01-26-16 RTC MINS




Present Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking (in the chair)

Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard JP, Mrs. D. Blakey, Mrs. S. Crew JP, J. Garrett, C. Green, D.J.E. Hall, D. Hobson, G.E. Horton JP, R. Jackson, A. Leonard JP, M. Locking, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE, L.M. Stephenson, F.W.P. Treanor, D. Turner, Mrs. P.F. Watson, D.E. Wing and Mrs. L. Harrison-Wiseman

Councillors not present: A.D.C. Austin

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley, her Secretary, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, one member of the press, eight members of the public, the Mayor’s Serjeant, the Mayor’s Chaplain, ELDC Councillor N. Guyatt and ELDC Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Mr. R. Barlow were also present.

Prayers were said by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Nick Brown prior to the public forum.

Members of the public spoke in the public forum, as follows:

·  A gentleman put forward his and his neighbour’s objections to the planning application relating to land adjacent to 82 Eastfield Road.

·  Councillor L.M. Stephenson announced that she would be trying to raise money for Sport Relief, possibly by organising and taking part in a swimming event and she asked if any other Councillors would be interested in joining.

·  Mr. Mumby, the Chairman of East Lindsey Dialect Society donated a copy of the societies new book (a volume consisting mostly of its members own dialect poetry) to the Town Council. The Council thanked Mr. Mumby and the society.

·  Councillors Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders made those present aware that in March a national initiative called ‘Clean for the Queen’ would be taking place and she asked for volunteers to help clean Louth up.

450.  Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor F.W.P. Treanor (who would be late) and Councillor A.D.C. Austin.

451.  Mayor’s Announcements
The Mayor apprised Councillors of some of the many events that she had attended since the last Robed Town Council meeting in October 2015.

452.  Chairman’s Remarks
With sadness the Chairman announced that former Mayor in 1991/92 Mrs. Dorothy Grant had died. It was agreed that a letter of condolence should be sent.

Councillor F.W.P. Treanor arrived at 7.35pm.

453.  Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of personal interest were made:

a.  Councillor C. Green – agenda items 5, 12a and 19 – as a member of ELDC.

b.  Councillor F.W.P. Treanor – agenda items 5 and 19 – as a member of ELDC.

c.  Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson – any item from or relating to ELDC – as a member of ELDC.

d.  Councillor Mrs. S. Crew – agenda item 14 – as a member of Louth Lions.

e.  Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders – agenda items 5, 12a and 19 – as a member of ELDC.

f.  Councillor G.E. Horton JP – any item from ELDC – as a member of ELDC.

g.  Councillor R. Jackson – agenda items 5, 12a and 19 – as a member of ELDC.

454.  Presentation

Councillor N. Guyatt and Mr. R. Barlow gave a presentation on the ELDC Transformation Agenda. Following this the Council then discussed its corporate response to the consultation. Agreeing that its answers to the following should be as follows: Q3 agree that £5 or 4.06% increase is ok, Q5 state that LTC agree with parts of the draft budget and draft medium term financial plan, Q6 state that LTC are against ELDC disclaiming responsibility for footway lighting and believe that there are other money saving angles that have not been explored, Q7 state that LTC agree with parts of the Transformation Programme, Q8 ELDC have not provided enough detail yet on how it proposes to carry out some items of the programme. LTC feels that ELDC need to invest in its assets rather letting them deteriorate and then not being able to afford to repair them necessitating that they be sold. The £30,000 spent on the SO Festival each year should be reallocated. A £2 surcharge should be made to all of the caravan parks each week which would bring in £3.5m to the authority. Car parking in the town should be looked at, ELDC will rely in the future on rateable income but the car park charges and traffic wardens are killing the town, people are not coming to Louth like they used to and less footfall surely means less businesses paying rates. Instead of building more houses in the town without the jobs to sustain the occupants, encourage new business first to create jobs then build the required houses. Reinstate the Rural Development Grant to help new businesses. Consider charging those members of the public who require enforcement action to be taken against them. Q9 invest in assets and make money work for them. Consider devolving markets to town councils.

455.  Council Minutes
Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking, seconded by Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the notes of the Council Meeting held on 5th January 2016 be approved as the Minutes.

456.  Committee Minutes
The following Committee minutes and the resolutions contained therein were approved by vote of the council:

a.  Planning Committee – 15th December 2015 – proposed by Councillor A. Leonard JP, seconded by Councillor D.J.E. Hall.

b.  Governance and Finance Committee – 15th December 2015 – proposed by Councillor E. Ballard JP, seconded by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor.

c.  Community Resources Committee – 1st December 2015 – proposed by Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, seconded by Councillor C. Green.

457.  Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
The Town Clerk reported she had received feedback from Mr. Marris on the Scanner Appeal and would be provided with complete information once this was known. Funds in the appeal account were in the region of £475,000 and this was ring fenced for the project with funds still being collected. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson reported that she had questioned the Health Scrutiny Panel on the subject and they were to look into whether the funds could be used to purchase a mobile chemotherapy unit. They would report back.

458.  Publications Received
The Council noted that the following publication was available to view in the office:

a.  Clerk and Councils Direct January 2016

459.  Correspondence
The Council noted that the following had been received and following a proposal by Councillor L.M. Stephenson, seconded by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE it was RESOLVED that Councillors Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders and D. Turner should attend and travel expenses should be paid for.

a.  From Community Lincs Re: Lincolnshire’s Rural Economy – Making Connections Conference Tuesday 1st March 9.30am – 3pm free event sponsored by CPRE (circulated electronically).

