Class- Ladybirds (Reception)
Teacher- Miss Taylor
Topic Literacy-
- looking at pirate related stories
- writing diaries-a day in the life of a pirate
- making a wanted poster a for naughty pirate
- filling in a job application form to become a pirate
- looking at non-fiction books and helping to complete a pirate glossary
- looking at coordinates on a treasure island map
- using directional language and instructions to move a Bee-bot around a treasure island
- looking at coins; recognising, ordering and adding them together
- estimating the amount of coinsfound in a treasure chest
Drivers / Spirituality / Our place in the world / Learning to learn / Wow moments
In our spiritual development we will:
- listen to others
- take part in discussions that will help further our learning
- look closely at similarities and differencesbetween types pirate ships
- look at how life is different for different people
- manage distractions and always try our hardest
A visit from a pirate!
Outdoor PE with Mr Kiely!
A pirate dress up day to finish the topic!
Prime Areas
Making Relationships / Self Confidence & Self Awareness / Managing Feelings & Behaviour
As members of Ladybird Class we are learning to:
- take into account others ideas when playing
- work in our house groups to help earn as many raffle tickets as possible
- say why we like some things more than others
- know when we need to ask for help
- talk about how different people show feelings
- behave appropriately in a range of different situations
Physical Development / Communication & Language
Moving & Handling / Health & Self Care / Listening & Attention / Understanding / Speaking
As active children we are learning to:
- move confidently in a range of different ways when taking part in our new wake and shake dance
- complete a range of different multi skill activities when taking part in outdoor PE with Mr Kiely
- think about why pirates would need to stay fit and healthy when sailing the deep blue seas
- change quickly and independently for outdoor PE
- listen carefully toa range of different stories about pirates and learn about what pirates do
- understand the role of pirates
- follow directional based instructions
- recite a poem to others using a loud, clear voice
Specific Areas
Understanding the World / Expressive Arts and Design
People & Communities / The World / Technology / Exploring & Using Media and Materials / Being Imaginative
As members of the world community we are learning to:
- think about the past and learn about famous pirates and pirate ships
- find out about different islands and locate them on a map
- understand how ships float
- use instructional language to make a Bee-bot move around a treasure island
- mix different colours to create a desired effect- a stormy sea
- use a range of resources to build a 3D treasure chest and a parrot
- think carefully about what we would want to see outside of a porthole