Los Medanos CollegeAcademic Senate Draft Minutes 4-26-04 Room 114 3-5 p.m.
Present-Curtis Corlew, Alex Sample, Ginny Buttermore, Brad Nash, Barbara Austin, Michael Norris, Don Kaiper, Mariel O. Morison, Tanya Silva, Shirley Baskin, Andy Ochoa, Ed Lewis, Estelle Davi, Mark McGregor, Mark Lewis, Scott Cabral, Jo Perry-Folino. Absent- Jeff Frates, Elisabeth Coats, Murph Kinney. Guests- Nancy Ybarra, Kiran Kamath, Charles Powell, Richard Livingston
Minutes approved
Approval of March 22, and April 5 minutes, Norris moves, Kaiper 2nds, 12-0-2
Kaiper- Board meeting this Wednesday to vote on 7% decrease in classified salary
- CSUH peer-to-peer meeting, Thurs May 13th, 2:30 p.m., looks like a good turnout.
Action Items/Discussion Items:
1. Classified Staff Appreciation Lunch Update - Tanya Silva. Update on the Classified Staff Appreciation Lunch Date, May 11, Assignments, and volunteers still needed.
2. IT & TAG discussion - Curtis Corlew. Consumer questions regarding computer support, preparation of questions for IT to address, identifying what is LMC vs. District purview. Need consumer representative and is that a role that TAG can play. A. Wireless on campus, B. PC vs. Mac, C. Specs on computer purchases. Seems to be two types of groups being discussed. Policy issues vs. Individual user issues. If voting on IT Policy, or spending of funds, then needs to be a representative group. Anthony Crawford requested anyone with IT questions feel free to call him or Cherry. TAG is still figuring out the structure of the membership.
3. AS self study survey – Austin. Senate feedback needed on purpose of survey, what is to be done with the information gathered, who will do it, latest draft of the survey. Questions 3,8,9,10 & 11 the not applicable clause needs to be removed. Estelle Davi ran survey draft past Umberto Sale and he suggested some changes, said overall the survey was good. Questions regarding the purpose of the survey. Is it formative, summative or descriptive. Planning on using Umberto’s suggestion for better voting returns. Norris suggested using survey as formative, for improvement of Senate. Elicit feedback to make improvements. Purpose of the survey is to look at effectiveness, to improve things. Norris moves, Silva 2nds, 14-0-1. Cindy, Barb and Estelle will work on getting survey out. Curtis volunteers to put needed background info online, and 20 copies will be put at the info desk, and copies will be sent to Brentwood.
4. Convocation of the Whole - Michael Norris. AS presentation on Governance update. Will request 2 hours be devoted to Governance, 1 hour to general, and 1 hour to AS bylaws and constitution. Mark Lewis moves, Silva 2nds, 13-0-0.
5. A. Curriculum Committee Updates – Kiran Kamath. B. Election of 2 Occupational Education Representatives –
Kiran Kamath. Will get blurb from each candidate to be presented at next meeting, interested candidates include
Earl Ortiz, Janet Townsend and Kirsten Martin. C. Curriculum Committee requests $2000 to program curriculum
form online and upload to LMC website. These funds will be used to pay for programming time. At the mini
retreat the reviewed accreditation standards, discussing whether the forms met new standards. In order to facilitate
meeting these standards, CC requested $2,000 to have forms put online. The programming fees will be paid to
Mark McGregor. Norris moves, Austin 2nds, 13-0-0
6. Relationship between CC and AS -Mark Lewis, Kiran Kamath. Discussion of Position Paper and the
relationship between CC and AS. – Moved to May 10 agenda.
7. SGC report – Austin, Baskin. Update on current SGC matters, meeting for discussion of facilities and
8. Update on votes - Tanya Silva. Online position paper vote 14-0-0. Transfer Statement endorsement 13-1-0. CCC printing costs offset 14-0-0. Bylaws changes proposed by Spence 0-14-0
9. DGC update – Lois Yamakoshi. Update on current SGC matters. Current DGC bylaws not passed because our constituency did not agree. DGC wanted an all or nothing vote, and couldn’t get it. Now they are coming back with individual issues.