What is English 10 Academic? – This course is designed to challenge the developing thinker and writer as s(he) enters 10th grade. The works have been selected based on classical time periods and themes from British Literature. Our focus will be on developing critical thinking skills, addressing authentic challenges, creating products that show understanding, and connecting with the world around us.
Literature –English 10 classes will be offered a study of core and choice pieces of literature. Students will be able have some free choice in the titles they study through Literature Circles. Some of the titles include (but are not limited to):
Lord of the Flies Grendel Beowulf
MacbethThe Importance of Being Earnest Animal Farm The Curious Incident… And Then There Were None 1984
FrankensteinSherlock Holmes Miss Peregrine’s Home… Informational Texts Assorted Poetry
Copies of both core and choice titles will be provided to each student. However, since annotating will be an integral part of everything we read, students are encouraged, (but in no way obligated),to have a personal copy in order to thoughtfully and actively engage in the reading. Before we begin a new title, a class announcement will be made and an e-mail will be sent out to inform students of the next title.
Materials Required –
- JCHS agenda
- 1-inch, 3-ring binder with a folder to hold composition notebook
- Notebook paper
- Dividers (packet of 5)
- Composition book
- A book of your choice (*EVERY CLASS*)
Helpful Materials-
- Pens (black or blue)
- Pencils with erasers
- Highlighters (variety of colors)
- Sticky notes/tabs for annotations
- Index cards (optional)
- Flash drive (optional but suggested)
Classroom Expectations –
- Respect yourself, others, and property.
- Come open-minded and willing to participate.
- Follow all school rules.
Writing –The English 10 curriculum challenges students are to write creatively, reflectively, and analytically in a fluent and effective manner. Grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling will all play a role in our writing activities.
A Note on Plagiarism – By definition, it is using, stealing, or passing-off the ideas or words of another as one’s own. When using someone’s ideas, one must credit the source. We will review and use proper MLA citations in our writing and will discuss ways to avoid plagiarizing. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a 0 on the assignment, as well as a discipline referral. If a student is ever confused about plagiarizing, see me immediately. When in doubt, use citations!
JCHS English Department: Grading Best Practices
You will be evaluated using the following categories: applied practice (daily activities/classwork and at-home practice), projects/presentations, quizzes/tests, and writing. Grades will be given a point value and will be based on the Loudoun County grading scale:
A+ = 98% - 100% C+ = 77% - 79% F = 59% and lower
A = 93% - 97% C = 73% - 76%
A- = 90% - 92% C- = 70% - 72%
B+ = 87% - 89% D+ = 67% - 69%
B = 83% - 86% D = 63% - 66%
B- = 80% - 82% D- = 60% - 62%
- Only assignments that count towards the final grade will be listed in Phoenix. Teachers have the option to “hide” non-weighted assignments; however, all teachers will track (either on paper or electronically) student progress on all learning activities.
- Total points will be used for grading assignments. The following categories will be used in Phoenix: Applied Practice, Quizzes and Tests, Writing, Projects and Presentations.
Retakes/Multiple Efforts:
- Students can meet with teacher to discuss retakes/multiple efforts opportunitiesfor process activities (applied practice activities, quizzes, etc.).The purpose of this is for students to demonstrate an understanding of these skills and activities prior to a larger/extended assignment or test.
The student must initiate this process by speaking with the teacher within ONE WEEK of a returned grade that scored a 74% or below. A student will then be asked to fill out a reflection sheet. The grade on the retake will replace the initial grade.
- The only larger/extended assignment that students will have an opportunity to rework is a formal writing assignment. In order for the opportunity to be made available, students must have met all process deadlines for the assignment, must complete a self-reflection form, and must conference with the teacher prior to submitting a rewritten paper. It is the students’ responsibility to initiate this process within ONE week of the assignment’s return. The grade on the rewrite will replace the initial grade.
Late Work:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time, no matter the academic level.See the details below concerning penalties for late work. Please keep in mind that the English department honors the LCPS “50 floor.”However, work assigned, no matter how big or small in terms of points, is considered integral to the overall learning process taking place in that class. Even when a “floor” is reached by a student, (s)he is expected to work with the teacher to complete missing work.
Academic:A 10% reduction will be taken once the assignment is late. Teachers will no longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.Work will be considered late if it is not ready for submission at the bell.
- “Printer problems”/printing are not exceptions to the late-work policy. Students should plan ahead, have plenty of paper and ink, not wait until the night before to print, and have an electronic version in case he/she needs to find a school computer to print the assignment.
If a student is in school but not in class on a day that an assignment is due, he/she is still expected to turn in the assignment.
If a student is attending a school function, he/she is expected to turn in all work before leaving.
If a student is absent on the day that a major assignment is due, he/she is expected to make contact with the teacher to make arrangements for turning in the assignment. (phone or email)
Make Up Work:
It is essential that you stay up-to-date on your work.In the back of the classroom, there is a crate that has folders numbered 1-31. These numbers represent the calendar days in a given month. Any day of the month you are absent, please find your materials in that numbered folder. These materials will also be available on my school website. It is your responsibility to gather and complete make-up work in the event of an absence.
Procedural Notes:
Test Taking Mode / Restroom / Dismissal / Fire DrillTardy / Re-teaching / Technology / Cell Phones
Textbooks / Novels / Supplies / Clean Up
Student’s Name: ______Block # ______
English 10 Academic: British Literature
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Please review this syllabus with your student and return this page to Ms. Blauvelt. I would greatly appreciate the contact information requested below. Be sure to designate if the phone number is a work, home, or cell number.
The syllabus should remain in the front of the student’s English binder. Thank you for your time; I look forward to working with you and your student throughout the year.
I have reviewed this syllabus. I understand and accept the requirements and expectations for this course.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature
Guardian #1: M______
Relationship to Student: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Please check preferred method of contact.
Guardian #2: M______
Relationship to Student: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Please check preferred method of contact.
Is there any additional information you would like me to know about your son/daughter?