Los Medanos CollegeAcademic Senate

Draft Minutes 4-5-04 Room 114 3-5 p.m.

Present-Curtis Corlew, Alex Sample, Ginny Buttermore, Brad Nash, Barbara Austin, Michael Norris, Don Kaiper, Mariel O. Morison, Tanya Silva, Murph Kinney, Shirley Baskin, Andy Ochoa, Ed Lewis,

Absent- Mark Lewis, Jeff Frates, Elisabeth Coats, Scott Cabral, Jo Perry-Folino,

Guests- Nancy Ybarra, Kiran Kamath, Marie Karp, Lawrence Thrall, Charles Powell

Minutes approved


1. Online Position paper votes received 14-0-0. 2. Classified Senate Lunch needs volunteers, Mike Norris, Ed Lewis, Tanya Silva and Marie Karp all choose tasks. 3. VP and Secretary handouts regarding current essential duties. 4. AS office computer has arrived on campus, T. Silva will follow up. 5. 36th Spring Session Resolutions, April 17th and 18th, 50th anniversary of Brown vs. BOE, any questions contact D. Kaiper.

Action Items/Discussion Items:

1. Agenda Setting - Tanya Silva

- Change 10 minute time slot to 20 minutes before 5 for more participation

- Form for requesting time on the agenda

2. Transfer/Student Success – Marie Karp (attachment)

Feedback regarding the Academic Senate’s proposed endorsement. Hopefully ready for Sp 05. Dept. Chairs can contact counseling. Vote taken 13-1-0

3. A. Curriculum Committee Updates – Kiran Kamath. Retreat, new accreditdation standards, move CC to meet those

standards, reviewing forms to see if they meet standards. Agenda and minutes on website.

  1. Election of 2 Occupational Education Representatives. Ac Sen must send 2 Occ Ed reps 1) 2yr and 1) 3yr to CC. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday 1 - 3 p.m. Don will discuss with Pam, others should put names forward. Call for S to all Occ Ed faculty.

4. Criteria for evaluating new Curriculum Committee – Jo Perry-Folino, tabled until next meeting.

5. SGC report – Austin, Baskin. FPM in stage II, Peter was there, went very well. Don was liason. Still a question of

whether or not there would be a pulling out of reserve funds. Discussion of VTIA?? Funds may require too many forms, problems with all money not being created equal.

6. How to place 2003-2004 funds into Senate categories (ie. supplies, travel). Money has been placed into categories, but

will not need to stay there, can be redistributed. GL numbers provided on this handout for all senate members.

7. Crucial Records of the Senate. Michael Norris will chair, Tanya Silva and Don Kaiper will participate. Will look into

this issue over the summer.

9. Selection of faculty member to announce graduates at May 28th ceremony – Lois Yamakoshi. Usually choose the G

Hayward Award winner, or a retiree, Pablo Gonzales meets both of these. Will invite Pablo to announce graduates.

10. District Governance Committee Report – Lois Yamakoshi

-Allocate funds to help off set printing cost (to CCC Academic Senate) vote taken 14-0-0

Will assist CCC in printing costs for DGC packets. Norris moves to send $110, Ochoa 2nds.

- By Law changes proposed by Chancellor Spence (attachment) vote taken 0-14-0