01-05-10 PLAN MINS
Present Councillor F. Robertson (in the chair)
Councillors: B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, C. Finch, Mrs. M. Finch, J.E. Gains, A. Leonard JP, J.R. Macdonald,Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, T.F. Marris, K.A. Sharp, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor, Mrs. P.F. Watson, D.E. Wing and Mrs. E. Wood
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley, her Secretary Mrs. L.M. Phillips, two members of the public and one member of the press were also present.
467. Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman wished those present a Happy and Prosperous New Year. He then informed members that the public consultation meeting due to be held on 7th January between 6pm and 8pm has been cancelled as has the closed session scheduled for Councillors immediately prior to the public meeting. The closed session for Councillors has been rescheduled for 12.30pm on 7th January at Crowtree House and LCC are hoping to reschedule the cancelled public meeting to Saturday 16th January 10am to 12pm at the Conoco Rooms.
468. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. E. Ballard JP, J.P. Dean, C. Green, Mrs. S.E. Locking and B.R. Williamson. These were approved by the Committee.
469. Declarations of Interest
The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2000:
a. Personal
i. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson – any item from or relating to LCC or ELDC as a member of LCC and ELDC.
ii. Councillor C. Finch – any item from or relating to ELDC as a member of ELDC and ELDC Planning Committee.
iii. Councillor B. Burnett – any item from or relating to ELDC as a member of ELDC.
b. Prejudicial
i. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson – agenda item 7 Proposed Work to Trees at Brookside, 48 Westgate as a neighbour.
ii. Councillor A. Leonard JP – agenda item 7 Proposed Work to Trees at Brookside 48 Westgate as a work associate.
470. Minutes
Notes of the last meeting held on 8th December 2009 were discussed and following a proposal by Councillor T.F. Marris, seconded by Councillor C. Finch were approved as the Minutes.
471. Town Clerk’s Report On Matters Outstanding
The Town Clerk had nothing to report.
472. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority:
The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule (PA/Schedule 12-15-09 and PA/Schedule 01-05-10) and it was RESOLVED that:
a. N/105/01957/09 – HJC Property Services – Land rear of 13 Market Place. Object - original permission and conditions should stand.
b. N/105/02885/09 – Mr. A. Bassett – Field Fare, 154 Horncastle Road. Support, with the condition that the materials used are in keeping with the existing building.
c. N/105/0288/09 – Mr. L. King – Orchard Cottage, 23A High Holme Road. Object on the grounds that the designs distinctive features are not in keeping with the street scene.
473. Proposed Work to Trees
The Committee RESOLVED to support the following proposed tree works at Brookside 48 Westgate – works to / removal of various trees.
474. Planning Correspondence.
The Committee noted that the following notifications had been received:
a. Planning Decisions (Variances):
i. N/105/03385/08 - T I Trading, Unit B, North Holme Road. ELDC has refused planning permission for this application to continue to use former car showroom as a retail unit for reasons that include ‘The applicant has failed to show that the development would not have a harmful effect on the vitality and viability of Louth Town Centre’. Louth Town Council supported this application.
ii. N/105/02301/09 – Mr. G. Dilks, 39 Victoria Road. ELDC have refused planning permission for this application to extend an existing building to provide a dining room. Louth Town Council supported this application.
b. ELDC Planning Committee Agenda 17/12/09
i. N/105/01192/09 Sainsbury’s Supermarket – Committee to note that the Officer Recommendation to REFUSE the application (report extract circulated with agenda for 15th December 2009). Louth Town Council objected to this application. The ELDC Planning Committee has upheld the Officer’s recommendation. Letter from Sainsbury’s to be tabled.
ii. N/105/00336/09 Biomass Plant – Committee to note that the Officer recommendation is that No Objection is made to LCC on the proposal. Louth Town Council objected to this application. The ELDC Planning Committee has upheld the Officer’s recommendation.
c. Planning Appeals to the Secretary of State
i. N/105/00158/09 4 Swallow Drive this appeal has been dismissed. Louth Town Council supported this application on 10/03/09. Full details are available of the Inspectors report in the office.
