Lord of the Flies Study Questions
Chapter 1
1. How do these boys arrive on the island?
2. What is name of the boy with fair hair?
3. What did they call the fat boy in school?
4. What does Ralph use to call the other boys on the island?
5. What does Piggy do as each boy shows up?
6. What are the names of the twins?
7. Who is elected chief?
8. What is the first decision Ralph makes as chief?
9. Which three boys explore the island?
10. How does Jack react when the boys find the piglet?
Chapter 2
1. As Jack talks about the pig they saw on their expedition, what does he do that shows his violent nature?
2. What do the boys do when the small boy with the mulberry-colored birthmark reaches out for the conch?
3. What does Ralph say when attempting to put the smaller children at ease about the beastie?
4. What does Ralph suggest they do to signal a potential rescue ship?
5. Who leads the boys into the jungle?
6. Jack accuses Piggy of just sitting while the rest are building the fire. Who defends Piggy?
7. What reason is given to show that Piggy helped with the fire?
8. How does Maurice suggest they make smoke?
9. What disastrous thing happens after the boys build the fire?
10. Piggy loses his temper and begins to complain about how everyone is behaving on the island. How does Jack reply to Piggy’s complaints?
Chapter 3
1. What weapons does Jack use to hunt the pig?
2. Is he successful in his hunt?
3. What does Jack find Ralph and Simon doing when he returns from the hunt?
4. Why does Ralph think they need shelters?
5. Ralph complains that nobody is helping to build the shelters. What does Simon suggest that Ralph do about it?
6. What is Jack’s reason for hunting?
7. What feeling does Jack experience when he is hunting alone?
8. Does Ralph feel that they are creating a good signal fire?
9. Where does Simon go after the argument between Jack and Ralph?
10. What does Simon do for the littluns who follow him into the jungle?
Chapter 4
1. How does Roger behave toward Henry?
2. What does Jack think is the reason he hasn’t killed a pig yet?
3. What does Jack use to camouflage himself?
4. What does Ralph see as he, Piggy, and Maurice play near the pool?
5. What is Ralph angry about when he sees the ship?
6. What are the hunters chanting?
7. What is Piggy’s response when Jack says Piggy didn’t hunt?
8. What does Simon do when Jack refuses to give Piggy meat?
9. What does Jack shout as everyone is eating the meat?
10. What does Ralph do in response to all of the celebration surrounding the pig?
Chapter 5
1. What is the purpose of Ralph’s meeting?
2. Ralph mentions decisions made during the meetings that are not acted upon. List three of them.
3. In Ralph’s speech, what does he say they should do before they let the fire go out?
4. One of the littluns woke up in the middle of the night and saw something moving in the jungle. What was it?
5. In an argument with Jack, Ralph accuses him of breaking rules. What is Jack’s reply?
6. According to Ralph, what is “the only thing we’ve got”?
7. The meeting breaks up in a scatter of noise and excitement. What does Piggy suggest Ralph do to bring the meeting back to order?
8. Why does Ralph refuse to blow the conch?
9. Why is Piggy afraid of Ralph giving up the position of chief?
10. Why does Piggy wish grownups were there?
Chapter 6
1. What sign comes down from the world of grownups?
2. When the figure comes to rest, what does the wind cause it to do?
3. Who is on the mountaintop when the figure lands?
4. What is the state of the fire when Sam and Eric wake up?
5. What is Ralph’s first action upon hearing about the beast?
6. What is Jack’s response to hearing the news of the beast?
7. What is Piggy assigned to do as the others go in search of the beast?
8. What does Simon think of the beast?
9. What do the boys think about Castle Rock?
10. What is Ralph thinking as he strikes the rock with his fist?
Chapter 7
1. After leaving Castle Rock to search for the beast, the boys stop to eat. What is Ralph thinking about during this time?
2. As Ralph looks at the others, he notices the boys are dirty. What does he think about this?
3. As Ralph thinks about the ocean as a barrier, what does Simon say to him that interrupts his thoughts?
4. What do the boys encounter on the way to the mountaintop?
5. How does Ralph feel about hitting the boar with the spear?
6. Why does someone suggest going back to Piggy?
7. On the way to the mountain Maurice says, “Supposing the beast’s up there?” What is Jack’s reply?
8. When Jack questions whether or not Ralph is frightened, how does Ralph defend himself?
9. How does Jack describe what he sees on the mountaintop?
10. How do the three boys react to seeing the creature?
Chapter 8
1. How does Ralph characterize Jack’s hunters?
2. After criticizing Ralph, what question does Jack ask the group?
3. After Jack leaves, what does Simon suggest they do?
4. What does Piggy suggest they do about the fire?
5. Does Jack intend to hunt the beast?
6. What does Jack plan to do for the beast?
7. How does Jack plan to cook the pig?
8. What is the Lord of the Flies?
9. What does Jack offer Ralph’s group?
10. Who does Simon talk with in the jungle?
Chapter 9
1. What does Simon do when his fit passes?
2. What does Simon learn about the beast?
3. As Piggy and Ralph swim, what does Piggy suggest they do?
4. What is Jack’s appearance compared to?
5. After the boys eat, what question does Jack ask everyone?
6. Ralph asserts his authority as chief. Is he successful?
7. When the storm breaks, Jack tells his hunters to do what?
8. In the dance, who acts as the first pig?
9. Who crawls out of the forest into the circle?
10. What happens to him at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 10
1. Ralph calls Simon’s death a murder. How does Piggy try to justify their actions?
2. What role do Piggy and Ralph say they had in the attack?
3. After Robert explains to Roger how he can prevent him from coming up the ladder, how does Roger characterize Jack?
4. How does the tribe explain Simon’s murder?
5. What are Jack’s plans for his tribe?
6. For Ralph’s group, what two purposes does the fire serve?
7. What do Ralph and his group decide to do about tending the fire at night?
8. What does Ralph dream about?
9. Someone or something creeps outside of their shelter. Who does it call for?
10. What do the intruders take?
Chapter 11
1. After losing his glasses, what does Piggy suggest that Ralph do?
2. What preparations does Ralph suggest they make before going to Jack’s camp?
3. What does Piggy plan to do when he sees Jack?
4. What is the reason Ralph gives for coming to Jack’s camp?
5. What does Ralph call Jack?
6. What does Jack command the tribe to do to Samneric?
7. When Piggy finally gets to speak, what does he say?
8. What happens to Piggy?
9. What happens to the conch?
10. What happens to Samneric?
Chapter 12
1. What does the Lord of the Flies look like when Ralph sees it?
2. What figures does Ralph see on top of Castle Rock?
3. Why do Samneric insist that Ralph leave?
4. How does the tribe plan to hunt Ralph?
5. Where does Ralph decide to sleep for the night?
6. How do the hunters flush Ralph out of the thicket?
7. What three options does Ralph consider?
8. Who does Ralph find after stumbling on the beach?
9. What does the naval officer say about the boys’ behavior?
10. What does Ralph finally do at the very end?
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