Lord Hill Park Owners Association

Lord Hill Park Owners Association



Annual Meeting of Members: Snohomish Fire Station; Tuesday, October 25, 2016

In Attendance: Baldwin (36), Biehl (32), Blaske (71), Britton-Simmons (LHE-6) proxy, Coogan & Dalton (44), Daly (47) proxy, Dawson (12), Deutsch (8) proxy, Edwards (55), Fleury (72), Harvey (51), Henline (53), Hilden (40), Hoffman (5), Howell (33), Kautz (54), Ketchum (73) proxy, Knowlton (63), Liberty (26), McArthur (64), Michael (2), Minderman (79), Mulcahy (35), Ojala, David (61) proxy, Ojala, Peter (7), Olsen (48), Pagon (LHE-B), Pirie (LHE-A), Quam (76), Radebaugh (LHE-5), Schlupp (65), Stewart (21) proxy, Tiede & Nack (23), Van Overbeke (30), Vellema (38) proxy, Walker (66) proxy, Walker (67) proxy, Weeks (37), Wendt (34), Weyer (31).

Ron Schlupp gave proof of notice and quorum (The total members in attendance by person or by proxywas 40 (47%). The required quorum was 17 (20%).

The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM by the President, Garrett Pagon.

The minutes of the previous annual meeting (October 28, 2015) were reviewed. A motion to approve was made, seconded, and adopted unanimously.

The minutes of the previous special meeting (December 1, 2015) were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded, and approved unanimously.

The President gave his annual report of the activities of the Association (attached).

Steve Kautz presented the report of the Road Committee and introduced the other Members: Bill Walker (Chairman), Peter Ojala, Ron Schlupp, and Steve Kautz. Steve reviewed the activities of the previous year. The Road Committee held its annual review of the road system on March 26, 2016. Pursuant to this inspection the Road Committee:

  • Placed additional rock along the road shoulders at 139th and 141st Streets SE.
  • Removed grass and vegetation that was encroaching on the road surface.
  • Sprayed herbicide on vegetation that was infiltrating and damaging the road surface and adopted a policy on vegetation management that was modeled on the King County policy and which allows members to opt out if they elect to control this vegetation by other means.
  • Approved a contract to install a head grate on the culvert at 146th Place to prevent debris from entering and obstructing the culvert.
  • Adopted a plan to seal cracks in the road surface at the culvert crossing on 139th Place and at the entrance to 146th Place.
  • Worked with the Snohomish County PUD to remove trees that were hazardous to our power lines.

Sharon Olson stated that she opposed the use of Roundup to spray vegetation because she felt that it was a dangerous and hazardous substance. She cited various sources and felt that other alternatives should be considered.

Ron Schlupp gave the Treasurer’s report (attached). The Association has $29,268.07 in cash reserves, and there are only three Members who have outstanding dues assessments. All past due balances are being charged interest at the rate of 12% per annum. The Treasurer’s report and budget was approved unanimously.

Ron Schlupp moved that the homeowner’s dues for the 2016-2017 fiscal year be continued at $500.00, and this motion was seconded.

Mr. Henline moved to amend the motion to raise the dues to $600.00. Following a discussion this motion to amend was rejected.

The original motion to set the dues at $500.00 then was adopted by a voice vote.

Barry Biehl will lead a review of the need for incremental increases in the annual dues, and he will report to the membership at the next annual meeting.

Mike Pirie gave a report on Safety and Security. There was considerable interest in Mike’s presentation, and the membership requested that Mike develop a proposal to install a gate and/or a camera system at the east and west entrances to the Association. Mike expects to have this proposal available to review by February 2017. Mike will also provide the membership with information about street lighting, automobile identification stickers, and community locking mailboxes.

Garrett Pagon reported that the Association now has an email alert system in place and that any suspicious activity should be reported to the Board so that it can be shared with the membership. This is not an emergency notification system, and members should contact 911 and/or the appropriate police, fire, or other agency in any emergency.

Chuck McArthur gave a report about the Snohomish County Parks Department’s work on a long-term plan for the Lord Hill Regional Park.

Chuck McArthur moved that the Board be authorized to designate members to participate in the planning process, to attend planning meetings, and to report back to the membership on specific proposals that may be developed by the Parks Department. This motion was seconded and approved.

Peter Ojala presented the report of the Nominating Committee and nominated Ron Schlupp for the first position on our Board of Directors. President Pagon opened the floor to additional nominations and Norm Olson nominated Sharon Olson. A secret ballot was cast and Ron Schlupp was elected by a vote of 32 to 8.

Peter Ojala presented the report of the Nominating Committee and nominated Garrett Pagon for the second position on our Board of Directors. President Pagon opened the floor to additional nominations and Norm Olson nominated Sharon Olson. A secret ballot was cast and Garrett Pagon was elected by a vote of 32 to 7.

Brigitte Dalton reported that Kelly Mulcahy had a crowing rooster that was annoying her, interrupting her sleep, and interfering with her ability to work in her home office. She moved that the Board be instructed to remove this rooster from the neighborhood. Kelly Mulcahy stated that this rooster is kept for breeding in a 4-H project for her child. There was a lively discussion and many members expressed their opinions on the question. Peter Ojala pointed out that the only way for the Board to remove the rooster was to file a suit on behalf of the Association and that this could be quite expensive. The motion failed.

Kelly Mulcahy stated that she felt that the hedge located at the intersection of 141st and 144th was a problem for traffic safety and requested that the Board investigate the matter.

Todd Mindermann reported that Google Maps was directing people to the Lord Hill Regional Park though our Association road system and to a location adjacent to his property. He requested that the Board contact Google to correct this problem.

Nadine VanOverbeke noted that a number of people were parking on the grass adjoining the road way on her property, which is located at the southern intersection of the pipeline and 139th Avenue SE. President Pagon noted that the Association only has an easement to use the roadway and that the individual property owner has title to the land. Therefore members would need the permission of the property owner in order to park on the grass.

There being no other business to come before the Association, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Garrett Pagon


Minutes (AnnualMeeting) 25October16.doc