Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum and the Literature Textbook
Grade 10
Unit 1: The Short StoryThis unit focuses on applying a variety of reading and comprehension strategies to the study of the short story, reviewing short story elements, and discussing their importance to the story’s overall effectiveness. Activities will include responses through discussions, presentations, journals, and multiparagraph compositions. Regular vocabulary study will include defining words within the context of the literature and using words appropriately in original writings. Grammar, usage, and mechanics instruction also occurs within the context of the responses. /
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill/Literary Focus / SE pages / GLEs /
Collection 1 / The Colomber / Understand plot structure / 4-13 / 2b, 2c
Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket / Understand time and sequence, Understand cause and effect / 14-30 / 1b, 1d, 2c, 5, 8, 10c, 11a, 22, 24d
The Leap / Understand flashback and foreshadowing, Make predictions / 41-53 / 1b, 1d, 2a, 3c, 3d, 5, 9d, 10c, 11a, 11d, 11f, 15d, 24d
The Pedestrian / Understand setting and mood, Discover the writer's purpose / 56-64 / 3d, 5, 10c, 22, 24d, 31c, 36
Collection 2 / The Opportunity / Understand characters / 86-101 / 2a
Everyday Use / Understand character traits, Make inferences about characters / 102-113 / 1a, 2a, 4a, 5, 6, 9d, 10c, 11c, 11e, 21b, 24d
Two Kinds / Understand conflict and motivation, Make inferences about motivation / 124-137 / 2a, 4a, 5, 9d, 10c, 11e, 22, 24d
Powder / Analyze character traits and interactions. / 156-158 / 2a
Collection 3 / By the Waters of Babylon / Understand first-person point of view. Understand setting, Draw conclusions / 174-187 / 4a, 5, 10c, 11a, 11e, 22, 24d
The Storyteller / Understand omniscient point of view. Understand satire, Understand the writer's purpose / 188-196 / 2c, 8, 18a, 18b, 21b, 22
The Cold Equations / Understand third-person-limited point of view, Monitor your reading / 197-220 / 2b, 5, 9b, 10c, 12a, 12b, 15b, 24d
Unit 1: The Short Story (cont.) /
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill/Literary Focus / SE pages / GLEs /
Collection 4 / The First Seven Years / Understand theme, conflict, and character / 267-279 / 2a, 2b, 2c
Catch the Moon / Understand theme and character, Make a generalization / 281-290 / 2a, 2c, 5, 6, 8
The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant / Understand theme and conflict, Make inferences about character motivation / 291-301 / 1c, 2a, 2c, 4a, 5, 8, 9b, 10c, 11e, 21b, 24d, 25b
And Of Clay Are We Created / Understand fiction and non-fiction genres. Understand theme and purpose, Determine an author's purpose / 304-319 / 1b, 1d, 2c, 5, 8, 10c, 11c, 18a, 22, 24d
Collection 5 / The Possibility of Evil / Understand irony / 364-377 / 3e
Lamb to the Slaughter / Understand situational irony and dramatic irony, Make predictions / 378-389 / 3d, 3e, 9d, 11f, 15d
Notes from a Bottle / Understand ambiguities and subtleties. Make inferences / 436-442 / 3e, 4a, 11a, 11e, 22
What Happened during the ice storm / Compare a theme across genres / 354-355 / 2c, 8, 11c
Collection 6 / The Rat Trap / Understand symbolism / 462-475 / 3b
Through the Tunnel / Understand symbolic meaning, Re-read and read for details / 476-486 / 2c, 3b, 3f, 5, 8, 9d
The Masque of the Red Death / Understand characteristics of allegory, Monitor your reading by asking questions / 494-508 / 1a, 3f, 7, 13, 22
The Blue Stones / Analyze symbolism and allegory / 526-527 / 3f
Unit 1: The Short Story (cont.) /
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill/Literary Focus / SE pages / GLEs /
Collection 8 / Housepainting / Understand elements of style, including diction and tone / 638-649 / 3g
Geraldo No Last Name / Understand style. Understand diction and tone, Monitor your reading by asking questions / 650-655 / 1d, 2c, 3g, 8, 9d, 18d, 25a, 34a
Night Calls / Understand mood, Monitor your reading / 656-668 / 1a, 2d, 3c
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings / Understand characteristics of magic realism, Understand a writer's style / 678-692 / 3a, 3g
My Lucy Friend Who Smells Like Corn / Analyze a writer's style / 702-703 / 3
Collection 9 / Evacuation Order No 19 / Understand biographical and historical approaches to text / 712-729 / 2c, 4a, 7
Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy? / Understand historical context. Understand a writer's background and beliefs / 730-741 / 1c, 2c, 3c, 3g, 5, 7, 13, 14
Holt Reader / The Love Letter / Paraphrase/Time and Sequence / 30-49
Mary / Cause and Effect/ Character / 69-79
Calling Home / Making Inferences/ Point of View and Setting / 102-113
An Hour with Abuelo / Compare and Contrast/ Theme and Genre / 133-140, 143-145
The Man to Send Rain Clouds / Compare and Contrast/ Biographical Approach / 275-285
HRW Library – High School: / Reading Level:
Great American Stories / 9.0-12.0
Great British Stories / N/A
Unit 2: Nonfiction
This unit focuses on reading and responding to a variety of nonfiction works including autobiographies, biographies, essays, speeches, and informational articles. The analysis of literary elements in nonfiction works includes responses that require critical thinking skills such as the examination of rhetorical devices. Regular vocabulary study will include defining words within the context of the literature and using words appropriately in original writings. Grammar, usage, and mechanics instruction also occurs within the context of the selections.
