"V Argentine-Chilean Polymer Symposium"
"VIII Argentine Polymer Symposium"
"IX Chilean Symposium of Polymer Chemistry and Physical-Chemistry"

Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina - Oct. 19th- 21st, 2009


The V Argentine-Chilean Polymer Symposium (ARCHIPOL’09) will take place in Los Cocos, Córdoba (Argentina) between the 19th and 21stOct., 2009. The previous binational symposia took place in Mar del Plata (Argentina), 2001;Viña del Mar (Chile), 2003; Los Cocos, 2005; and Viña del Mar, 2007.

A total number of 226Articles will be presented, produced by514 coauthors.

According to Type of Presentation, theArticles were classified into 9 Plenary Conferences, 61 Oral Communications, and 156 Posters. According to the country of origin, the Articles were received from: Argentina (163); Mexico (18);Chile (14);Spain (10); Brazil (5);Venezuela (5);France (3);Colombia (3);USA(2); Canada (1);Italy (1); and Japan (1).

Apart from the Invited Conferences, all the Articles have beendistributed among the followingSessions:

Nanostructured Polymers;

Biomedical Applications/Biosensors;


Hydrogels and Polyelectrolytes;

Polymers with Functional Properties;

Polymer Modification/Processing/Products;

Polymers Based on Renewable Resources/Biodegradable Polymers;

Polymer Characterization;

Polymerization Reactors.

We sincerely thankthe authorsfor theirpatience and collaboration. Also, the following sponsoring institutions are greatly acknowledged: CONICET, ANPCyT, CCT Santa Fe, PLAPIQUI, INTEMA, INTEC, U.N.S., U.N.M.D.P., U.N.L., and U.N.C.

For all those who will finally assist tothe meeting,we wish you a happy travel to Los Cocos,the best of stays and a safe return.

The Organizers,September2009


Chairman: / Enrique M. Vallés /
Academic Organizer: / Roberto J.J. Williams /
Local Organizer (Registrations, etc.): / Miriam C. Strumia /
Web/ Proceedings Coordinator: / Gregorio R. Meira /

SCIENTIFIC committee

  • José L. Alessandrini (UNLP, Argentina)
  • Patricia Eisenberg (CITIP, INTI, Argentina)
  • María V. Encinas (USACH, Chile)
  • Gregorio R. Meira (INTEC, Argentina)
  • Mónica Pérez Rivera (Univ. de Concepción, Chile)
  • Raúl Quijada (U. Chile, Chile)
  • Deodato Radič (PUC, Chile)
  • Hernán E. Ríos (U. Chile, Chile)
  • Bernabé L. Rivas (UEDEC, Chile)
  • Miriam C. Strumia (UNC, Argentina)
  • Claudio Terraza (PUC, Chile)
  • Enrique M. Vallés (PLAPIQUI, Argentina)
  • Roberto J.J. Williams (INTEMA, Argentina)

INVITED ConferenceS

  • Daniele Caretti (Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e dei Materiali, Universitá di Bologna, Italy): “Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Polymeric Materials Bearing Triorganotin Carboxylate Moieties and their Applications”.
  • Yves Gnanou (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymeres Organiques, Université Bordeaux, France): "Carbenes as Versatile Catalysts for Polymerization Reactions".
  • Ramón González Rubio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain): "Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: Formation Mechanism and Applications".
  • Ramanan Krishnamoorti (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, USA): "Multifunctional Polymer Composites".
  • Alejandro J. Müller S. (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela): "Influence of Macromolecular Architecture on the Crystallization of Block Copolymers: Myktoarm Stars versus Linear Diblock Copolymers".
  • Richard Register (Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Princeton, USA): "Shear-Alignment of Block Copolymer Films and their Applications in Nanopatterning".
  • Henri Sautereau (Laboratory of Macromolecular Materials, INSA, Lyon, France): “Influence of Ageing and Formulation of Segmented Polyurethanes on Morphologies and Mechanical Properties. Consequences on Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour”.
  • Mitsuro Ueda (Department of Organic & Polymeric Materials, Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan): "Development of High Refractive Index Polymers for CMOS Image Sensor and Optical Materials".
  • Francoise Winnik (Département de Chimie et Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Montréal, Canada): “Design and Function of Polymeric Micelles: the Factotum of Material Scientists”.


Invited Conferences and Oral Comms can be presented in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. Similarly, Full Works may be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. However, it is strongly recommended that the projection material of the oral presentations should be written in English.

