AUGUST 24, 2016

9:30 A. M.

“Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late”

NOTICE:The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!










#8.Approve modification #1 and #2 to Richland Engineering, Limited, Mansfield in the total amount of $105,631 for engineering services at Airport to provide on-going construction services, construction observations, construction administration and record drawings for rehab taxiway b east. This is a 95% reimbursable grant, local share is $5,281.55


#9.Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)

#10Approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of August 17, 2016

#11Advertise notice to bidders for Courthouse Phase 1 site development package. Estimated cost of phase 1 project is $370,000. Notice to be in Chronicle Telegram on August 29 & September 5. Mandatory pre-bid meeting at 9 am on September 6 at site and open at 2 pm on September 15.

Community Development:

#12Award contract to Coldwater Consulting, LLC in amount of $234,300 for consultant services for Clinton Avenue Ditch, Elyria Township east of Lake Avenue. OHEPA has awarded $295,000 for said project and will be paid from Acct#storm water con serv/prof serv

#13Award contract to Infinity Paving Company, Northfield Center, Ohio in amount of $31,375, which includes a contingency for North Ridgeville ADA walkway Phase 2 project. 2 bids were received on April 22 this being the most responsive complying with specifications; Issue Notice to proceed on or before August 25 and complete on or before October 31; Authorize Administrator to notify Auditor to release retainage at completion of project.

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Board agenda cont. 08/24/16

#14Award contract to Concrete & More, Inc., Avon Lake in amount of $4,400 which includes contingencies for any unforeseen change orders for Sally Zimmerman, 241 Moorewood, Avon Lake to receive grant assistance for storm/sanitary lateral separation to be paid from Acct#ohio housing trust fund

Job & Family Services:

#15Authorize purchase of service agreement with El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc., Lorain for business English and work experience program for TANF participants for FFY17 in amount of $26,234.29, effective October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

#16Authorize various purchase of service agreements for Title XX social service block grant funded services for FFY17 effective October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

1)Lorain County Children & Family Council to provide case management in amount of $78,002.78

2)Neighborhood Alliance, Elyria for emergency shelter services in amount of $50,000

#17Amend Res#16-255, adopted April 27, 2016 authorizing Purchase of Service agreement with Boys & Girls Club for summer camp for low income children using TANF funds, effective July 1, 2016 – August 12, 2016. Amendment is to reflect an increase of $102,375 for 500 campers, contract amount of $511,875; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

#18Amend Res#16-276, adopted May 4, 2016 authorizing Purchase of Service agreement with Common Ground – The Cindy Nord Center for Renewal, Oberlin for summer camp for low income children using TANF funds, effective June 20, 2016-July 29, 2016. Amendment is to reflect a decrease in amount of $19,000, contract amount of $14,000 for a decrease of 50 campers; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

#19.Authorize purchase of service agreement with Common Ground, Oberlin in amount of $163,137 to provide personal development training classes to TANF and FAET recipients in FFY17, effective October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

BMr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator

C.Mr. Gerald Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor:

D.Commissioner’s Report:

EClerk’s Report:

F.Board Correspondence:

#1.September 24 from 8-11 am, Bur Oak Metro Parks, 11th annual 5k/1 mile walk sponsored by Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services. Register on line at

#2.September 1 from 11 am – 3 pm, Lorain County employees blood drive ?’s call 440-329-5243

#3.Publications: “Ohio Turnpike-Customer Connection”; “Murray Ridge Courier”; “Counties Count”; “CCAO statehouse reports”; “

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Board agenda cont. 08/24/16

#4.August 25 at 4:30 pm, Mental Health will meet at 1165 N. Ridge Rd., East, Lorain

#5.Office of Community Dev completed its review of 69 PY16 set aside application totaling $21,908,000 and only $11,633,900 was awarded for neighborhood revitalization, downtown revitalization and criticalinfrastructure projects. Lorain County’s downtown revitalization project did not rank high enough (cc: LCCDD)

#6.NOACA 2016 Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative program was awarded to Lorain County Lakefront connectivity plan and Lorain County Transit redevelopment plan

GPublic Comment: (Please limit comments to 3 minutes Thank-you)

Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Sat. at Noon & Mon. at 11p.m. and subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at (440) 326-4868

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