Loss Measurement of Houses on Physical and Socio-Economical Aspects
2.4.1. General Condition
1. Urban Scope
a. Geography, Morphology and Climate
Banjarmasin is the capital city of South Kalimantan which has a total area of about 72 square kilometers . The city is surrounded by Barito river to the west and Martapura river to the east. It lies between 315 -322 southern latitude - and 11498 -11438 eastern longitude. It is 0,16 meters under the sea level and the surface of land is flat of aboutwhich slope is 0,13% , while some part is swamp. Sedimentation occurres because of the increasing bottom of the river estuary between Martapura and Barito river around 1 m per year, and the forest exploration in the upper stream of the Martapura river which resultcauses erotionerosion.
- Geology of the Island.
The soil surface layer is consists of thickness peat oil. The type of soil is alluvial and dominated by clay structure. The result of sondir[k1] indicates that the consistent values are very soft, soft, firm, stiff and very stiff.
- Geology of the River.
The shape of Bedrock is concave and consists of metamorphose metamorphosis of rock. The surfaces of oil are covered by gravel, pebble, sand and clay.
Banjarmasin has a generally dry season with which humidity rate ofis 40-90%, and humidity rate ofrainy season which humidity is 81- 90%. The average temperature is between 17 C to and 36,2.
b. Housing
Basically timber is the important material for housing construction in Banjarmasin. Mostly 100% of housing construction in this area is using timber as a building material even more then than 80% wood consumption of JawaiIslandcome frominKalimantan.
The construction system of all housing was very simple based on the traditional technique are passed from generation upon generation with hardly any change. We could found especially at the old houses.
Some cooperation research and activities between among local government,with the other government institution and private company have been started some years ago in the frame to arrange of the city planning. Housing development have been conducted accompanies with Perumnas and some private sector (real estate)[k2]to in the fringe and remote area. Revitalization of the tourist, commercial area is belonging to the local government program especially for the riverside and slump areas.
2. Inundated Area
3. Study Area Condition
a. Administrative Boundary
The western, northern and the eastern regions of Banjarmasin that is Kabupaten Barito Kuala, and the district of Banjar to the south[k4].The city of Banjarmasinis composed of four districts, They they are North Banjar, South Banjar, East Banjar and West Banjar.
Kuin Utara is an area that lies off the north side of Banjarmasin, which administratively is part of Kelurahan Kuin Utara, one of the sub district of North Banjar. This area is surrounded by Kelurahan Alalak Utara to the north, Jembatan Putih to the east, Barito and Kuin river to the west and south. The land level is flat, hence there isn’t any differences of relief between Kuin Utara and Banjarmasin. The higher land locates is located on the side of the main street with which deference level is about 30 – 50 cm.
aSocio-economic Profile
The respondent of this research live in Nothern Kuin which belong to the Northern Banjar district based on discussion results with some respondents (47 respondents) from 16 neighborhood unit. The social questionnaire consists of 35 peace’s pieces while 12 physical questionnaires distributed by the staff of Nothern Kuin sub-district. The results data are as follows:
Average of respondents are is over than 40 years old and they have stayed in this location from their birth to or marriage. The location is nearly by to their work place. Almost of them are working as a non formal (carpenter, Iron-smith, Brick layer and worker) because of the education (mostly junior school graduated). The average land price is around 150.000[k5]/m2. The occupants are also dweller of the house. Land and building tax aroundis between 6 until and 8 % or Rp.2.500 – Rp.10.000,-
Type of houses are single (landed house ), 63,6 % built in dried land while 21,8 % in the riversiteriverside..
The water inundated the house usually over than 12 times per year and the time period of flooding 12 hours from 16.00-20.00 pm, height of water between 11-50 Cm.
During the flood water occurred, some of respondents (43 respondents or 78,2 %) answer that they did not do anything because that iswasa regularregularly happened..
Being Disturbing disturbed by noise of road is answered by 26 respondent or 52,7 %, market[k6]is answered by 32 respondent or 54,8 % while other infrastructure such as school, office, business area, mosque were not disturbed.
Disturbing to cooking activities, are is answered by 27 respondents or 49,1 %[k7] and other people’s activities such as eating, drinking, playing children area, washing, sleeping and chatting generally are not disturbed
- After the height of water decrease or withdraw, some respondents,which are around 61,8 % answered that they didn’t do anything but 23,6 % direct to clean the mud because of the mud sedimentation on the floor at house. They worked by community cooperation[k8] without salary.
b Housing and Infrastructure
The typical of housing construction is a platform system because of, the land surface condition is flat and lower than sea level. This system is used for all of houses, which built in the riverside or the street side.