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill / SE pages / GLEs
Collection 1 / Double Daddy (Newspaper Article) / Synthesize information from several sources on a single topic / 31-40 / 5, 11a, 11b, 21c, 31b, 40a, 40b, 40c, 41, 42b, 42c, 42d
Diary of a Mad Blender (Newspaper Article)
The Child’s View of Working Parents (Magazine Article)
Skills Review: Informational Reading / Synthesize information from several sources on a single topic / 76-79 / 4b, 11a
Collection 2 / Interview with Alice Walker
Interview with Nikki Giovanni
"Thinkin' on Marryin'” (Oral History)
A Baby's Quilt to Sew Up the Generations (Newspaper Article / Understand the uses of primary and secondary sources. / 114-121 / 15e, 42b
By Any Other Name / Understand character and autobiography, Compare and contrast / 138-147 / 1a, 2a, 2c, 6, 8, 9e, 22
Unit 2: Nonfiction (cont.) /
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill / SE pages / GLEs /
Collection 3 / The Secret Garden (Memoir) / Narrator and Voice / 167-173 / 13
Taste - The Final Frontier (Newspaper Article) / Generate relevant research questions / 221-226 / 1a, 5, 39a, 39b, 46
Typhoid Fever from Angela’s Ashes (Autobiography) / Understand the writer's voice, diction, and tone, Evaluate credibility / 227-239 / 1c, 9e
An Ancient Enemy Gets Tougher (Web site) / Understand how to use research resources, including print resources and the Internet / 240-244 / 40a, 40b
Skills Review: Information Reading Skills / Generate relevant research questions / 256-256 / 42a
Collection 4 / The Man in the Water (Essay) / Understand personal essays. Understand the main idea, Summarize the main idea / 320-330 / 5, 8, 9a, 10a, 11a
If Decency Doesn't, Law Should Make Us Samaritans (Op-Ed Article) / Evaluate author arguments / 332-337 / 15b
Good Samaritans U.S.A. Are Afraid to Act (Op-Ed Article)
Unit 2: Nonfiction (cont.) /
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill / SE pages / GLEs /
Collection 5 / R.M.S Titanic (Historical Article) / Understand situational irony and dramatic irony. Understand objective writing and subjective writing, Understand text structures / 390-410 / 3e, 3g, 15e
from IntoThin Air (Magazine Article) / Understand situational irony, contradictions, and incongruities, Understand cause and effect / 411-427 / 1a, 3e, 5, 15a, 15c
Explorers Say There's Still Lots to Look for (Newspaper Article) / Generate research questions, and evaluate sources / 428-435 / 1b, 1d, 15b, 41
Skills Review – Information Reading Skills / Generate research questions, and evaluate sources / 452-455 / 41, 42a
Collection 6 / Coming of , Latino Style: Special Rite Ushers Girls into Adulthood (Newspaper Article) / Synthesize information from several sources on a single topic / 487-493 / 1a, 1c, 5, 11a, 11b, 15b, 15e, 41
Vision Quest (Encyclopedia Article)
Crossing a Threshold to Adulthood (Op-Ed Article)
Collection 8 / Call of the Wild - Save Us! (Magazine Article) / Evaluate an author's argument / 669-677 / 1a, 15b, 15c, 15e
Collection 9 / The War Escalates from The American Nation (Textbook) / Understand and use primary and secondary sources / 744-751 / 42b
Dear Folks (Letter)
from Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam (Speech)
Skills Review (Informational Reading) / Using primary and secondary sources / 822-825 / 42b
Collection 10 / Julius Caesar in an Absorbing Production (Play Review) / Evaluate an author's argument / 1009-1016 / 1a, 15b
Skills Review (Informational Reading) / Evaluate an author's argument / 1030-1031 / 11d
Collection 11 / Evaluating the Logic of Functional Documents (Workplace/Consumer Document) / Evaluate the logic of functional documents / 1037-1040 / 11d, 12c, 15b, 15d
Following Technical Directions (Workplace/Consumer Document) / Follow technical directions / 1041-1043 / 11d, 12c
Analyzing Functional Workplace Documents (Workplace/Consumer Document) / Understand characteristics of functional workplace documents / 1044-1048 / 11d, 12c