Inscription FEEs

The fees include a Printed Program and a CD ROM with the Full Articles.

  • Normal Fee: US$150.- (= Ar.$580.-)
  • Students Fee: US$100.-(= Ar.$380.-)

For payments in advance, send Bank Transfer to Marisa Martinelli y Cecilia Ines Alvarez Igarzabal, Cuenta de Ahorro Nº 1270722021, CBU 0110127630012707220215, Banco de la Nacion Argentina (Sucursal 9261, Av. Velez Sarsfield, Cordoba).


Reception and Inscriptions: Sunday 18th

Farewell Party: Evening, Wed. 21st

Hour / Monday 19th / Tuesday 20th / Wednesday 21st
08:30 / Opening Ceremony
09.00 / C.1.A.01 / C.2.A.01 / C.3.A.01
09:40 / C.1.A.02 / C.2.A.02 / C.3.A.02
10:20 / C.1.A.03 / C.2.A.03 / C.3.A.03
11,00 / Coffee / Coffee / Coffee
11.30 / O.1.A.01 / O.1.B.01 / O.2.A.01 / O.2.B.01 / O.3.A.01 / O.3.B.01
11.50 / O.1.A.02 / O.1.B.02 / O.2.A.02 / O.2.B.02 / O.3.A.02 / O.3.B.02
12.10 / O.1.A.03 / O.1.B.03 / O.2.A.03 / O.2.B.03 / O.3.A.03 / O.3.B.03
15.30 / O.1.A.04 / O.1.B.04 / O.2.A.04 / O.2.B.04 / O.3.A.04 / O.3.B.04
15.50 / O.1.A.05 / O.1.B.05 / O.2.A.05 / O.2.B.05 / O.3.A.05 / O.3.B.05
16:10 / O.1.A.06 / O.1.B.06 / O.2.A.06 / O.2.B.06 / O.3.A.06 / O.3.B.06
16:30 / O.1.A.07 / O.1.B.07 / O.2.A.07 / O.2.B.07 / O.3.A.07 / O.3.B.07
16:50 / O.1.A.08 / O.1.B.08 / O.2.A.08 / O.2.B.08 / O.3.A.08 / O.3.B.08
17.10 / Coffee / Coffee / Coffee / Coffee / Coffee / Coffee
17:40 / O.1.A.09 / O.1.B.09 / O.2.A.09 / O.2.B.09 / O.3.B.09
18:00 / O.1.A.10 / O.1.B.10 / O.2.A.10 / O.2.B.10 / O.3.B.10
18.20 / O.1.A.11 / O.1.B.11 / O.2.A.11 / O.2.B.11
18:40 / P.1.C.01 a P.1.C.55 / P.2.C.01 a P.2.C.50 / P.3.C.01 a P.3.C.52


Los Cocos is a small town in Córdoba Hills, 93 Km N of Córdoba City, 80 Km from Córdoba International Airport, and 1250 m above sea level.
Punilla Valley Map
Transportation from CordobaInternationalAirport to Symposium Hotel:
  • Taxi for up to 4 persons: Arg.$ 200.-
  • Van for up to 11 persons:  Arg $ 300.-
  • Executive Van for up to 12 persons:  Arg $ 320.-
  • Minibus for up to 24 persons:  Arg $ 500.-
Transportation from Cordoba Central Bus Station to Los Cocos:
  • Every day at 7:00: Bus company "Ciudad de Cordoba", Offices Nº 34-35, Tel:(0351)-428-2811, Price: Arg.$ 17,30.
  • Every day at 12:45: Bus company "Sarmiento", Office Nº 37, Tel:(0351)-433-2161, Price: Arg.$ 17,30.


Avda. Cecilia Grierson s/n
Los Cocos
Prov. de Córdoba
Phone/Fax : (0054)-3548-49-2057 (or 2037)

Hotel reservations must be carried out by the Participants. For reservations, please contact:

Symposium Hotel Prices (more details in the web page)

* Four-Nights Package (double-room based, full pension without beverages):
Normal participant: Arg.$ 880.- per guest.
Students: Arg.$ 660.- per guest.

* Per Diem (double-room based, full pension without beverages)
Normal participant: Arg.$ 240.- per guest.
Students: Arg.$ 192.- per guest.


  • Fifty scholarships are offered, tocover the Inscription Fees.
  • The scholarships are offered only to Doctorate Students presenting either an Oral Comm. or a Poster.
  • In the case of a Full Work with multiple coauthors, only a single application will be accepted.