Loughborough in Bloom

Working Group Agenda

17th February 2015

Meeting Room 12, Southfields



  1. Welcome and Apologies (SR) – 2mins


CBC = Sarah Ritchie, Cherry Foster, Eleanor Montgomery, Vickie Baker, Irene Halliday, Al-Hameed Miah

Serco = Jo De Roeck

LCC = Dave Headly


CBC = Hiron Miah

Quadron = Nicola Clarke & Martin Botham

  1. Introductions and Overview(SR) – 10 mins

We will be having two sets of judging this year having won our category last year for East Midlands in Bloom (EMIB); we will also be entered to Britain in Bloom (BIB).

SR advised the Bloom Board is chaired by Andy Rush (editor of Loughborough Echo) and other board members are representatives from Loughborough University, resident’s groups and local Cllrs.

SR would like to see the 2016 route condensed; quality not quantity as feels currently it is too vast and feels rushed.

  1. Criteria for this year & Notes from RHS Seminar (SR) – 30 mins

The theme ‘Greening Grey Britain follows from last year as this is a 3 year theme encouraging entrants to show progression. We introduced Cambridge Street Community Garden last year as a result.

Action – CF to circulate criteria and last year’s judges report to everyone in the Working Group.

This year we have been looking to include some community raised vegetable beds which will be in the Green Belt area off Forest Road/Holt Drive behind Harry Cook’s house. McDonalds (town centre Loughborough branch) have agreed to sponsor these beds. DH suggested that they could be called ‘salad bowls’ and asked if labels would be used for each item planted. SR said that plants would definitely be labelled and were considering options.

Having tomatoes and strawberries trailing from hanging baskets was also mentioned.

SR advised that Plantscape were now the contractor supplying hanging baskets, replacing PHS. The new baskets would be ‘self-watering’ as all have a 15 litre water reservoir at the bottom.

We are in the Small City category along with about 5 or 6 others. SR explained that at the recent seminar she attended about Bloom, RHS were quick to point out that each area was in fact up against the criteria they are judged on and not against other entrants in their category.

SR said that another aspect of the criteria was to encourage people to take part in physical activity and therefore we are in the process of establishing ‘Green Gym’ at Gorse Covert. For further information about the project please see

SR explained that another 2 hanging basket trees are on order; one to be located outside the Council Offices and the other to be located on Wards End (near to where one of the Christmas trees is located). Plantscape have very kindly agreed to sponsor one of these trees and will supply all the planted baskets for it free of charge.

SR was concerned that the winter hanging baskets and planters in the Town Centre lacked impact. As a result she advised that rather than planted winter hanging baskets this year, instead there would be a number of solar powered Christmas trees hung up at various locations in the Town Centre. DH said that this would work well and give a good effect. He said that where he lives in Humberstone, the village shops have these trees and they are very effective.

Regarding community participation, SR explained that the Bloom Board would be advised to condense the route and not repeat visit the same community group’s year on year. We would like to choose different groups each year based on ‘wow’ factor.

In order to prepare for 2 rounds of Bloom judging, it was agreed that issues concerning litter, rubbish, graffiti, flyposting, damaged property, dead and damaged trees and any other issues of concern, would be noted and dealt with as soon as possible for those that need to to take action.

EM asked about comfort breaks, would they be spaced out better as criticism received in the past from judges’ comments. SR said that they wouldbe considered and agreed with the board.

SR asked for people to provide her with interesting projects, consultations etc that have either taken place or are taking place in the run up to Bloom. This information could then go into the Portfolio.

SR asked DH about grass cutting in Leicestershire and specifically Loughborough. DH said that there would be 5 cuts rather than 6 as LCC are changing the way grass is cut across Leicestershire by having a ‘floating gang’ to attend problem areas. DH anticipated grass cutting to start on 14th March 2016. EM asked about dangerous or problem junctions; who would do this? DH said that a separate response team would deal with this type of concern.

SR explained that judging for EMIB (East Midlands in Bloom) was provisional for Thursday 14th July 2016 and that BIB (Britain in Bloom) was not confirmed but expected to be in either the first or second week of August 2016.

AHM mentioned that the Tenant garden competition will include gardens and balconies but may also include hanging baskets. SR advised AHM that Plantscape run educational planting opportunities for community groups and schools whereby they are shown how to plant hanging baskets.

It is believed that the judges arriving for Britain in Bloom in August will be coming to Loughborough the night before by train into Loughborough Station. SR would like them to have a welcome pack/goodie bag each containing various information guides.

Action – EM to investigate the cost and purchase of magnetic boards to be used on the vehicle driving the judges round on the day.

SR said that everyone taking part or assisting in Bloom judging in any way would be most welcome to the buffet lunch provided on both judging days by way of a thank you for their involvement. She hoped to see fresh produce (fruit and veg) from community groups etc. turned into dishes for all to share. DH asked if she would be having ‘story boards’ at the buffet to provide information about services, complaints turned into compliments etc., to which SR said that it would be a really good idea.

  1. Suggestions for 2016 & Route (SR) – 10 mins

It was mentioned that Chapman Street and Thorpe Acre are working very hard to create good areas for plants. In Peel Drive one of the tenants has planned a ‘secret garden’.

Regarding Allotments, SR said that whilst she would love the Bloom route to still include them (as the RNIB is known to have worked very hard), it may not be possible to include in practice. Instead the raised planters off Holt Drive would be included.

Shelthorpe’s Community Garden run by Cath Biddles has not been included recently however there are problems with lack of volunteers at the site and she has had health problems. Housing are currently working closely and assisting in this case.

Loughborough University is a must for the Bloom Route.

Stonebow Washlands scores very highly on Bloom as it is a nature reserve and we are in the process of applying for green flag status.

Terry Yardley Way – question was asked whether or not the wild flowers planted there a few years ago would be reinstated. SR said it was hoped that the developer (Morris Homes) would be able to reinstate; but not yet decided.

Loughborough Cemetery –was not on the Bloom Route last year and is not planned for this year.

Sponsored roundabouts were discussed. DH advised that all sponsors of roundabouts cut their own grass as often as they require whereas all non-sponsored roundabouts cut by LCC receive 6 cuts a year.

Maxwell Drive will continue to be driven past in order to access Stonebow Washlands.

EM asked how many community groups and ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ groups would be visited under proposed route changes. SR said that the plan would be 1 Community Group, 1 Housing site and 1 Housing Association and then rotate them over a 3 year period. SR went on to say that obviously we couldn’t make these changes without agreement from the Bloom Board.

Portfolio – style to be the same as last year. We are not allowed any more than 15 double side pages.

JDR was concerned about roadworks that may affect the route this year; last year there were last minute changes to the route which coupled with a lack of communication from LCC about them caused unnecessary hassle. She hoped that this year would be different with DH on board from LCC. DH did mention that we would need to consider other utilities working in the area and find out separately from them about any planned works.

  1. A.O.B (All) – 10 mins


Next meeting 10am Wednesday 23rd March 2016. Meeting Room 12