University of Southern Mississippi

Boat Operations

This form must be signed and on file with the Vessel Operations Manager before a minor person will be allowed to board any vessel belonging to, or chartered by, The University of Southern Mississippi.

Please complete this form and return to:

Tiffany McNeese, Vessel Operations Manager Gulf Coast Research Lab (228) 872-4277

703 E Beach Dr. Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Student’s Name ______Date of Birth ______

Address ______

Mother/Guardian’s Name ______Cell/Work Phone ______

Address ______Home Phone ______

Father/Guardian’s Name ______Cell/Work Phone ______

Address ______Home Phone ______

Emergency Contacts

Names of two (2) contact persons in case parent or guardian cannot be reached:

1. Name ______Relationship ______

Home/Cell Phone ______Work Phone ______

2. Name ______Relationship ______

Home/Cell Phone ______Work Phone ______

Medical Release

FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of allowing ______

Print Participant’s Name

to board any vessel owned or chartered by the University of Southern Mississippi and used for instructional or research purposes and in allowing same to participate in activities conducted on said vessel, I, the undersigned, hereby and herewith voluntarily consent to and waive the responsibility of University of Southern Mississippi, its officials, or agents, for any mishap or injury to said person or property of said person while embarking, while on board, or while disembarking from said vessel. I the undersigned, further hereby indemnify The University of Southern Mississippi, its officials or agents, from any injury or damage to the person or property of said person that may arise out of allowing said person to participate in any of the aforementioned activities.

This is to certify that ______is free from sickness or disabilities

Print Participant’s Name

which would make participation in any form of activities aboard ship dangerous or inadvisable. This health statement is correct as far as I know, and the person herein named has permission to engage in all prescribed vessel activities, except as noted by me (parent/guardian of minor) or a physician. In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians of the participant. In the event they cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by The University of Southern Mississippi Staff to secure proper emergency treatment for and to hospitalize, order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for person herein described.

Date of participant’s last tetanus shot? ______

Participant is covered under the following medical insurance policy(ies):

Insured’s (Parent/Guardian) name ______

Insurance company ______Policy number ______

Additional policy name and number ______

Insured’s Soc. Sec. Number ______Insured’s date of birth ______

Name of Physician ______

Physician’s Address ______

Office Phone ______Emergency Phone ______

Medical Needs

List of Allergies (to drugs, insect bites, foods, etc.)




Other Known Medical Conditions


List of medications participant is taking or may need to take. Please include reason for taking the medication.


Dietary Needs/Restrictions


The University of Southern Mississippi, while exercising every precaution, will not be responsible for the personal injury, medical bills obtained from personal injury/sickness or loss of property, however occasioned. The execution hereof by the participant (parent/guardian of minor under age 21) constitutes an agreement to hold The University of Southern Mississippi harmless for such injury or loss.

Parent/guardian’s signature______

Parent/guardian’s printed name ______

Date ______