Citing Internet Sources (Workplace/Consumer Document) / Understand how to cite Internet sources in a Works Cited list. / 1049-1054 / 45a, 45c
Reading Consumer Documents (Workplace/Consumer Document) / Understand elements of consumer documents / 1055-1059 / 11b, 12c
Reading Consumer Documents/Troubleshooting Guide / Understand elements of consumer documents / 1057-1057 / 12c
Reading Consumer Documents/FCC Information (USA) / Understand elements of consumer documents / 1058-1058 / 12c
Unit 2: Nonfiction (cont.) /
Holt Reader / Skill / SE pages /
Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World (Article) / Generate Questions/ KWL chart / 312-323
Iceman: Mummy from the Stone Age
The Iceman Ate-eth Meat
Iceman of the Alps
(Informational Articles) / Paraphrasing/ Synthesizing Sources / 324-335
The Great Blizzard of ‘88
The Land is an Ocean of Snow
(Informational Articles) / Main Ideas/ Primary and Secondary Sources / 336-350
Who Wrote Shakespeare? (Information Article) / Author’s Purpose and Tone/ Author’s Argument / 351-361
Jobs in Computer Animation (Workplace Document) / Workplace Document / 363-367
Scanning Images (Technical Document) / Technical Document / 368-373
Teen Driver’s Guide and Permit Application (Public Document) / Functional Document / 374-380
Citing Internet Sources: Teen Drivers (Bibliography) / Documentation / 381-383
Holt Leveled Library: (Grade 10) / Reading Level:
Barrio Boy (Biography) / 9.0-12.0
Long Walk to Freedom (Autobiography) / N/A
A Stillness at Appomattox (Historical Account) / N/A
The Fire Next Time (Essay) / 11.0-12.0
HRW Library – High School:
Barefoot Heart (Autobiography) / 4.0-5.0
Harcourt Trade:
The Places in Between (Adventure) / Young Adult
Zero to Sixty (Autobiography) / Young Adult
Paperback Titles:
Into Thin Air (Adventure) / 12.0+
Kon-tiki (Adventure) / 12.0
The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt (Chronicle) / 8.0-12.0
Woodsong (Autobiography) / 8.0-9.0
The Perfect Storm (Historical Account) / 9.0
The Autobiography of Malcolm X / 9.0-12.0
Rascal (Memoir) / 9.0-12.0
Guts (Autobiographical Adventure) / N/A
The Water is Wide (Autobiography) / N/A
Why We Can’t Wait (Essay) / 10.0-12.0
Unit 3: Poetry
This unit focuses on reading and responding to poetry and applying a variety of reading and comprehension strategies. The analysis of the elements and devices commonly used in lyric, narrative, and dramatic poetry will include responses to questions that demand critical thinking and the development of compositions that address aspects of poetry and its relationship to real-life experiences. Regular vocabulary study will include defining words within the context of the literature and using words appropriately in original writings.
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course © 2007 / Skill/Literary Focus / SE pages / GLEs
Collection 6 / Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
After Apple-Picking / Monitoring your reading by re-reading/ Understand symbolic meaning, / 509-514 / 3b, 3h, 5, 8, 9b, 11c, 21b
Collection 7 / Small Portions / Imagery / 534-537 / 3a
A Storm in the Mountains / Understand characteristics of prose poems / 538-540 / 3a, 5, 22
Same Song / Understand imagery and allusion / 541-544 / 3a, 3f, 4d, 8
Eating Together
Grape Sherbet / Speaker and Tone / 545-550 / 3g, 3h, 9b, 21b
The Legend / Understand tone / 551-556 / 3a, 3g, 4d, 22, 24a
Simile / Understand simile / 559-561 / 4d
I am Offering This Poem
Since feeling is first / Understand characteristics of lyric poetry / 562-566 / 4d, 9b, 21b
Heart! We will forget him!
Three Japanese Tankas / Understand personification / 567-572 / 3a, 3i, 4d, 6, 7, 9b, 13, 18b, 22
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day? / Understand characteristics of the English sonnet / 573-576 / 3g, 3h, 3i, 4d, 9b, 22, 23b, 25c
Ode to My Socks / Understand characteristics of the ode. Understand extended metaphor and simile / 577-582 / 4d, 9b, 22
Sea Fever / Understand meter. Understand rhyme and rhyme scheme / 586-588 / 3a, 3h, 18b, 22