ii. N/105/01800/09 Land adjoining Rock Cottage, Quarry Road. Committee to note that the Applicant has appealed against the decision of ELDC to refuse permission for the erection of a detached house and new vehicular access. Louth Town Council objected on the grounds of - Access road is not adopted; Increased traffic using blind exit from access road onto Linden Walk; LTC would like to see this plot incorporated into adjacent development with new access to London Road. If the Committee wishes to withdraw these comments or make any further written representation this should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate by 06/01/2010.
iii. N/105/00508/09 ‘Turkish Delight’ 2 Aswell Street. Committee to note that this appeal has been dismissed. Louth Town Council supported this application.
iv. N/105/02955/08 1 Fulmar Drive. Committee to note that this appeal has been allowed and planning permission has been granted
475. Correspondence
The Committee noted that the following correspondence had been received:
a. From: ELDC Re: Housing Strategy Update 2009 – ELDC has now adopted the Strategy and it is available to view at http://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/housing/housing strategy/
b. From: ELDC Re: Use of Louth Cattle Market – South Wold Boxing Day Hunt Meet - Notification that ELDC have no objection in principle to the use of Louth Cattle Market by the South Wold Hunt on December 26th. However, the site is subject to the tenancy of Louth Market Auctioneers. Therefore, ELDC have advised them to make formal arrangements with them.
c. From: Scope Re: Dates of 2010 and 2011 countrywide house to house collections – 5th to 25th April 2010 and 4th to 24th April 2011.
d. From: LCC Re: Urban Biodiversity Action Plan Group – Request for information regarding the Council’s parks and open spaces.
476. Publications Received
Councillors noted that the following publications had been received and were are available to view in Councillors corner:
a. LCC – East Lindsey – Highways Division – Travel and Transport Briefing (circulated by email on 16th December 2009).
b. Lincolnshire Wolds Local Facilities Guide
c. Local Council Review – Winter 2009 Edition
d. East Midlands Development Agency News, Winter Edition 2009
477. Interim Town Centre Partnership
The Committee received a report from Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders about the meeting held on 9th December 2009 at the Trinity Community Centre and RESOLVED that:
a. The Council should request two seats on the Partnership Board.
b. It is not right that the Town Centre Partnership deal with flooding issues. The Town Council already hosts a successful flood liaison group and a representative from the Town Centre Partnership should be invited to attend.
c. The Council should try to have a Councillor on each special interest group.
d. The Council’s top ten projects/issues for 2010 are:
2 / Car Parking Facilities (LTP16)
3 / Floral Enhancement
4 / Canal Owners Register/Canal and Canal Corridor/Canal Navigation (LTP26, 27, 29)
5 / Flood Management Reservoirs (LTP25)
6 / Arts. Music, Culture including Performing Arts (LTP35)
7 / Youth (TCM8)
8 / Business – High Street Retail (Town Centre Management Suggestion (TCM) No. 4)
9 / Market (LTP1a)
10 / Tourism (LTP20a)
478. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue
Integrated Risk Management Planning - Annual Action Plan 2010/11 – Consultation
Councillors noted that Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue have asked the Council and individuals to take part in a consultation which is on-going in respect of their proposed priorities for 2010/11, proposals to introduce a revised attendance policy to automatic fire alarm calls, trial alternative crewing arrangements where firefighter availability is low and to set an appropriate attendance standard to road traffic collisions. The Committee also noted that:
a. the consultation document was available to view at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/lfr/irmp - Councillors were asked to peruse the document; as
b. the formation of a corporate response would be placed on the next agenda for 12th January 2010,
c. the closing date for responses is 22nd January 2010.
479. Tourist Attraction and Facility Signing – Meridian Leisure Centre, Wood Lane, Louth
It was RESOLVED that Louth Town Council supported ELDC’s application to LCC for permission to erect brown signs for the Meridian Leisure Centre all along the A16 Bypass and then on to the venue itself including the A157/b1200 roundabout.
480. Salting and Gritting of Roads, Footways and Public Facilities
Councillors noted the impact from recent adverse weather conditions on the town centre (access to markets and shops) and residential areas of the town and it was RESOLVED that:
a. A letter should be sent to LCC detailing the Council’s concerns with regard to the state of the roads and paths during the inclement weather.
b. A letter should be sent to ELDC proposing that they formulate specific contingency policies to deal with the clearance of snow from the Cornmarket on Market Days.
The Meeting Closed at 9.37pm.
Signed______(Chairman) Dated______
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