Location of Northern Kuin (located at the estuary of Barito river) is as a commercial and tourist area, therefore, this condition is very influencesto on the typical of houses. The function of house used notis not used for a shelter only, but some are used as a commercial function like a shop, small shop, restaurant, workshop etc, particularly for houses located at the riverside and along the Kuin street. Front of house usually looks out to the street or to the river.
Development of facilities and infrastructure such as road, clean water, electricity, telephone etc, be changes the pattern condition of housing, from the grouping pattern to the single pattern particularly after the fire occurred at 1983.
The growth of population is causing the density of housing, therefore not all of houses in this area have a courtyard even the wall of their houses directly in the side of small street[k9].
In fact, many of houses are in bad condition (usually old houses) and a few are in a good condition (usually a new house).
The obtained data based on the observation and survey results concerning to the building condition are as follows:
- The category in a good condition = 22 houses
- The category in a medium condition = 40 houses
- Remainder The remainder of this belongsing to the category of bad condition (usually old houses).
Number of inhabitants of in each unit housesis around 4 – 7 persons while the other houses nearby street side are usually lived with by inhabitants less then 4 persons usually live nearby the street side. Almost the inhabitantsalso as a dwellers of the houses, little number only of tenants[k10]also lives in this area.
The spreading and density of house which was located at the Barito riverside more higher (around between 4 until and 10 layers) where in the other houses located along the Kuin riverside consists of 1 layer only.
[k11]Building lines as one of the government rules for building construction did not found in all of houses either neither houses in the riverside or nor along of the street. The distance of from all houses to the street was very irregular and very close to the street, usually for housing which located along the Kuin street.
The building coefficient of those are located on the both side of the Kuin street is less than 100 %, while it is 100 % on the riverside area, hence there is no yard at all.
Most of the buildings have one floor, however two or more floors also are there, particularly on the side of street area. Almost the functions of building in this area are as housing, while the others are public buildings (school, office, mosque etc).
Tabel 2.4.1. Function of the building
No / Building function / Alongmain street / Along
River side / Total (unit)
13 / Mosque
Elementary School
Military offices
Timber shop
Telephone kiosk
The second hand materials shop
Small shop
Handy craft industry
Floating houses / 1
- / -
9 / 1
Total number / 144 / 661 / 802
Resources; Result data of Technicel report of Northern Kuin ,2001
c. Land use Zone
Housing area
The growth of housing area is also influenced by not only road transportation but also by the river transportation. It forms two orientations, river and land orientation. The growth of commercial activities on floating markets (pPasar tTerapung) resulted results in changing the function of houses which lies on the side of Barito and Kuin River from housing settlement to be mix function, housing and stores function[k13].
Commercial Area
The increasing activities of the city of Banjarmasin cause to increase the commercial activities of floating markets to increase. Based on the interview and the observation, there are many visitors here who take a tour and shopping. The existence of Pasar Terapung is now jostled by another activities such as the bunch of wood which often be parked and be floated on this area, that makes the area of Ffloating market (pasar Pasar terapungTerapung) getting smaller. Floating Market will move to other side if this disturbance is not minimized.
The Mosque and Grave Area of Sultan Suriansyah[k14].
The role of the Mosque and Grave Area of Sultan Suriansyah is powerful in increasing the land use of the city of Banjarmasin. This archeological site which is known as a main element space of city that forms the landmark of this area. They are placed on the north side of Kuin streetStreet, and these are two buildings which are 500 m away from each other, and housing area is placed between those.This area should be preserved in order to increase the value of this area, particularly in tourism value. There are many ways to improve this area, the one is converting the function of housing.
d. Accessibility
Concerning Northern Kuin which is located on the side of Barito and Kuin river and passed by the main street of Kuin, there are two potential accessibility accessibilities either water or road transportation.
River’s Accessibility By River
River is the main transportation in Kuin Utara. The existence of the quay is a power in connecting with external areas, particularly the district of Barito Kuala and west gate at all. This is the regional accessibility for Banjarmasin, particularly for Northern Kuin.
Road’s Accessibility.
