar metals.
- LOADING Ensure all elements are fully supported unless designed to be self supporting. Ensure all fixings penetrate structure sufficiently to support loads.
401.CLEAN all louvres and brackets to remove all blemishes or marks. Ensure all components are functioning correctly.
- PROTECT all louvres as necessary until Practical Completion.
- REMOVE all debris unused materials and packaging. Packaging is to be recycled.
- GUARANTEE of two years for all workmanship from date of invoice.