460.  Complaint
The Mayor read out the following statement to the Council for approval following the Governance and Finance Meeting of 17th November 2015 and code of conduct issues following that meeting:

On the 17th November 2015 at an open Governance and Finance Committee meeting of Louth Town Council a statement was made by a Town Councillor in support of a proposal that an item be discussed in closed session.

That statement included that there were issues surrounding the Louth 13+ Project that would have been grossly inappropriate to discuss in an open session due to their confidential nature.

Louth Town Council would like to make it clear that no evidence to support the statement was provided and with hindsight the closure could have been shortened to exclude a vote on the grant application.

Louth Town Council unreservedly apologises to Louth 13+ Project and its trustees, management committee, members of staff, volunteers and young people for any harm or offence the procedures may have caused.

Furthermore, we accept that the actions of some of our Councillors following this meeting fell short of the standards expected of us and the Council is currently undergoing a review of its guidance on roles and responsibilities of a Councillor by providing further training on governance issues.

Finally, we would like to make it clear that Louth Town Council absolutely acknowledges and supports the valuable contribution that the 13+ Project provides to the communities of Louth.

Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking, seconded by Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP it was RESOLVED that the Council supported the above statement. Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison-Wiseman requested a recorded vote, the results of which were as follows:

Support / Object / Abstain
Councillors Mrs. E. Ballard JP, C. Green, D.J.E. Hall,
R. Jackson, A. Leonard JP,
M. Locking, Mrs. S.E. Locking, Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE,
L.M. Stephenson,
F.W.P. Treanor, D. Turner,
Mrs. P.F. Watson, D.E. Wing,
S. Crew and D. Hobson / Councillors Mrs. D. Blakey,
J. Garrett,
Mrs. L. Harrison-Wiseman and G.E. Horton JP / Councillor
Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders
15 / 4 / 1

461.  Reports from Councillors / Clerk
The Council received reports from Council Representatives:

a.  Hall and Stephenson – ELDC Planning Enforcement Workshop 20th January 2016

b.  Stephenson and Turner-Lincolnshire Archive Future 21st January 2016

c.  Town Clerk – Louth Flood Scheme Project Visit 17th December 2015 and January update

Councillors G.E. Horton JP and Mrs. L. Harrison-Wiseman left the meeting.

462.  Meetings Schedule 2016/17
The Council discussed the frequency and format of its meetings and it was agreed that the Town Clerk should produce a meetings schedule for 2016/17 for future approval based on a mix of 2 and 3 weekly intervals.

463.  Louth Bike Night
The Council considered a request from Louth Lions for financial support of £250 to assist with safety measures for the Bike night in June 2016. The event has very limited income generation opportunities for the organisers and shopkeepers, and additional measures to meet health and safety requirements due to the popularity of the event have been stipulated by ELSAG, thereby increasing the cost. Organisation members will be personally liable for any shortfall. (Lion’s Duck Race proceeds are funding two town centre defibrillators). Following a proposal by Councillor D.E. Wing, seconded by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE it was RESOLVED that the Council should provide the request for £250 requested and that this should be taken from the underspend on grants.

464.  Louth Highways
The Council noted the following affecting highways in / around Louth and resolved as follows:

a.  Louth Newmarket proposed waiting restrictions. Following a proposal by Councillor D.E. Wing, seconded by Councillor D. Turner it was RESOLVED that the Council should object to these proposals.

b.  Temporary Road Closures

i.  29/2 – 13/3/16 Acthorpe Lane, South Elkington for essential maintenance works by Foxhall Construction

ii.  7/3/16 – 12/3/16 Burgh on Bain / Hainton (up to 4 nights as and when required) A157 /B1225 1000m North East, South and West. Carriageway resurfacing and remedial repair work.

iii.  13/3/16 – Upgate from Mercer Row to Eastgate for essential maintenance works by TRIIO / Mervyn Lambert TM.

465.  Street Naming
Following a proposal by Councillor A. Leonard JP, seconded by Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking it was RESOLVED that the Council should support ‘Betts Mews’ for the new development off 13 Church Street.

466.  Sessions House ‘Use’ Policy
Following a proposal by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor, seconded by Councillor C. Green it was RESOLVED that the Council should adopt the following policies and grant delegated authority as detailed within:

a.  Casual use of Court Room / Sessions House Space

b.  Use of current Non Public Areas

467.  Queen Elizabeth 90th Birthday Celebrations
Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE, seconded by Councillor C. Green it was RESOLVED that the Town Council should take part in the Beacon Project which will form part of the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations on Thursday 21st April 2016. The Town Council retained the beacon used in the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of 2012, this will need further safety checks. The operation, location and event to be considered by the Events Working Group.

468.  ELDC Car Parks (Louth)
The Council considered a request from ELDC regarding views on returning the following car parks to all day free parking (Current arrangement is 2 hours free with ability to pay for additional time):

a.  Linden Walk

b.  Cattlemarket

c.  Bridge Street

Following a vote on each individual car park it was agreed that the Linden Walk and Cattlemarket car parks should be returned to free car parks but that the Bridge Street car park should be left as is.

469.  Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Tuesday 8th March 2016.

The Meeting Closed at 9.32pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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