External access through road transportation can only be reached through two streets, north and east side. Southern Alalak road is the internal access from the north side, and east side is from Kuin street[k15]. This road splits this area into two parts. The Central Business District accessibility could be passed in three road alternatives. So the existence of Alalak street and Kuin is very important for the persistence of the traffic which is connecting the external area with north side of Alalak and central city. The width of the street is only 5 m, so it is not capable to support the high smooth traffic flow.
- Infrastructures
Water supply
The main pipe of water supply in Banjarmasinis set in Northern Kuin along the main street. The distribution of pipe into houses have are only available to them people who live on the left and right side of the main street, therefore the local government provide four water supply tanks especially to fulfill demanding of the inhabitants demand who are not served by the pipe. It is distributed to them and sold Rp. 200,- per container.
Waste Disposal
People use the river for taking a bath and washing. There are only few houses that are located on the left and right of Northern Kuin which has septic tanks inside.
All kind of garbage are mostly thrown away into the river. There is no garbage disposal.
Electricity Network.
In Northern Kuin, there can be identified that the electricity network is identified has available provided onto provide the north side of Kuin street,with and the distance of each electric pole is about 50 meters. But there are only few street lamps. Some houses are located on the side of Kuin street, and Barito and Kuin river are served by housing electricity, while the rests are not.
Transportation Services
River Transportation
The main transportation is not only by the road but also by the river. The river transportation is completed by the quay cross[k16] which supports the trade activities in floating market.
Road Transportation
The main road which is passing the Northern Kuin is Kuin street. This local road connects the location of economical activities on the side of river with central business district. The quality of the road is good enough. The width is almost 5 meters which is asphalted for 4 meter. There are also many wooden footbridge as a corridor which connecting the coast and the Kuin streets. They have two functions, the first is connecting the main street and the coast in whichand itsthe length is about 25 – 100 m. The second is an access for people who lived in the side of the coast. The width of wooden footbridge is vary of about 1 – 2 m[k17] while the distance of every pole is 10 – 25 m. Completing this transportation, there is a terminal near the local district office.
f. The Area’s Potential
In accordance with the expansion of land use, the potential of area which increase the land value can be explained as follows :
The Potential of Floating Market (Pasar Terapung)
Floating market is a place where of specific commercial activities which is located in the mouth of Kuin river and the side of Barito river. This activity is one of the strength of the city of Banjarmasin in tourism, which it can be stepped up as an tourism asset either regional or national scale.
The potential of the small shops which looks out on river
The small shop which looks out on the river are has intentioned to serve the consumers in floating market . This unique activity is a unity of floating markets.
The potential of The Mosque and Grave Area of Sultan Suriansyah
Sultan Suriansyah mosque is an old building with historical structure on it. The grave area of Sultan Suriansyah is next to the mosque. It is not only the central promoter of the Islam movement in Banjarmasin which has influenced the central and east Kalimantan, but also the central development of the city of Banjarmasin, the oldest city in Kalimantan. That’s why, the existence of this mosque is a potential area which need to be preserved. This preservation is now shown by the museum which sell historical goods of Sultan Suriansyah governmental decade.
2.4.2. The Effect of the Inundation on Building and Inhabitant’ss’ Lives
1. Building Deterioration
As mention before land level of Banjarmasin is under the sea level. This physical condition causes most of inundated area by water from the river tide and rain. If the full moon comes, the river tide will be occurred and causes this area inundated , the raisedrise of water reach for about 5 cm on the floor. The inundation also occurred when the rain drops. The raise rise of water which is caused by the rain is about 10 – 20 cm from the land level on the landed house[k18].
Timber is a building materials used for all of building in this areas. The variety of timber used are, Ulin (Pile foundation, column), Meranti (wall frame, sailing[k19], truss) and Galam (Pile foundation, wall frame).
The exploitation on the large scale of timber in the forest of Kalimantan influences to the existences and quality of this material. The condition of this materials especially for Ulin timber is very rare and difficult to find it and very expensive.
Recently the peoples in Banjarmasinare using Meranti, galam Galam and other of low class timber as a building construction because the need of timber for housing is very large. This condition influencesto the lifetime of buildings, particularly caused by the river tide.
Based on the observation at this moment, most of the components deterioration occurred in the bottom parts of building, such as pile foundation (housing in river side and along the street almost same), bottom beam, floor and around 10 – 20 cm wall.